wellendowed1911's Avatar
You need to get the fuck out of the USA. You dont desreve to live here. Originally Posted by rodog44
You need to get the fuck off this planet- you not worth the dirt I walk on- you one sided American propaganda war loving POS. You probably to this day believe George Bush when he told Americans that he wanted to liberate the Iraq people LMFAO!!!!
What kind of a man occupies our presidency ?

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

what kind of a man ?

have to go back to his "mentor"

rodog44's Avatar
You need to get the fuck off this planet- you not worth the dirt I walk on- you one sided American propaganda war loving POS. You probably to this day believe George Bush when he told Americans that he wanted to liberate the Iraq people LMFAO!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Unlike your beloved Taliban, the US military does not purposely target innoncent civilians for the sole purpose of creating fear among civilians?

But the terrorists Taliban do - against their fellow countrymen.

Your "freedom fighters " prohibit women from getting an education, stone adulterer, and engage in other acts of cruelty. The released priosoners are wanted by the UN for war crimes...but in your sick mind they are patriotic freedom fighters and the US military are the terrorists.

Go fuck yourself and your anti -American dogma. ....

Do you think Obama would be embarrassed to call you his comrade? I don't think so.
We should have traded Obama for Bergdahl.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Oh by the way WW did you make an outrage in the 80's when your beloved Ronald Reagan and Colonel Oliver North traded strategic weapons to the Iranians for exchange of hostages? It was the same Iranians who took 53 American hostages and were responsible directly or indirectly for like 99 percent of terrorist attacks against the U.S in the 80's. Also, the beloved Reagan admistration that openly supported Saddam in his war against the Iran but secretly was supply the enemy? What Reagan did in the 80's would be the equivalent to the U.S directly selling weapons to Al-Queada. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Since you brought up Reagan and his "Arms for hostages" deal, maybe you can answer a few questions.

1. Can you tell me the NAMES of any TERRORISTS Reagan released? Because I can name the five Obama released.

2. If it was "against the law" to sell arms, strategic or non - strategic to Iran, and the Dems held hearings to investigate that, do you know when the Dems will hold hearings into Obama breaking the law that required him to notify Congress before releasing GITMO detainees?? Unless you are going to admit the Dems are hypocrits and don't care if a Democrat Perez breaks the law??

3. Since Obama supporters keep trotting out the excuse that Obama is NOT to blame because there is no evidence he gave direct orders to do something, like the IRS targeting, then you have evidence that Ronnie directly ordered the "Arms for Hostages" thing right? Otherwise, according to Democrat rules, a President isn't guilty of anything he didn't directly and personally order, right?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WE, I haven't seen you post for awhile. Did something happen? I mean, you are making sense. I don't agree with all your points, and I would have worded them differently, but you make some solid arguments.


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What Reagan did was sell munitions that had already been purchased by the Shah to the Ayatollah. Obsolete munitions that they already owned in return for money and hostage's freedom after Colonel Higgins was murdered. These weapons could be counteracted by our more modern weapons. We did not give them the ships that the Shah had purchased as they were designed for use in the Persian Gulf area with more air conditioning plants on board. The "Kidd" class destroyers were decommissioned by Bill Clinton.

Reagan did not release any terrorists.

Ahh, the OP, the welcome home party was cancelled.
Wellendowed's idea of freedom fighters doing their patriotic thing:

The group rose out of the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. A 30-year-old man named Muhammad Yusuf, who blamed British pedagogy for all the country’s problems, founded the group that would become Boko Haram in northern Nigeria. According to Mathieu Guidere, a professor of Islamic studies at the University of Toulouse, the young leader introduced a Taliban-inspired model of teaching that rejected Darwin, among other thinkers, in favor of so-called Koranic sciences. The schools lured the unemployed, the impoverished, the students who had flunked out of government universities.
As the months and years passed, the number killed by Boko Haram rose inexorably:
  • May 2011: two bombs, 15 killed.
  • August 2011: suicide bombing, 21 dead.
  • January 2012: church bombings, 185 dead.

Explain the ideological and tactical difference between the Taliban and Boko Haram................
We should have traded Obama for Bergdahl. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlaway is Joe Biden's eccie handle.
LexusLover's Avatar
We should have traded Obama for Bergdahl. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Can't trade unless the other side were to agree to accept him.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Since you brought up Reagan and his "Arms for hostages" deal, maybe you can answer a few questions.

1. Can you tell me the NAMES of any TERRORISTS Reagan released? Because I can name the five Obama released.

2. If it was "against the law" to sell arms, strategic or non - strategic to Iran, and the Dems held hearings to investigate that, do you know when the Dems will hold hearings into Obama breaking the law that required him to notify Congress before releasing GITMO detainees?? Unless you are going to admit the Dems are hypocrits and don't care if a Democrat Perez breaks the law??

3. Since Obama supporters keep trotting out the excuse that Obama is NOT to blame because there is no evidence he gave direct orders to do something, like the IRS targeting, then you have evidence that Ronnie directly ordered the "Arms for Hostages" thing right? Otherwise, according to Democrat rules, a President isn't guilty of anything he didn't directly and personally order, right? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
You filthy lying GOP POS: 1) I didn't say Reagan released terrorist I said he exchanged arms(weapons) for hostages- remember the contra rebels of Nicaragua? At that time Iran was public enemy #1 the Iranians burned American flags in the streets of Teheran and the Iranian govt supported terrorist like Hezbollah and had their fingerprint on nearly every terrorist attack during that decade, but Reagan thought it would be a good idea to sell them weapons to use against the Iraqis whom we were openly supporting. And you wonder why Saddam didn't trust the U.S???

Points 2 and 3 are just more of your bullshit smokescreen to otherwise admit the obvious. So again I ask you- was it ok for the U.S during the Reagan years to sell weapons to the Iranians- who just a decade earlier stormed the U.S embassy and held them hostage for well over a year?
lustylad's Avatar
So again I ask you- was it ok for the U.S during the Reagan years to sell weapons to the Iranians- who just a decade earlier stormed the U.S embassy and held them hostage for well over a year? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911


You do realize this is a race to the bottom argument - let's not criticize Obama because Reagan did something stupid 30 years ago? Taken to the extreme, it means no President is held accountable...

wellendowed1911's Avatar
What Reagan did was sell munitions that had already been purchased by the Shah to the Ayatollah. Obsolete munitions that they already owned in return for money and hostage's freedom after Colonel Higgins was murdered. These weapons could be counteracted by our more modern weapons. We did not give them the ships that the Shah had purchased as they were designed for use in the Persian Gulf area with more air conditioning plants on board. The "Kidd" class destroyers were decommissioned by Bill Clinton.

Reagan did not release any terrorists.

Ahh, the OP, the welcome home party was cancelled. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are a liar- tell the Iraqis that the weapons the U.S shipped to Iran were obsolete munitions!! United States shipped Iran 2,004 TOW anti-tank missiles, 120 Hawk anti-aircraft missiles and various missile spare parts.
So that's potentially 2004 Iraqi tanks destroyed and 120 Iraqi jet fighters potentially shot down and you are telling me that those weapons sales didn't make a significant impact in the Iran-Iraq war?