The "American Courtesans" site is now live and our faces are on the internet!

I am impressed by your courage and confidence.
I had the pleasure of taking part in this film:

Yes, it does seem to focus on those bad experiences.

However, let me ask the ladies who partook in the film. HOW do you think your clients will feel after viewing the film and seeing/hearing you expose such horrible experiences you went through??

Do you feel they will want to return and visit with you and be able to do so w/o now having on their mind, your bad experiences from your past life??

No horrible experiences or abuse for me, most of my longest clients already know my story. Not everyone has a blemish free life, so I feel like if some ladies did have a rough time earlier in their life they shouldn't feel the need to hide it if that is what helped them become the woman they are today.

There are women can choose to make their escort persona error free and emulate perfection, but any mature man know that a every woman has her stories- whether the ladies want to divulge them or not is up to her.

This film while informative can also be a way to push men away in this adult lifestyle.

As with any topic, the more you expose participants of the the truth behind any subject they may shy away from the truth.

I think it would do a severe disservice to women in the industry if we were portrayed as nothing more than preppy hyped up sex bunnies 24/7 just to appease a certain viewers.

I saw the clips, so this is just my POV.
I personally would love to hear from the men, how this film might affect them emotionally/mentally while partaking in this adult lifestyle and or with perhaps those same women in that film.

One of my long time regs actually volunteered his place for this project and if anything he was amazed about the strength of this woman and that they were brave enough to tell their stories. I think he sat in on two of the ladies reviews and had an interview himself. There was not a trace of disgust or shame for them, if anything it helped him understand escorts more, that we aren't just sexual objects we are people as well.

I think the trailer only shows one aspect of the documentary I am very excited to see the full interviews .
Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I had the pleasure of taking part in this film: Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

Your a star sexy! Congrats!

Provider of Day SkylarCruzWantsYou In a Pair of Spandex Pants.... Send Private


Congrats Kristen !

Clouddancer's Avatar
Well done Kristen!
I look forward to seeing the final product.
This looks to be an important and fascinating film.
I just took a look at it. I applaud you all for being brave and doing the film. In the trailer however you see a couple of the gals interviewed crying and talking about being raped, and being on the street, and one talking about "free basing" so it gives that grimy feel at first glance that this is going to be the same stereotypical type film/documentary about women in the sex industry being forced, or doing drugs, having been taken in by the street prostitutes, etc. I guess they feel they need to trailer it that way to grab attention from the public.

When it comes out is it going to be in the theaters across the country, or is this going to be an HBO/SHO type documentary?

I will watch it once it comes out. Thanks again for sharing!
I had the pleasure of taking part in this film:
As with any topic, the more you expose participants of the the truth behind any subject they may shy away from the truth.

I think it would do a severe disservice to women in the industry if we were portrayed as nothing more than preppy hyped up sex bunnies 24/7 just to appease a certain viewers.
Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
This I absolutely agree with, I look at the show Cathouse and other type HBO/SHO series, and they give a false impression that these women are sex machines on 24/7. Who are happy all the time, and seem to have no real problems. The men who run these Nevada Brothels don't want to show the negative sides and how there are downsides to the business, including them nickel and diming a lady to death and making her stay on premises 24/7 via contract.

As with all professions there are some downsides, and when I worked as a professional at a big company many years ago there were many women as well as men who had their psychological issues from the pressures of the job and some did drugs to keep up with the work demand. I knew nurses who were hooked on drugs (kinda your Nurse Jackie types), and Loan officers, police officers, and Wallstreet types who had nervous breakdowns from their pressure cooker jobs.

But in the sex trade industry the folks who are against it will harp on these negatives and not acknowledge that these type issues are not just indicative of the sex trade business. It's everywhere in every profession.

The women in the sex trade business are human beings who are fallible like anyone else and make mistakes like anyone else in the world.
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
I so agree with you Sensia. Some of the women have never had a bad experience, but there are a few of us that have been Sex Workers for decades, and it's really a numbers thing. You have to be lucky all the time, they only have to be lucky once. And after a life in this industry, most of us can attest that we have hit some difficult situations. Even if it's even having the loss of the love of a family member or the seclusion from the outside world due to intolerance. But in the film we represent a cross section of life. We come from different cities. We started at different ages, and we are from a diverse socio-economic background. We are all clear about the fact that this is our choice and we are all clear that we are doing it for different reasons, however for me and so many of the ladies it was such a cathartic experience. We were just ourselves... And the one thing that I know, is if your yourself.... no one can tell you your doing it wrong. We each also only speak of our own experiences. The good and the bad. One thing that I think you will see as a common thread is that with the internet and communication, the women who have come into this profession in the last 10 years, have had a bit of a decrease in violence due to communication. However I do believe that is offset by our access on the net.

In the film there is a healthy cross section of our client base represented. Some very brave men stepped forward and told their stories. What first brought them to our door. What they found when they got there and the costs they have paid as a result. They also spoke of what they had gained and just how much us providers had enriched their lives. I can't tell you just how amazing some of these men were. More than once I found myself in tears simply by what they were willing to do and say, and how highly some of them speak of us.

We had a parent, four grown children, a sister, and three husbands (some of the women are retired) also interviewed. This is a true documentary. Simply to document that we are real.
Kristen, I did see several of the clips and I am interested to see the film when it is released. Do you know when that will be? I can see that this will likely be an arthouse type of film so getting to a theater where it plays might be a chore.

I have had the good fortune to meet one of the ladies in the film (not as a client, at least not yet). I will be particularly interested to see her interview.
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
We are still in edit and working out the distribution thing. We have had one offer. But I want to submit it to Sundance. Doesn't mean it will be accepted, but we are starting there. We have had at least 6 invites to film festivals, once again I think placement is best thought out. These women and men have risked so much I feel a duty to make sure their voices are heard in the best manner. However, I can tell you that the photography is so amazing. We had a slamming DP and the editor, director, composer were stellar. And...they say that the thing that separates the men from the boys is the sound, and I do think that Eric brought it. The sound and the sound mix (he did both) is chilling. And...the music is done by a composer out of Seattle who is great. I know I keep going on and on, but each part of the film is so stellar, to me it is not just a passion, but a work of art! (I hate those boring docs where you find yourself shifting in your seat ever two minutes). There is no way that will happen with this, we're quite the bunch!
I had been following the progress of the documentary on Kristen's website and waiting for the trailer. Each lady has a fascinating tale starting with Kristen. Who could imagine that someone would expose her life like this and take the risks Kristen and the others have? I was stunned and had to read the bios over and over to take in what is there. I have always wanted to know what the ladies I saw were like behind the curtin and it looks like this may do it. Reading and listening to the trailer you get a clue of what we may see in the full film. One other thing read about the crew Kristen put together they are pros of the highest order.
This looks like it may be a really powerful film. Go the the website watch the trailer and read every word. It will capture you and hold you.
I think I have heard a story from every woman I have been out with. One Lil Miss had me convinced she had a 5 year old daughter. Even went so far as let me take them out to dinner. I just can't get all stoked up over a movie of stories.
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
OMG... our first press release went up - Right after "Dark Knight Rises" - Really! Steve Gustafson, interviewed me for, during AVN. 411mania is a main stream internet magazine. He has been such a big supporter of this project. Take a moment and check it out. His column is called "The Big Screen Bulletin"... Right on Steve, you rock. All of us in the film want to thank you for your support.!.htm
I am so excited about this movie. I cannot wait to see it. All of you who helped make it - you rock in my book. Thanks so much for telling your stories and putting your lives out there for more people to learn.
I'm excited and have waited for a film like this...until now it was "Atlantic City Hookers" and Hunts Point series we had to watch.
LovingKayla's Avatar
If Ze is willing to share her story, it's WORTH the interview. She has one of the most amazing stories I've ever seen in the hobby.