the Annual How are the Cowboys Going to do This Year? Thread

dallasfan's Avatar
The signing of Brandon Marshall spells the beginning of the end for the giants. Only a matter of time before the giants trade for jay cutler. Lol
  • grean
  • 09-11-2017, 07:14 AM
Eli is tanking.

I don't even think with beckham they could have won.

I think Elliot made it MUCH easier but I think we could have done it ,even if he were benched and the giants had beckham.

Our defense turned the giant's OL into bitches.

Our OL is awesome!

New York can suck it!
  • grean
  • 09-11-2017, 07:22 AM
every year I make a prediction right before game one.. last year I woefully underestimated their eventual success. with Zeke seemingly on board for the whole season (?), here is my take.


a small downturn from last year.


Cowboys 23

Giants 20 Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I say 13 - 3 first round bye in playoffs.
[QUOTE=grean;1059956053]Eli is tanking......QUOTE]


This constant idiotic garbage that's been blathered by the East Coast Media claiming Eli is a first ballot HOFer (becuz of his 2 SB wins over Brady) has him feeling guilty.

Deep down inside, Eli knows he's undeserving of such respect & honor. Tanking is the only way he knows of to keep his sorry ass outa The Hall.

As long as Jerry and his puppet are running the team they won't win another super bowl. They might make it to the playoffs but they'll choke again like the normally do.
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 09-11-2017, 06:40 PM
that was sad...really sad.

The Oline is the issue for the Giants and has been for a few years...even a 1st round draft pick sucks on the Oline.

Stephen has definitely right the ship for the cowboys with the Oline first.
[QUOTE=NYr;1059958883]that was sad...really sad.

The O-line is the issue for the Giants and has been for a few years...even a 1st round draft pick sucks on the O-line. QUOTE]

What'll really make ya sad is that the Giants actually had La'el Collins (LSU) pegged as a potential draft choice in the first round for the 2015 NFL draft until his name was pulled (by his agent) a day or so prior (because of being under investigation / murder of a former girlfriend....remember that one?) Here's how it all domino'd.......

The Skins selected Brandon Scherff (OT / Iowa) with the 1 / 5 pick and (with Collins being in "flux") Miami's Erek Flowers fell to the Giants with the 1 / 9 pick. Once the police investigation cleared Collins a week+ later, he signed as a Free Agent with the Cowboys.
Woo Hoo!

Hoping to groom a backup (and eventual starting) swing tackle, Dallas also drafted Florida Gators OT, Chaz Greene, with the 3 / 91 pick that same draft. With the departure of starting guard, Ron Leary, in free agency (to Denver) and retirement of OT, Doug Free, both Collins and Greene have taken their spots on Dallas' O-Line.

But guys got that emotional wreck, OBJ! He can protect Eli's blindside, right? So smile, is good.

  • grean
  • 09-13-2017, 01:20 PM
As long as Jerry and his puppet are running the team they won't win another super bowl. They might make it to the playoffs but they'll choke again like the normally do. Originally Posted by Biff Biffington
Not true. We have a good QB now. Superbowl is definitely in the picture.

Our defense needs a tad bit of work but what team doesn't. Our OL is amazing. Even if we lose Elliot for a few games, we'll be Ok. I would like to see the suspension happen earlier than later if it's going to happen at all, though.
[QUOTE=grean;1059966023]We have a good QB now......our OL is amazing.... we'll be Ok. QUOTE]

And should we need a sub on the O-line for whatever reason, Dallas' former backup QB and current head coach knows how to protect the Blind Side from oncoming traffic.

Chung Tran's Avatar
and Dak? yes, I have a sneaking feeling he will lose some of his edge.. Sophomore slump, if you like.. which means Zeke needs to lead the league in rushing again, if 10-6 is viable.. I hope I'm wrong about Dak, he certainly surprised me last season. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think I was right about Dak, 3 1/2 months ago.. it was more difficult for him, with Zeke out 6 games, and the OL weaker than last year.. but he made some poor throws tonight, and in many games.. and fewer 20+ yard pass plays this season than almost any QB in both leagues. of course, in my opinion, Dak, Zeke, Dez, Beasley, and Witten ALL had worse seasons than a year ago.
pyramider's Avatar
Dak is dependent on all the others around him starting with the O line. I thinck Collins will get better but the left guard has been a weak point all season. In addition, Smith is getting very old very quickly due to injury.

Dez is Dez ... over rated and over paid. He cannot learn all the route trees so they cannot move him around to create mismatches. Plus, he cannot get separation making the windows for Dak to throw very small.

Terrence Williams is a waste of a roster spot and salary cap.

Beasly is just a low rent Wes Welker. Nothing special.

Zeke is a special running back. However, he needs to grow up quickly and get serious if he wants to do something in the NFL. I have never liked the cowbitches but the NFL's kangaroo court on player discipline needs to be revisited by the owners. The NFL spent a lot of time and money going after Brady and Elliott without coming up with anything beyond circumstantial evidence. People thinck the American judicial system is one sided should look at the NFL. By comparison, the American judicial system is a lot more fair.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Wow that was PAINFUL, Fire GARRETT, and BRYANT overpaid morons , Start new next year ( bad play calling , Dez yup he will tell you how great he is )
Anybody see this?

Earl Thomas wants to be a Cowboy...he’s pretty sure the Seachickens will cut him. Really odd to do this now when they have a chance for the
Prolongus, I'm wondering if with the new tax bill, a lot of pro-athletes will be making the jump to states without a state income tax?
CG2014's Avatar
As long as Jerry and his puppet are running the team they won't win another super bowl. They might make it to the playoffs but they'll choke again like the normally do. Originally Posted by Biff Biffington
Truer words have never been spoken!

Jerry and his cronies also need to get off their high horses and stop calling themselves America's team or whatever the fuck they call themselves!

They stopped being America's team decades ago!

When you give yourself an inflated sense of worth, you will never attempt to be better and do better and you will always be mediocre.