Four Pinocchio's is the "Whopper of All Lies"....according to the WAPO rating system.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Keep up the good work Whirly.
Thanks AU and CM; you might want to check out this Cheney video, he knows what everyone else knows (yourselves excluded).............Obama lied !
"If they told the truth about Benghazi that it was a terrorist attack by an al Qaeda-affiliated group, it would have destroyed the false image of competence that was the basis of his campaign for re-election. They lied.”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/14/ch...#ixzz2THt7AkL6
http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/14/ch...ey-lied-video/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway

If anyone would know lies he has a PHD in it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK. let's be frank here. Whirlytard -- is this issue, lie or not, a breach of national security? Is it a breach of any provision of the fucking constitution? Is it a violation of any law written by this great nation?


Ohhhh.... that's right! FOUR PEOPLE DIED WHEN OBAMA LIED. Doesn't quite have the same ring to it as all of the Bush slogans, does it?

You are an attention starved retard. I suggest you get OFF public assistance before biting the hand that feeds you again!

Fucking dipshit!
I am making progress; you don't dispute that Obama lied.................

Feel free to try to make me the issue; it makes you look dumb.
Here is what he said; it is clear he labeled it a scandal.............. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Read his statement again, moron. And this time, try to use more than two brain cells simultaneously.

Here it is:

Insisting that Obama's failure to immediately label Benghazi a "terrorist act" is somehow a scandal IS strained. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Got that? It's quite clear that he did not label this a scandal. In fact, he said pretty much the opposite in a qualified manner.

Think back to this moment before ever again hectoring anyone on what you stupidly perceive to be his inability to read and comprehend.

In fact, you would do well to remember that it's rarely a good idea for dim bulbs to go around habitually and continually insulting people's intelligence. That tends to backfire.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-14-2013, 02:32 PM
let the idiots have their pound of flesh, they're gnawing on their own carc-ass and don't know it.
Dummy; he claimed I called it a scandal................I did not !

I called it a lie...........................

You are more dense than a Bodark stump !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-14-2013, 02:58 PM
he called it an act of terror LIVE on camera and the idiots still try and spin it ...
Dummy; he claimed I called it a scandal................I did not !

I called it a lie...........................

You are more dense than a Bodark stump ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

What he said is that you have a thirst for scandal. Isn't it obvious that you do? You claimed that he called it a scandal. Are you incapable of understanding even the simplest things?

And by the way, in other than redneck circles that's generally spelled bois d'arc.

But by all means go ahead and keep bumping this thread. It's the best one you've started yet.

It stands as a wonderful monument to Whirlaway's stupidity!
That is French for shoot the arrow.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-14-2013, 03:29 PM
That is French for shoot the arrow. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

that's French for catch the arrow with your chest cavity
NiceGuy53's Avatar
he called it an act of terror LIVE on camera and the idiots still try and spin it ... Originally Posted by CJ7
Did you even bother to read the link in Post #1 of this thread which debunks your own spin of what he said. And why was Obama and other members of his administration still reciting the stupid video lie for several weeks after the attacks?
You are the one who called it a scandal you idiot..................I repeated your own words back to you...............

I called it a "LIE"............

You obviously don't know how to read...................much less interpret and critically analyze. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You started THREE threads on the board today in which you talk about Obama "scandals" - right in the thread title. I don't care if you used the work "lie" in the title of this thread. I am NOT limiting my comments to this thread.

You don't get to pick and choose when you think "scandal" applies.

You are obsessed with turning everything that goes wrong in the world into an Obama "scandal". Repetition doesn't make it so, Mr. Goebbels.

BTW, where did I "insist Obama was behind the IRS" profiling..............he may or may not be, time will tell,,,but he definitely green lighted the IRS profiling actions...his words, his comments, his war on the Tea Party and conservative Americans.....we had his own DHS telling Americans to be afraid of patriotic groups because they represented a bigger terrorist threat than Islam.

If you had any balls, you would provide a link to support your stupid claim...again, you can't read, you can't analyze....................you are a dummy. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Want a link? I'll give you a direct quote, dope:

"BTW, where did I "insist Obama was behind the IRS" profiling..............he may or may not be, time will tell,,,but he definitely green lighted the IRS profiling actions...his words, his comments, his war on the Tea Party and conservative Americans.....we had his own DHS telling Americans to be afraid of patriotic groups because they represented a bigger terrorist threat than Islam." (see above)

So, let me see if I get this straight: you never insisted he was "behind the IRS profiling", HOWEVER, he " definitely green lighted the IRS profiling action". Is that your position?

In other words, you ARE insisting he was behind the IRS profiling, you just don't want to admit it in those exact words, is that it?

How's that for "balls". Are they too big for you to get in your mouth, Whirlagay?

Here is another "link" - a quote from your stupid "Obama Scandals" poll thread:

"Damn if I can name the top scandal; but I am thinking it will turn out to be the IRS profiling of Conservative Americans....Obama won't profile Muslim terrorists, but he'll unleash the hell hounds on patriotic American citizens !"

So, you accuse Obama of "unleashing" the IRS on patriotic American citizens, but you are denying that you insisted that Obama was "behind the IRS profiling". Does that correctly summarize your Big Lie?
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  • CJ7
  • 05-14-2013, 04:25 PM