The Obama/Holder war on white people.

in this upside down world of liberalism and their footmen, the mainstream news media, where good and right and truth is deemed wrong and is always attacked by fogs of lies and false cries of mistreatment despite their leaders knowledge of the truth, these people just don't care

truth has been sacrificed on the alter of destruction and winning at all costs

instead of the taking up the mantra built on a lie of "hands up, don't shoot", it should be "pants up, don't loot"

"fixing the police" by cowing them with body cameras reminds me of an old cartoon where the mice finally belled the cat and thereafter the mice could rampage the house at will because the bell placed around the cat's neck forewarned them

I'm not opposed to body camera's on police if the individual policeman can turn it off and on as needed

instead of body cameras on police we need cameras in high crime areas and also body cameras should be ordered on any felons on probation and as a continuing part of the sentence for those released from prison. any removal or alteration of their 24/7 body camera, video or audio, should be a felony itself in addition to a breaking of their previous probation or release conditions.

Based on the 80/20 rule of thumb, I’d think that 80 percent of the people in high crime areas are good people, held hostage and in constant fear by welfare recipient cheats, thugs, criminals, leftist destroyers, race pimps and gang members. Fortunately with the witness protection afforded by a grand jury process these good people came forward to tell the truth. In open court, they may well have been too intimidated by the criminals and liars. truth is always under assault by Obama on down to his lesser imitation, dorian johnson , "snitches get stitches" they say. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Had Wilson been wearing a camera there would never had been a grand jury or relying on witnesses.
Had Wilson been wearing a camera there would never had been a grand jury or relying on witnesses. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I agree totally

I would think police would welcome the aid of cameras, it would most likely cut down, not just on thug lying but also attempts at crime to start with

What I wouldn't want is no way to turn off the body camera by the individual policeman, where every word, phone call to his wife, banter, or banality can be dissected, hind-sighted, twisted or purposely misconstrued by al sharpton or a scruple less attorney.

These people make their bones by turning superfluousness into issues for idiots

Cops are people too.

Now a camera on Obama, and each senator and congressman, unturnoffable, that has merit
boardman's Avatar

Be careful what you wish for...
No mother should fear for her son's life while he's robbing a store or selling un-taxed contraband. What kind of lawless society do we live in? Decent people who fear this chaos should move to Sierra Leone or Liberia.
74comet's Avatar
Guess I am gonna get flamed for these remarks, but what the hell.
Obama's "transparent administration" is only transparent in his lopsided support for African Americans. What I mean by that is supported by two major actions or lack there of.

Last Sunday an innocent man by the name of Zemir Begic was beaten, with hammers, to death by four youths/thugs in St. Louis. Yes these suspects are of an ethnic background that is not the same as Zemir Begic. Where is Rev. Al, Jesse Jackson, Atty General Holder and Pres Obama in this racist attack. The answer is nowhere to be seen. If they want to promote healing between all races they cannot just take one side then disappear when it doesn't fit their agenda.

Secondly, When Margaret Thatcher passed away who did the White House send to the service for the country that is our greatest and most loyal ally? Not one single senior member of the administration attended the services!!! (By the way the WH sent a delegation to Hugo Chavez's services). However the White House has the time and concern to send three aids to the funeral of Michael Brown. How on God's little green earth is this promoting the mending of racial tensions???

I truly believe that the likes of Sharpton, Jackson and Obama have done more to damage racial harmony than any other three stooges. Poor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave seeing what he had worked so hard for, and his giving the ultimate sacrifice, now being undone by so few.

Am I a racist.....probably because I despise all idiots- - black, brown, white, yellow, polka dotted. It doesn't matter what their ethnicity is I am anti idiots.
boardman's Avatar
I truly believe that the likes of Sharpton, Jackson and Obama have done more to damage racial harmony than any other three stooges. Poor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave seeing what he had worked so hard for, and his giving the ultimate sacrifice, now being undone by so few.
Originally Posted by 74comet
No flames here. I've been saying this for a while now.
As long as there is something to be gained from preventing racial harmony it will continue.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ignorant fuck.

Yssup you are one ignorant sob. You simply hate for the sake of hating. You call me ignorant....?
How about yourself ?
You would know the truth if it ripped that cock out of your ass ! Originally Posted by rioseco

Just couldn't help yourself, could you riosicko?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Guess I am gonna get flamed for these remarks, but what the hell.
Obama's "transparent administration" is only transparent in his lopsided support for African Americans. What I mean by that is supported by two major actions or lack there of.

Last Sunday an innocent man by the name of Zemir Begic was beaten, with hammers, to death by four youths/thugs in St. Louis. Yes these suspects are of an ethnic background that is not the same as Zemir Begic. Where is Rev. Al, Jesse Jackson, Atty General Holder and Pres Obama in this racist attack. The answer is nowhere to be seen. If they want to promote healing between all races they cannot just take one side then disappear when it doesn't fit their agenda.

Secondly, When Margaret Thatcher passed away who did the White House send to the service for the country that is our greatest and most loyal ally? Not one single senior member of the administration attended the services!!! (By the way the WH sent a delegation to Hugo Chavez's services). However the White House has the time and concern to send three aids to the funeral of Michael Brown. How on God's little green earth is this promoting the mending of racial tensions???

I truly believe that the likes of Sharpton, Jackson and Obama have done more to damage racial harmony than any other three stooges. Poor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave seeing what he had worked so hard for, and his giving the ultimate sacrifice, now being undone by so few.

Am I a racist.....probably because I despise all idiots- - black, brown, white, yellow, polka dotted. It doesn't matter what their ethnicity is I am anti idiots. Originally Posted by 74comet
rioseco's Avatar
Guess I am gonna get flamed for these remarks, but what the hell.
Obama's "transparent administration" is only transparent in his lopsided support for African Americans. What I mean by that is supported by two major actions or lack there of.

Last Sunday an innocent man by the name of Zemir Begic was beaten, with hammers, to death by four youths/thugs in St. Louis. Yes these suspects are of an ethnic background that is not the same as Zemir Begic. Where is Rev. Al, Jesse Jackson, Atty General Holder and Pres Obama in this racist attack. The answer is nowhere to be seen. If they want to promote healing between all races they cannot just take one side then disappear when it doesn't fit their agenda.

Secondly, When Margaret Thatcher passed away who did the White House send to the service for the country that is our greatest and most loyal ally? Not one single senior member of the administration attended the services!!! (By the way the WH sent a delegation to Hugo Chavez's services). However the White House has the time and concern to send three aids to the funeral of Michael Brown. How on God's little green earth is this promoting the mending of racial tensions???

I truly believe that the likes of Sharpton, Jackson and Obama have done more to damage racial harmony than any other three stooges. Poor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave seeing what he had worked so hard for, and his giving the ultimate sacrifice, now being undone by so few.

Am I a racist.....probably because I despise all idiots- - black, brown, white, yellow, polka dotted. It doesn't matter what their ethnicity is I am anti idiots. Originally Posted by 74comet
Im not so sure it is only lop-sided toward AAs. He has walked all over relations with our ally Israel to side with the Palestineans and Hamas. You know he loves the muslim countries. The wars there are truly no more than an inconvience to him or he would not fight them in such a half ass manner. He walks on eggshells when a terrorist attack is made against us. He will not call it terror because he does not wish to offend his buddies in the sand cities or the local mosques.
He will trade five jihadist for one traitor because the traitor was awol and converted to islam, yet he does absolutely nothing for a marine rotting in a Mexican jail !

If this were a muslim guillotine, Barak would refer to it as an expression of religion !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Im not so sure it is only lop-sided toward AAs. He has walked all over relations with our ally Israel to side with the Palestineans and Hamas. You know he loves the muslim countries. The wars there are truly no more than an inconvience to him or he would not fight them in such a half ass manner. He walks on eggshells when a terrorist attack is made against us. He will not call it terror because he does not wish to offend his buddies in the sand cities or the local mosques.
He will trade five jihadist for one traitor because the traitor was awol and converted to islam, yet he does absolutely nothing for a marine rotting in a Mexican jail !

If this were a muslim guillotine, Barak would refer to it as an expression of religion ! Originally Posted by rioseco
How can you object to being described as an IGNORANT FUCK when you post drivel like that?

The Congressional Black Caucus has asked President Obama to have the family's of Michael Brown and Eric Garner to sit in the gallery next to The First Lady at this years State of the Union Address.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The Congressional Black Caucus has asked President Obama to have the family's of Michael Brown and Eric Garner to sit in the gallery next to The First Lady at this years State of the Union Address. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Just when you think you've heard it all.

Rev Manning was right.
rioseco's Avatar
How can you object to being described as an IGNORANT FUCK when you post drivel like that?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yssup you are one ripe douche bag !
You are still the "Poster child for afterbirth-control" !