Huge loss for the Trekkies

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Spock's quest continues.

T'I kilko-srashiv kitok-wilat.
He must search elsewhere for his answer.

Pretty good epitaph.

Nimoy and Star Trek made indelible contributions to science fiction and popular culture that will live on long after we've all gone into the Big Black Hole of Space and Time. Quite a legacy.
pyramider's Avatar
May the Force be with you.
I can just hear the eulogy now (at Oilman's funeral someday)....."well, I'd love to give him his props but, damn.....can't really say I'm sad. The dude never paid any of my eff him!"

Oh well. Another one bites the dust. Can't say I'm sad. The dude never paid any of my bills. LOL! Originally Posted by oilman12
Rest in peace Nimoy