
I was there Saturday afternoon, according to a dancer, four dancers were still in jail as of that day. My spanish is not good enough to get a clear explanation, but it sounded like vice cops had gotten money offers for various services and dancers were busted on the basis of these offers.

The dancers (all Cuban) were generally paralyzed with fear and were hesitant to even shake my hand, much less any other part of my body. Originally Posted by netbucks
I have seen this before. Most recently at Cab East. Warrant roundup and they check the papers on all the dancers. So they arrest a few and the club gets a warning about improper documentation. Club tells all the "questionable" dancers to not come back until they have proper paperwork. Next day, very few cubans left. Hmm, that tell you anything about the cuban dancers?
DickyDoo's Avatar
I know it was VICE since I was there and they had VICE on their uniforms.
And who the fuck grades strippers on whether their papers are current and up to date? What’s next, they are less proper with gala etiquette?
And who the fuck grades strippers on whether their papers are current and up to date? What’s next, they are less proper with gala etiquette? Originally Posted by futbolhead
The club does make them show ID and or papers once a year to keep on file. I have a friend that works at a club in Dallas, she moved apartments, lost her ID and something is preventing her from getting a new one at the DWV. She told me she has 3 months to fix her issue or won't be able to work at the club and she's an American citizen and not Cuban
Full disclosure… I don’t work for a club, I don’t work for TABC, I don’t work for Homeland Security so I am not caught up in a dancers papers. I am waaayyy more interested in her STRIPPING.
  • rcusa
  • 05-22-2024, 05:59 AM
There are two different claims regarding what the unwanted visit was about. One is a concern for the continued enjoyability of club visits; the other is about immigration procedures. If anyone knows which claim is the accurate one, that would be interesting.
DickyDoo's Avatar
VICE has had their day now. The club will be back to normal in a few weeks/months since they will not be making money unless extras are available.
And who the fuck grades strippers on whether their papers are current and up to date? What’s next, they are less proper with gala etiquette? Originally Posted by futbolhead
It's called the law. Keeps underage and others out of the clubs. Or at least tries to. The club could also get fined or even loose its licenses. All they need is an 17 year old arrested for prostitution in the club.
There are two different claims regarding what the unwanted visit was about. One is a concern for the continued enjoyability of club visits; the other is about immigration procedures. If anyone knows which claim is the accurate one, that would be interesting. Originally Posted by rcusa
Why not both? One does not exclude the other. I was not there and only have experience to go by.

The last actual raid I know of, the way people of them, was Fantasy Ranch years ago. Months of undercover work culminating with Vice, SWAT, TABC and others rolling up. Staff, dancers, and patrons all searched and some of each arrested. Bunch of outstanding warrants served. Club was shut down after that. Now THAT was a raid
  • rcusa
  • 05-23-2024, 06:27 AM
@oldbutstillgoing made two great responses in the two messages prior to this reply of mine. Read his wise words.
It's called the law. Keeps underage and others out of the clubs. Or at least tries to. The club could also get fined or even loose its licenses. All they need is an 17 year old arrested for prostitution in the club. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Okay, lol. It reminds me though of my old ex Baptist father in law who would drive the highways in the left lane going exactly the speed limit and create a traffic backup. When he would get called out on it he would exclaim a self-righteous ‘all those other people are breaking the law!!’.

Then he’d go home and cheat on taxes and hunt for prostitutes…
  • rcusa
  • 05-24-2024, 06:14 AM
Okay, lol. It reminds me though of my old ex Baptist father in law who would drive the highways in the left lane going exactly the speed limit … Originally Posted by futbolhead
EVERYONE should want the particular law that obsg was referencing to be followed, all the time. It is not at all like traffic laws; not even in the same universe of things.
Texxan52's Avatar
Was this day shift or night shift?
EVERYONE should want the particular law that obsg was referencing to be followed, all the time. It is not at all like traffic laws; not even in the same universe of things. Originally Posted by rcusa
Did you really think that the post was comparing immigration laws to traffic offenses? I think you did and I’m grinning right now thinking about it. 😂
Did you really think that the post was comparing immigration laws to traffic offenses? I think you did and I’m grinning right now thinking about it. 😂 Originally Posted by futbolhead
Clearly you missed the context of his comment in reply to the post he quoted. Get better reading comprehension skills