The Long and the Short of it

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Oh look, cptjohnstone learned a new term. Originally Posted by Doove
I have an MBA, you have? other than a big mouth
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would be willing to bet money (and I never bet on anything) that my IQ is higher. The only problem is that I can prove what my IQ is, my SAT scores, and my ACT scores but we only have the word of you and the dems what Obama's scores are. Forgive me if I don't trust them (shows how intelligent I am doesn't it?)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is no evidence of Obama's supreme intelligence, except the Left telling us. His books were written by someone else, at least one by Bill Ayers. (And really, they were not that well written in any event.) We have no idea of his college writings, grades, or anything else. This is a stealth president. To assume he is intelligent because he can read a teleprompter with the best of them is ridiculous.

FastGoon needs help. His Obama Messiah complex is severe.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
First, my background. In over 4 decades of voting for President, Obama is the first Democrat I've ever voted for. Main reason -- IMHO Bush brought our economic system to its knees and I would never vote for a ticket the likes of McCain/Palin. Up in the air for this year's election.

I realize that the majority of the posters on this website are hardcore Republicans and I have absolutely no problem with that. However, I have to ask the Obama-haters a question:

Which of Obama's policies have impacted YOU personally negatively in your daily life? In early 2009, the DJIA was under 7,000. Even after the problems in Europe, the DJIA today is around 12,400, well over a 75% increase. My 401k was DOA after the crash in 2008 and has increased dramatically since Obama took office. Luck??

Obama gave me a $2500 per year raise by lowering the Social Security tax by 2%. Directly into my pocket.

We are pretty much out of Iraq, a war started by Bush, and have a timetable for getting out of Afghanistan.

I can't think of anything Obama has done that has affected me personally negatively but I admit to not being a political savant.

I am not trying to push anyone towards voting for Obama but, for my own knowledge, I'd like to know how he has hurt you on an individual basis.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2012, 02:21 PM
I have an MBA, you have? other than a big mouth Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

posting nifty pics and offering profound verbiage certainly solidifys the quality of your education ... Deans List at OSU eh?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-11-2012, 02:28 PM
I have an MBA, Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
And at least one bankruptcy filing on your record.


you have?
Zero bankruptcy filings.

And better grammar.
joe bloe's Avatar
First, my background. In over 4 decades of voting for President, Obama is the first Democrat I've ever voted for. Main reason -- IMHO Bush brought our economic system to its knees and I would never vote for a ticket the likes of McCain/Palin. Up in the air for this year's election.

I realize that the majority of the posters on this website are hardcore Republicans and I have absolutely no problem with that. However, I have to ask the Obama-haters a question:

Which of Obama's policies have impacted YOU personally negatively in your daily life? In early 2009, the DJIA was under 7,000. Even after the problems in Europe, the DJIA today is around 12,400, well over a 75% increase. My 401k was DOA after the crash in 2008 and has increased dramatically since Obama took office. Luck??

Obama gave me a $2500 per year raise by lowering the Social Security tax by 2%. Directly into my pocket.

We are pretty much out of Iraq, a war started by Bush, and have a timetable for getting out of Afghanistan.

I can't think of anything Obama has done that has affected me personally negatively but I admit to not being a political savant.

I am not trying to push anyone towards voting for Obama but, for my own knowledge, I'd like to know how he has hurt you on an individual basis. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
My personal economic situation is more or less unaffected by Obama, at least not in the short term. I think it's a mistake to make a voting decision based on personal circumstances. What's important is the big picture stuff. Obama is not fit for the presidency for a long list of reasons. Mainly, he's a socialist and his policies are taking us down the road to bankruptsy and, I believe, in the long run, tyranny.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2012, 02:50 PM
if we survived Bush damn near anything is possible

the majority of the shit you guys sling at Obie is just that, SHIT. If you dont like him say so.

so many say the country is doomed and the dems bankrupted the system ... as speedracer points out thats not the case .... just more partisan bullshit being slung simply because Obie is a dem.

Romney has fiscal plans that increase the Obama #'s well over 20% by the year 2020 ... Its ALL on record, BTW.

if youre concerned about Obama destroying the fiscal US and insist voting for a person who wont, how can any sane person with those values vote for Romney?

because your real value is pure partisanship, not the fiscal condition of your country.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama is the most anti-liberty President in history. It's nice to have a growing 401k, but will it keep growing in a police state? And Romney is almost as bad as Obama, possibly worse, but I would be counting on him to slow our descent into tyranny hopefully long enough to find some people willing to reverse the trend.

I don't expect to vote for either one, but if I had to choose between the two, it would be Romney. We already know Obama is making sweetheart deals with Russia that he doesn't want to disclose until after the election. And I doubt Romney will appoint Eric Holder, the worst AG in history, to any post in his cabinet.

Other than that, there isn't much difference.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2012, 03:40 PM
how do you know about the sweetheart deals with Russia if they havent been disclosed ... FULLY ?
joe bloe's Avatar
if we survived Bush damn near anything is possible

the majority of the shit you guys sling at Obie is just that, SHIT. If you dont like him say so.

so many say the country is doomed and the dems bankrupted the system ... as speedracer points out thats not the case .... just more partisan bullshit being slung simply because Obie is a dem.

Romney has fiscal plans that increase the Obama #'s well over 20% by the year 2020 ... Its ALL on record, BTW.

if youre concerned about Obama destroying the fiscal US and insist voting for a person who wont, how can any sane person with those values vote for Romney?

because your real value is pure partisanship, not the fiscal condition of your country. Originally Posted by CJ7

I don't like him.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Obama gave me a $2500 per year raise by lowering the Social Security tax by 2%. Directly into my pocket. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That's either a really funny....or sad statement.

I don't know which to start with.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2012, 04:36 PM
I don't like him. Originally Posted by joe bloe

there ya go... much more respectable and far more credible than whining about shit that has no effect on the big picture
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2012, 04:42 PM
That's either a really funny....or sad statement.

I don't know which to start with. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

its neither sad or funny ...

call it a tax cut that puts 2% back in the pockets of employees