My point of view is that it can't help but fail. It failed in Canada. It failed in UK. It failed in Hawaii. It failed in TN. Its starting to fail in MA. No matter what I may want or not want, it boggles my mind to see how on earth this thing could succeed.
dirty dog's Avatar
Not trying to piss you guys off, but its this kind of attitude, this my side must win attitude which is the reason nothing in washington gets done.

Fritz, hoping it to fail is well i am not going to say but tell me whats to gain from it or any other program failing, there are a few more Rep seats in congress and maybe a Rep President, then what does that save us all the money that has already been spent, I guess we just say haha our side won and where scraping this plan, forget about the 400 billion already spent on this program, my dick is longer than your dick .......

I did not argee with Limbaugh when he said it and I dont agree with that mentality now.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I hate to rain on your parades but what Barry said was "I will CONSIDER allowing exploration in certain areas". Consider is not the same thing as "I will". I'll have to see him sign something first. Originally Posted by john_galt
Where did you see this? Read the article I linked to above. It says nothing about this just being considered.

Also, and this is not directed at you JG, but other posters, this isn't a health care thread. Supposed failures posts and those wanted health care to fail posts can be discussed in the health care thread. It was nice to see some new topics in the Sandbox. Let's try to keep these somewhat on topic.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 04-01-2010, 11:20 AM
I just wonder what reason the party of NO, and now according to McCain/Palin, the party of HELL NO will use to block this legislation. Even Republican ideas will not be supported by them if it comes from the White House. My guess is that they will fight this because it doesn't go far enough for them. Plus they would see the need to attach some sort of giveaway to the energy companies because they're risking so much to drill out there so far from land.
john_galt's Avatar
I was channel surfing when I stopped to hear what Obama said and that is what he said. My hobby is politics and I'm listening to between the lines.
noleftturn's Avatar
I have heard rumor that the oil drilling may be included in the cap and tax bill. That would change the idea that this is a good thing. As both sides of his mouth are active, do you think his EPA experts will allow this?
kcbigpapa's Avatar
JG and NLT, everything I have read does not indicate, that he is just considering this, or that it is in anyway tied to a cap and trade bill.