Just Let him Die..!

I think some things that the present candidates have said have blown me away in their debates. Lacking total empathy for our fellow Americans and it seems they have an audience to. I think it is a disgrace to say "lets refund the social security to people, scrap SS and tell people your on your own", I also think we do not need to back track to the days where poor people died in their homes and on the streets because they had no money to go to the hospital or get care for long term illnesses.

This is what I call being completely out of touch with reality and having no empathy or compassion what so ever. Are we turning into greedy selfish people in this country?


What about the innocent who get caught up in the legal system? I am a Texan and do not feel the same way as these people in the video or concerning Rick Perry's way of handling death row inmates who might be innocent.


And.. with Michelle Bachman making a false claim that the HPV vaccine causes mental retardation.. wtf? Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
I didn't see anything in this video that indicated that a person without Health Ins should be left to die. What Ron Paul was basically stating was you have the freedom of choice to obtain a Health Policy if you wish to do so. Now if in this hypothetical case a young man who is seemingly healthy opts. not to have Health Ins and then is faced with a medical dilema he still has a right to health care and doctors who treat him took an oath. The only problem for this guy is he will be faced with a medical bill in full since he has no ins. I don't think anyone should be comfortable with the idea to let someone die just because they have no Health Ins. Cheers from the audience in no way reflects any candidates views on " Letting Unisured People Die"
TheDaliLama's Avatar
When we yelled "let him die"...We were talking about Ron Paul.
When we yelled "let him die"...We were talking about Ron Paul. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I don't care what anybody says, that was funny!
Yeah, He's a real comedian, lol.
hi_handsome's Avatar
The GOP front runner should be John Huntsman. He is moderate and Utah has a great track record and he's not extreme. Rick Perry has everyone fooled as if he's "republican" but he's not. Texas is ran very liberally. The majority of the jobs texas created are state positions that are mostly regulatory. I know this first hand because I've been to 6 interviews in Austin, Dallas and Lufkin, within the past 2 months since I've earned my graduate certificate in City Planning.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Somebody opts to run up medical bills without insurance, make the bills non dischargeable in bankruptcy. Help the guy, get him well, then make his life hell.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So how do you not find this shit terribly disturbing?

Let him die?

What kind of people have we become?

Shame on Americans.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The GOP front runner should be John Huntsman. He is moderate and Utah has a great track record and he's not extreme. Rick Perry has everyone fooled as if he's "republican" but he's not. Texas is ran very liberally. The majority of the jobs texas created are state positions that are mostly regulatory. I know this first hand because I've been to 6 interviews in Austin, Dallas and Lufkin, within the past 2 months since I've earned my graduate certificate in City Planning. Originally Posted by hi_handsome
YOW! Now that's a statement of ... something. Texas is "ran" very liberally?

exactly what cities are you planning to do what in, darlin?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The crowd reaction was very disturbing. I really didn't know how to react, except to say OMG, who are those people? Some of these damn neocons are in favor of killing everyone and everybody. Bomb Iraq? Sure. Afghanistan? Yeah! Libya? Oh, baby! Criminal executions? They're starting to orgasm now. Letting poor people die in the street would be a carnival for some of them.
The crowd reaction was very disturbing. I really didn't know how to react, except to say OMG, who are those people? Some of these damn neocons are in favor of killing everyone and everybody. Bomb Iraq? Sure. Afghanistan? Yeah! Libya? Oh, baby! Criminal executions? They're starting to orgasm now. Letting poor people die in the street would be a carnival for some of them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What do you expect from a debate crowd organized by the Tea Party? That's the way they roll!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Why bother to parse what the audience thought -- although it was quite clear. But surely we'll agree that actions speak louder than words. Let's just look at what Ron Paul apparently believes and does in his own life.

If he's going to let his own campaign manager die without insurance just two weeks after he dropped out of the campaign, do you think he'd even piss on you if you were on fire??At the fifth GOP debate this week, moderator Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul, a doctor, whether someone who opts to not buy health insurance and then gets sick should be allowed to die. The crowd responded with startling shouts of "Yeah!" followed by applause, leaving even Rick Perry "taken aback." Paul's answer, while more gentle, was more or less the same. "That's what freedom is all about: taking your own risks. This whole idea that you have to take care of everybody ... " said Paul, who was cut off by clapping from the audience. While you wouldn't know it from his answer, Blizter's hypothetical probably hit close to home for Paul, whose campaign manager Kent Snyder died young of pneumonia — without insurance — in 2008.

He was just 49 years old when he died of complications from the virus on June 26, two weeks after Paul dropped out of the race. Snyder's mother was left with around $400,000 in medical costs. Paul supporters set up a donation fund to help with the debt.



The sleazy bastard Paul, who lest we all forget, is a damned doctor, wrote "Like so many in our movement, Kent sacrificed much for the cause of liberty. Kent poured every ounce of his being into our fight for freedom. He will always hold a place in my heart and in the hearts of my family."

But just not a big enough place in his heart to pay for group health care coverage that might have saved to poor guy's life. Or at least wouldn't have stuck his poor grieving mother with nearly half a million in unpaid medical bills.

CuteOldGuy, who apparently is more heartless than Dr. Paul -- as hard as that is to conceive -- want to make it even worse and keep poor old mom from even declaring bankruptcy once the good doctor has fucked his flunky.

Meanwhile, I -- as best I can tell the only swinging dick in this room that actually pays for health insurance for his employees, CuteOldGuy's arguments to the contrary notwithstanding -- ends up paying for Dr. Paul's profligate irresponsibility because guess who else is getting screwed besides deal or grieving mom? The poor dead guys doctors. So my insurance rates go up so this irresponsible and immoral motherfucker (literally in this case, having financially fucked the deceased's mother) can blather on about his meaningless, immoral, and cruel version of "freedom."
Why bother to parse what the audience thought -- although it was quite clear. But surely we'll agree that actions speak louder than words. Let's just look at what Ron Paul apparently believes and does in his own life.

If he's going to let his own campaign manager die without insurance just two weeks after he dropped out of the campaign, do you think he'd even piss on you if you were on fire??At the fifth GOP debate this week, moderator Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul, a doctor, whether someone who opts to not buy health insurance and then gets sick should be allowed to die. The crowd responded with startling shouts of "Yeah!" followed by applause, leaving even Rick Perry "taken aback." Paul's answer, while more gentle, was more or less the same. "That's what freedom is all about: taking your own risks. This whole idea that you have to take care of everybody ... " said Paul, who was cut off by clapping from the audience. While you wouldn't know it from his answer, Blizter's hypothetical probably hit close to home for Paul, whose campaign manager Kent Snyder died young of pneumonia — without insurance — in 2008.

He was just 49 years old when he died of complications from the virus on June 26, two weeks after Paul dropped out of the race. Snyder's mother was left with around $400,000 in medical costs. Paul supporters set up a donation fund to help with the debt.



The sleazy bastard Paul, who lest we all forget, is a damned doctor, wrote "Like so many in our movement, Kent sacrificed much for the cause of liberty. Kent poured every ounce of his being into our fight for freedom. He will always hold a place in my heart and in the hearts of my family."

But just not a big enough place in his heart to pay for group health care coverage that might have saved to poor guy's life. Or at least wouldn't have stuck his poor grieving mother with nearly half a million in unpaid medical bills.

CuteOldGuy, who apparently is more heartless than Dr. Paul -- as hard as that is to conceive -- want to make it even worse and keep poor old mom from even declaring bankruptcy once the good doctor has fucked his flunky.

Meanwhile, I -- as best I can tell the only swinging dick in this room that actually pays for health insurance for his employees, CuteOldGuy's arguments to the contrary notwithstanding -- ends up paying for Dr. Paul's profligate irresponsibility because guess who else is getting screwed besides deal or grieving mom? The poor dead guys doctors. So my insurance rates go up so this irresponsible and immoral motherfucker (literally in this case, having financially fucked the deceased's mother) can blather on about his meaningless, immoral, and cruel version of "freedom." Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I was wondering when someone would get around to talking about this. Thanks TexTushHog..
waverunner234's Avatar
Whirl, I'm disappointed in you
MY last 3 counter attacks on you (in 3 different threads) Lol you didn't answer to any of them. Unusual for you, are you finally starting to see that you are always wrong and that your statements most of the time are just nothing more than shit??
greenhorn1960's Avatar
Those debts died with him. They would be written off by the medcal providers.

What is being ignored is that he was receiving the best medical care, but his pre-existing condition contributed to his death.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-15-2011, 02:04 PM
Those debts died with him. They would be written off by the medcal providers. Originally Posted by greenhorn1960
And paid for by the people who pay their bills and/or have insurance.

So maybe someone should ask Ron Paul, at which point is it ok for "freedom" to interfere with "personal responsibility"?