I am Just Stating the Facts.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where is unemployment now, Whir-LIE-turd?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Where is unemployment now, Whir-LIE-turd? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Did you read the previous statements? Basically, you could put an idiot in charge and get employment down with $80 billion in new Federal Reserves notes flooding the economy (via the usual channels) every month.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Obama promised the unemployment rate wouldn't go above 8% (with his stimulus plan). He said that back in 2009....

and didn't Obama promise he would cut our deficit spending in half by the end of his 1st term?

Looks like Romney can deliver on his economic promises; but Obama not. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WW- did Romney not say if elected POTUS he would have UE rate at 6% at the end of his term Yes or No? Remember, 2012 election the main focus was the economy and the UE rate. So if in Jan 2015- Obama has already beat Romney's expectations 22 months ahead- what does that tell you? Also, let's call it what it is WW- imagine what the UE rate would be if the Republicans weren't blocking all types of bills that would have created jobs. It's freaking amazing that Obama has the UE rate where it is when in all but 2 of his years he has been dealing with a do nothing congress.
You mis-stated what Romney said....it was 6% or lower.

How has Obama beat Romney ?

What we do know is that Obama said unemployment wouldn't go above 8% with his stimulus plan....that turned out to be not true.
You can't tell these fox news, druge report , yahoos anything
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You mis-stated what Romney said....it was 6% or lower.

How has Obama beat Romney ?

What we do know is that Obama said unemployment wouldn't go above 8% with his stimulus plan....that turned out to be not true. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No, I am not mis quoting Romney or Mis-stating Romney- and the fact you have the lower added in- makes Obama's accomplishments even more noteworthy. Romney basically said at the ned of 2016- UE would be 6%- keep in mind most economist said the economy would be 6% at end of 2016 no matter who got elected- Obama by all means to date is exceeding expectations. You keep brining up this 8% UE with the stimulus- that Obama and many others answered a million times- when Obama made that statement he and many economist didn't take into consideration that the UE had not peaked.

Here's a quote from Newt: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, , predicted that if Obama was reelected he would push gas to “$10 a gallon.” He promised $2.50 gas if he was elected. In March 2012, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) predicted that if Obama was reelected gas would cost $5.45 per gallon by the start 2015.
But today, the nationwide average for a gallon of gas is $2.24 and can be purchased for under $2 in at least 33 states

You Republicans blamed high prices on Obama, for no good reason, but no way will they give Obama credit for the opposite, good reason or no. And just for the record I am well aware that the POTUS has no control or influence over oil prices- but if you going to praise Bush for having gas low when he left office- and the reason why it was low was because of the recession- then by God praise Obama for low prices now.

WW whether you love him or hate give the man some credit!!!
This report states more Americans are on Welfare than are working full time. Which may indicate the seemingly low UE rate maybe padded with part time statistics.


Yssup Rider's Avatar
Romney ain't done shit, Whir-LIE-turd, except get his ass handed to him by most Americans.

And strapped his dog to the car roof.

And given millions to a religious cult.

But I hear he's real popular in Wisconsin!
Romney ain't done shit, Whir-LIE-turd, except get his ass handed to him by most Americans.

And strapped his dog to the car roof.

And given millions to a religious cult.

But I hear he's real popular in Wisconsin! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's most likely true that Romney has given a large sum of money to a religious cult. Can you name the cult he has donated money to?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama promised the unemployment rate wouldn't go above 8% (with his stimulus plan). He said that back in 2009....

and didn't Obama promise he would cut our deficit spending in half by the end of his 1st term?

Looks like Romney can deliver on his economic promises; but Obama not. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Obama also spent 1 trillion dollars on "shovel ready, infrastructure jobs" and now they want more money in gas taxes for infrastructure spending.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, I am not mis quoting Romney or Mis-stating Romney- and the fact you have the lower added in- makes Obama's accomplishments even more noteworthy. Romney basically said at the ned of 2016- UE would be 6%- keep in mind most economist said the economy would be 6% at end of 2016 no matter who got elected- Obama by all means to date is exceeding expectations. You keep brining up this 8% UE with the stimulus- that Obama and many others answered a million times- when Obama made that statement he and many economist didn't take into consideration that the UE had not peaked.

Here's a quote from Newt: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, , predicted that if Obama was reelected he would push gas to “$10 a gallon.” He promised $2.50 gas if he was elected. In March 2012, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) predicted that if Obama was reelected gas would cost $5.45 per gallon by the start 2015.
But today, the nationwide average for a gallon of gas is $2.24 and can be purchased for under $2 in at least 33 states

You Republicans blamed high prices on Obama, for no good reason, but no way will they give Obama credit for the opposite, good reason or no. And just for the record I am well aware that the POTUS has no control or influence over oil prices- but if you going to praise Bush for having gas low when he left office- and the reason why it was low was because of the recession- then by God praise Obama for low prices now.

WW whether you love him or hate give the man some credit!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

You end with a broad sweeping generalization that is not true. Not all republicans blamed Obama for high prices, some blamed Bush but Obama sure gets no credit for the prices going down. Name me one solid thing that Obama has done that would lower gas prices. This is all the private sector and no one else.

Did you notice that sharp pain at the end of your statement? That was your dick being stepped on...by your self. "...if you [re] going to praise Bush for having gas low when he left office- and the reason why it was low was because of the recession-then [,]by God[,] praise Obama for low prices now because he too is in a recession. So your words say that Obama is in a recession too. Except Bush was not in a recession. The actual definition of a recession is TWO continuous quarters of negative GDP growth. Bush had one.

Glad we got that all cleared up.
LexusLover's Avatar
This report states more Americans are on Welfare than are working full time. Which may indicate the seemingly low UE rate maybe padded with part time statistics.


Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Other factors include a modification of the weekly hours that are considered a job, the wages ACTUALLY BEING RECEIVED, and the number of people who are not on welfare and have quit looking for a job (jobs numbers are based on those actively seeking a job and being reported). In addition, I have read that a part-time job is counted as a person employed, and when that person gets another part-time job it is counted as a 2nd employed person for the stats.

Back in the fall of 2000 the BLS posted September stats for October stats (almost a cut and paste) and the result was to mask the increasing unemployment ... The AFL-CIO got wind of it and in December 2000 (late November 2000) posted a "corrected" jobs report on their website, which reflected the economic downturn on gong since the Spring of 2000, which Gore (and Clinton) didn't want anyone to know about into the Fall elections.

Sound familiar?

If someone can "factually" explain how the President of the United States can "regulate" gasoline prices at the pump, please do. Any president. But particularly this one .... who thinks a video caused Benghazi and didn't know the WORLD LEADERS were meeting in Paris this week.

It was pretty "simple" in 2008, and it still is:

"Both Senator Obama and I would make history but only one of us is ready on day one to be commander in chief, ready to manage our economy and ready to defeat the Republicans.

"You know, only one of us has spent 35 years being a doer, a fighter and a champion for those who need a voice. That is what I would bring to the White House again. That is the choice in this election."

Hillarious Clinton's Remarks Following the Wisconsin Primary at the Solutions for America Event in Youngstown, Ohio. February 19, 2008
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You end with a broad sweeping generalization that is not true. Not all republicans blamed Obama for high prices, some blamed Bush but Obama sure gets no credit for the prices going down. Name me one solid thing that Obama has done that would lower gas prices. This is all the private sector and no one else.

Did you notice that sharp pain at the end of your statement? That was your dick being stepped on...by your self. "...if you [re] going to praise Bush for having gas low when he left office- and the reason why it was low was because of the recession-then [,]by God[,] praise Obama for low prices now because he too is in a recession. So your words say that Obama is in a recession too. Except Bush was not in a recession. The actual definition of a recession is TWO continuous quarters of negative GDP growth. Bush had one.

Glad we got that all cleared up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD you must have missed my numerous post- I stated a million times that the lowering or the increase in gas prices has nothing to do with the POTUS- even Obama stated that when Romney try to sneak in:" when Bush left office gas was $1.79//" I have seen countless of Republicans blame Obama when gas price peaked.
Also, are you really that stupid to say Bush wasn't in a recession? The economy collapsed on his watch, the housing market crashed on his watch- are you saying if Bush was still in office that somehow the results would have been different? Don't be a dumb ass- even Bush admits the economy was in shambles when he left- Bush passed a mess to to Obama and no one but you denies that fact.
LexusLover's Avatar
...Bush admits the economy was in shambles when he left- Bush passed a mess to to Obama and no one but you denies that fact. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Unfortunately the Clintons don't admit they left office and passed the shit to Bush.

Bush admitted it when he left office, even met with Obaminable after the elections in the Fall to discuss the problem and reached an agreement on "bail outs."