Weight Loss Sugery for Hobby

Macgregor's Avatar
Honey, I've lost 165 pounds in the last 2 years using

MyFitnessPal and MapMyFitness

In my case the regular exercise is more important then what I eat. The only foods that I quit eating completely were sugared drinks, booze and egg yokes.

You should really explore every option before making a decision on the surgery. I'm glad I did.

Good Luck
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Honey, I've lost 165 pounds in the last 2 years using

MyFitnessPal and MapMyFitness

In my case the regular exercise is more important then what I eat. The only foods that I quit eating completely were sugared drinks, booze and egg yokes.

You should really explore every option before making a decision on the surgery. I'm glad I did.

Good Luck Originally Posted by Macgregor
I have those apps on my phone as well. My FitnessPal is an excellent tool. Most people wing it when it comes to dieting. I really don't "diet", I eat what I want as long as it fits my macros (225 grams of carbs, 140 grams of protein, 50 grams of fat most on days where I don’t lift).

Elimination diets are a bad idea. A diet should be something you can stick with, nothing temporary. Lifting heavy and proper macros work for just about anyone. No one, especially women, gets "bulky" unless they absolutely want to.
cookie man's Avatar
I have a friend who used Dr. Kim was very pleased. He combined the procedure with a healthier diet and excercise and has slowly transformed his body. I know he would not been able to acomplish this without the procedure. Best wishes whatever you decide.
If you can afford it and it is nearby go to Life Time Fitness in Plano. They will help you set up a workout plan and a nutrition plan. I think they have all kinds of testing to find out everything from what foods you are allergic to and how many calories you need per day. It is a more expensive gym but I have known several people who have dropped over 80lbs and kept it off. Good luck. Looking and feeling better is about 80-90 % what you eat and 10-20 % exercise. All exercise or all diet never works you need both of them
mm-good's Avatar
Well the internet gods saved you all from my blathering on this topic and re timed out my loooong post

I'll keep it to a summary, and I think Eva Damita hit it on the head.

No matter the route you choose.
Choose carefully.
Do it for the right reasons (IMHO this business is not a right reason)

Even with surgery, there is no escaping better nutrition and a more active lifestyle.

Know I say this to you with heartfelt concern and as a "big fella".
Randall Creed's Avatar
As far as any surgery goes, any weight loss that doesn't involve increased muscle tone is just nasty. I've seen 'fat' skinny people. These are people who aren't fat by visual definition, but they no muscle tone. You touch them and it feels all squishy and icky, like they're made of soft rubber. Some of that is simply loose skin on top of thin muscle tissue underneath.

I've even seen girls that are 'hot looking' on the outside, but you go to grab that ass or whatever and it's like, ugggh....the squishy feeling.

You don't want that kind of body. You want a body that has a nice healthy appearance and muscles that have strength and firmness. The only way to get this is through some resistance training and exercising.
mm-good's Avatar
As far as any surgery goes, any weight loss that doesn't involve increased muscle tone is just nasty. I've seen 'fat' skinny people. These are people who aren't fat by visual definition, but they no muscle tone. You touch them and it feels all squishy and icky, like they're made of soft rubber. Some of that is simply loose skin on top of thin muscle tissue underneath.

I've even seen girls that are 'hot looking' on the outside, but you go to grab that ass or whatever and it's like, ugggh....the squishy feeling.

You don't want that kind of body. You want a body that has a nice healthy appearance and muscles that have strength and firmness. The only way to get this is through some resistance training and exercising. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

Great point RC!

I've seen some women that look like tiny spinners in their pics but were squishy like you say....Uhm, Not for me..

Then I've seen ladies that look bigger or BBW in their pics but have some good muscle tone and far far sexier !

Only way to get that is via resistance training.