ASPD Is it me or do you get this too!

gman44's Avatar
One of two things:

That site is finally attempting to upgrade Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Upgrade to what? a real peson
  • Stag
  • 11-11-2009, 07:57 AM
Golly, you'd think that if you were running a site dedicated to sex, you'd try to keep it up. So to speak.

But I'm with the Portly One:
Who cares? ECCIE is stable, friendly, and comfy.
  • npita
  • 11-12-2009, 08:59 AM
Instead of wondering what's wrong with ASPD (which extends well beyond server and database problems), why not focus making ECCIE the number one resource for higher class providers and clients who expect the hobby to maintain some decent standards? Leave ASPD to those clawing their way to the worst service at the lowest price.
  • npita
  • 11-12-2009, 02:01 PM
Does anyone really know how long it's down for? Originally Posted by Dharma
I was a systems programmer for an ISP for a while and I can tell you how long our corporate website was down when we rewrote and tested the entire website with major modifications to the webserver software itself - the lenght of time needed to kill the old webserver and restart the modified one - about 1 minute. We hosted thousands of websites and colos. If websites went down it was almost invariably operator error, apathy or incompetence on the part of those running the website.
Becky, you're brilliant!
At the very least.
aRandyOne's Avatar
I don't bother with posting there anymore. Once in a while I check to see if Logan has posted something or to see if I have a PM, but other than that...meh
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Just to reiterate:

Using the following url:
Attached Images File Type: jpg aspd.jpg (18.6 KB, 252 views)
Grabsum4me's Avatar
And again....
bodilly's Avatar
Maybe this site will take off in Louisiasna. I try and post reviews here too.
I am getting tired of the crashes on the other site.
The power of the people must prevail! We need to take the word to the street and I am advocating to make ECCIE a standard, not just in Texas but all over the country!

I am new to Texas and it appeared that ASPD was the hobby information solution and after a couple of weeks, I paid for BCD access. After that it seems like the friggin thing is down more than it is up.

I have just signed up here at ECCIE after researching any posts of this site being down, not just on the posts here but any post on the internet and could find none.

I will only post my reviews here on ECCIE and TER as I believe they are reliable solution for the hard working hobbyists.

So come on brothers and sisters, join the cause! ECCIE not ASPD.
T.O.B.'s Avatar

The power of the people must prevail! We need to take the word to the street and I am advocating to make ECCIE a standard, not just in Texas but all over the country!

I am new to Texas and it appeared that ASPD was the hobby information solution and after a couple of weeks, I paid for BCD access. After that it seems like the friggin thing is down more than it is up.

I have just signed up here at ECCIE after researching any posts of this site being down, not just on the posts here but any post on the internet and could find none.

I will only post my reviews here on ECCIE and TER as I believe they are reliable solution for the hard working hobbyists.

So come on brothers and sisters, join the cause! ECCIE not ASPD. Originally Posted by cmpjnky
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-22-2009, 08:53 PM
I second the we have better looking mods here on eccie...
Stang1965's Avatar
I second the we have better looking mods here on eccie... Originally Posted by fawn
Fawn you are So correct on this one!!!

Between You, Becky and Kelly. I think that ECCIE has the upper hand on any other board on the web when it comes to Beautiful Sexy mods!!!
What a mess! Seriously!
TexTushHog's Avatar
But today they've all flocked back like lemmings.
I was a systems programmer for an ISP for a while and I can tell you how long our corporate website was down when we rewrote and tested the entire website with major modifications to the webserver software itself - the lenght of time needed to kill the old webserver and restart the modified one - about 1 minute. We hosted thousands of websites and colos. If websites went down it was almost invariably operator error, apathy or incompetence on the part of those running the website.

At the very least. Originally Posted by npita
Seriously npita, I think you have hit this on the nailhead.