Trump. It's Bill Clinton, Ross Perot, and George H. W. Bush all over again.

Two things Tampon;

I don't gamble. Even on sure things.
You don't pay off. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wanna bet? I've got another $500 that says I will "pay off," provided I lose the wager.

But you have to win the original bet to find out.

Let's take it one wager at a time.

I am willing to wager JDIdiot the first $500 that JDIdiot cannot prove that GHWB would have defeated Clinton in 1992, without Perot in the race.

Put up or STFU, Idiot!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Therein lies the problem. There is no "proof" that you would accept. I could trot out the OPINIONS of several experts and you would just say that you don't accept what they say or believe. I could show statistical analysis of the election returns and you would not accept it. Plus, you have a track record of reneging on your bets.

No, it is a fool's errand to think that you are serious and to go through the motions when you will not admit defeat or pay off.
You don't pay off. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I will wager you another $500 that you can't prove that I "don't pay off."

Put up or STFU, Idiot!
Therein lies the problem. There is no "proof" that you would accept. I could trot out the OPINIONS of several experts and you would just say that you don't accept what they say or believe. I could show statistical analysis of the election returns and you would not accept it. Plus, you have a track record of reneging on your bets.

No, it is a fool's errand to think that you are serious and to go through the motions when you will not admit defeat or pay off. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"...will not admit defeat or pay off. Kind like his hero in his avatar, Mr. " I did NOT.. " Slick Willy, ONLY THE SECOND President to face impeachment and to be disbarred in his home state where he had been Attorney General AND Governor !!!!! Wonder if Cotex hates blue-INSKY dresses like his hero does ? !!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I will wager you another $500 that you can't prove that I "don't pay off."

Put up or STFU, Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
I'll take that bet, after you take the reasonable wagers I've offered you. Or are you going to run away, like the chickenshit blowhard that you are, BigChins?
I will wager you another $500 that you can't prove that I "don't pay off."

Put up or STFU, Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
I'll take that bet Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COIdiot is now on record as accepting my kind and generous offer of a $500 wager, that I "don't pay off" on a previously agreed upon bet.


COIdiot, you now have 24 hours to produce verifiable evidence that I failed to "pay off" on a legitimate wager that had been previously agreed upon by both parties.

COIdiot, you are now on the clock!

Anyone else care to join in?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sure I will, after we settle the kind wagers I've proposed the past couple months. Are you running again, BigChins?
I will wager you another $500 that you can't prove that I "don't pay off." Originally Posted by bigtex
I'll take that bet Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sure I will, after we settle the kind wagers I've proposed the past couple months. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sure, please post a verifiable link to a mutually agreed upon wager (not proposed wager) in which I failed to "pay off."

To recreate the situation; I clearly made a legitimate wager offer and your specific response was "I'll take that bet." (See above quotes)

At that point, you clearly accepted the terms and conditions of the wager. (See definition of wager below.)

A wager is a bet; a contract by which two parties or more agree that a certain sum of money, or other thing, shall be paid or delivered to one of them, on the happening or not happening of an uncertain event.

COIdiot, you're on my clock now and my clock says you have until 2:20 AM (central) to find the link. If you do, I owe you $500. If not, you owe me $500.

Remember, you must provide actual proof that "I have failed to pay off on a legitimate wager (not proposed wager) that had been previously agreed upon by both parties."

Definition of "proposed" follows:

1. To put forward for consideration, discussion, or adoption; suggest: propose a change in the law.
8 to 5 you guys never make a bet.
8 to 5 you guys never make a bet. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It will be very interesting to see how COIdiot tries to weasel himself out of our previously "agreed upon" wager.

By his own admission, he clearly stated his previous offers to me were only "proposed". They were not agreed upon proposals.

It should be noted that "proposed" was his word. Not mine!

See actual quote from COIdiot below:

Sure I will, after we settle the kind wagers I've proposed the past couple months. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A proposal is just that; it is a proposal. It is not an agreement until two or more parties fully agree upon the proposal.

One would think a 3rd grader would understand the meaning of the word proposal.

Apparently, COIdiot does not rise to that level!

In 6 hours and 15 minutes it will be time for COIdiot to pay up.
It will be very interesting to see how COIdiot tries to weasel himself out of our previously "agreed upon" wager.

By his own admission, he clearly stated his previous offers were only "proposed".

It should be noted that "proposed" was his word. Not mine!

See actual quote from COIdiotbelow:

A proposal is just that; it is a proposal. It is not an agreement until two or more parties fully agree upon the terms and conditions of the proposal.

One would think a 3rd grader would understand the meaning of the word proposal.

Apparently, COIdiot does not rise to that level! Originally Posted by bigtex
But have you and your hero Slick Willy ever even figured out what the definition of "is" is ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There was a condition attached to my acceptance. Until you accept my condition, there is no deal. As usual, you run like a chickenshit from my condition. You're a phony blowhard, BigChins. All hat, no cattle.
There was a condition attached to my acceptance. Until you accept my condition, there is no deal. As usual, you run like a chickenshit from my condition. You're a phony blowhard, BigChins. All hat, no cattle. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COIdiot had his worthless, Idiot ass handed to him and now he's playing the "condition" card.

That's rich!

You clearly have lost the wager made in good faith between you and I. The first words in your response were "I'll take that bet." I took you at your word and as of this moment your word and time has officially run out!

Your Idiot clock is no longer ticking! It is time to pay up, Loser!

I find it quite comical that COIdiot did not even understand the meaning of the words "wager" and "proposed" until I defined it for his ignorant, losing ass!

Pay up COIdiot! As of this moment you have officially lost the $500 "WAGER"!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You look more stupid, if that's even possible, with each rant, BigChins. Please have your caretaker read and explain my post to you. You obviously lack the ability to comprehend it on your own.
You obviously lack the ability to comprehend it on your own. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This was brought to us by the same LOSER, "who obviously lacks the ability to comprehend" the meanings of the words "WAGER" and "PROPOSED".