I just got my FAA 107 license about a week ago.
I kinda got side-tracked with my three month trip to Germany. Anyways, the test is easy, and I did it without going to a drone ground school.
I spent $5 on a Kindle book that I didn’t need. You can do it for free, and without any cost except for taking the test.
Granted, you only need the license if you want to use the drone commercially. For recreational use, you don’t need 107. However, knowing the rules, theory of flight, being able to read a METAR/TAF report, weather, etc are handy.
If you guys want the materials/links that I used, just DM me. I’ll gladly share any materials that I found to be useful.
The bummer is, there’s so much restricted airspace in the area.
Know any places around here that you fly?
I’m going to buy my first drone, and looking to start building my own, too.
I’m looking at the DJI Tello to be my first starter. Play around with it, see if I really like it. Eventually, I’ll get more into the expensive models.