Libtards answer... ALWAYS more gun laws...what about the warning signs that aren't acted upon in most of these cases!!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The polls disagree, and Biden’s ridiculously low numbers do not bode well AT ALL for a democrat in a close race. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Oh? I thought the polls were rigged.
You believe a LOT of things that aren't true...does "Free America" ring a bell??
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Oh? I thought the polls were rigged. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you seem to think they are when they show Biden with shit approval ratings but not when they supposedly show what you believe.

polls always have some margin of error and any good pollster will cite the margin of error which shouldn't be more than about 5% if done right.

it's easy to knowingly skew polls. and many do exactly that. the sample set can be manipulated to show just about anything.

if i claim the sky isn't blue and want to "prove it" via polling all i need to do is find a sample set of people who are blue color blind and then claim "!00 percent of people believe the sky isn't blue". see how easy that is?

and strictly speaking .. to people who are color blind the sky isn't blue to them. does not mean the sky isn't blue to anyone with normal vision.