Still don't believe he's a muslim?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck you, Assup! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He is exactly right- are you saying Christians never committed atrocities? Keep in mind during the Crusades- Christians were slaughtering muslims wherever they found them- children, women,old, etc-it wasn't like Christians were just slaughtering Muslim soldiers. You can't justify it by saying they were responding to the Islamic Jihad- that would be the equivalent of American solders killing any muslim in sight in response to 9-11.
Here's a quote from this Christian site:
Killings for Christianity

The Church started killing unbelievers as early as the 4th century. The killing (often with torture) of heretics, church splinter groups, dissenters, atheists, agnostics, deists, pagans, infidels and unbelievers was supported by almost all mainstream Christian theology for over a thousand years, starting with the intolerant St. Augustine (died 430 AD).

The article goes on to mention another true statement: Much (but not all) of Christianity's killing is in the past. Christianity had a long run as the world's most violent religion. But I think it is clear that the world's most violent religion is now Islam.

I also will agree that Islam right now is by far the most violent religion, but what Obama said is correct- Christianity has a past that is not so great- so when Christians point fingers at Muslims as if Christianity has been this peaceful religion throughout history it's clearly wrong.
Didn't the founders and many of the early Presidents own and/or support slavery? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I think you need to go back and read. The most violent religion???? The Egyptians were a pretty violent bunch before the Hebrews came along. So were the Babylonians and the Hittites. Can't leave out the Assyrians and their special chariots. You say that those are not religions...every city had it's own religion in those days and it is part of the root of Islam. Of course the Hebrews kicked ass (then and now) after they left Egypt. Finally we get to the Christians but so many to chose from. I guess we can go after the Catholics but the Protestants could do some damage, but you know what? That was hundreds of years ago. We dealing with the now and who is king? Why the muslims, followed by the communists, and finally the environmentalists. (how many dead in Africa following the DDT ban?)

I suppose using the logic of Obama we can go to war with Germany because they used to be run by Nazis. Anyone who defends this muslim piece of shit in the White House has no business relying on the protection of the Constitution or the US military. You should leave now....and take your president with you. Even the idiot Biden could make better decisions than the Iman of the West Wing.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
All religion breeds violence. Christianity has become corporate. It's now more of a big business. It still has its violent extremists, but admittedly, Muslims are breeding the most violent extremists at the moment. I have to agree partially with Obama. We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with the lunatic fringe of Islam. I don't know why he shies away from the term "radical Islam". Mainstream Christians understand there is a lunatic fringe, like Westboro Baptist and the militant anti-abortion nuts. Those terms do not reflect the underlying religion.
*exuberant pro-life adherents.
gfejunkie's Avatar
what Obama said is correct- Christianity has a past that is not so great- so when Christians point fingers at Muslims as if Christianity has been this peaceful religion throughout history it's clearly wrong.
Didn't the founders and many of the early Presidents own and/or support slavery? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Anyone who defends Muslim atrocities this way is nothing but a worthless dung heap and a gold mine for Islamic propaganda.

Obama will have a starring role in the next beheading/burning video we see.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Anyone who defends Muslim atrocities this way is nothing but a worthless dung heap and a gold mine for Islamic propaganda.

Obama will have a starring role in the next beheading/burning video we see. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You dumb shit he didn't defend muslim atrocities
wellendowed1911's Avatar
All religion breeds violence. Christianity has become corporate. It's now more of a big business. It still has its violent extremists, but admittedly, Muslims are breeding the most violent extremists at the moment. I have to agree partially with Obama. We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with the lunatic fringe of Islam. I don't know why he shies away from the term "radical Islam". Mainstream Christians understand there is a lunatic fringe, like Westboro Baptist and the militant anti-abortion nuts. Those terms do not reflect the underlying religion. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
+1000000 The reason I heard that White House don't want to use "Radical Islam" or radical muslims is because it incites and empowers ISIS. They(ISIS) like to be called those names for propaganda - the White House wants to not even acknowledge that they are even muslims- almost as if they are outcast- every time they are referred to as muslims it plays right into ISIS's hands.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It doesn't. Just as the atrocities committed by the Czar does not excuse Stalin. Nor the atrocities of plantation owners excuse or justify what some blacks do today.

But the fact that years or generations have passed does not excuse the atrocities that happened before.

They are all wrong.
Originally Posted by Old-T
And you would be the ignorant fool for trying to impose your 21st century values on a 17th century society, Old-THUMPER.
gfejunkie's Avatar
You dumb shit he didn't defend muslim atrocities Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Try telling that to the Muslims, dung heap.
That is novel; I haven't heard the WH make this argument. I would love to see Jan Psaki or Josh Earnest spin this to the American public.

Let's see how it plays in Peoria.

+1000000 The reason I heard that White House don't want to use "Radical Islam" or radical muslims is because it incites and empowers ISIS. They(ISIS) like to be called those names for propaganda - the White House wants to not even acknowledge that they are even muslims- almost as if they are outcast- every time they are referred to as muslims it plays right into ISIS's hands. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Then why even bring it up? Slavery and religious zealotry has been present throughout human history...what a platitude. So we can't get up on our "high horse" to express outrage when someone is ceremonially burned alive? Hominid please.

I glad we finally got that Zarathran problem under control.
That is novel; I haven't heard the WH make this argument. I would love to see Jan Psaki or Josh Earnest spin this to the American public.

Let's see how it plays in Peoria. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It was pointed out when Obama referred to Muslim atrocities in the speech he didn't use the world "muslim" but rather "religion" or "religious."
Budman's Avatar
You dumb shit he didn't defend muslim atrocities Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Sure he did. He excused their actions based on past actions by other religions. He has the glass house attitude. We can't really condemn their actions because we did bad shit too. What a fucking POS potus.
+1000000 The reason I heard that White House don't want to use "Radical Islam" or radical muslims is because it incites and empowers ISIS. They(ISIS) like to be called those names for propaganda - the White House wants to not even acknowledge that they are even muslims- almost as if they are outcast- every time they are referred to as muslims it plays right into ISIS's hands. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Good point. If only we hadn't used the term "Nazis" WWII wouldn't have happened. Smert thinkin'. From now on, I won't honor "Nazis" by calling them "Nazis", I'll call them "Democratic Socialists."

Thanks WE1911...dumb shit.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Good point. If only we hadn't used the term "Nazis" WWII wouldn't have happened. Smert thinkin'. From now on, I won't honor "Nazis" by calling them "Nazis", I'll call them "Democratic Socialists."

Thanks WE1911...dumb shit. Originally Posted by gnadfly