This is a hooker site and Lena Dunham is a hero of the left

Yssup Rider's Avatar


It just got stupider!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've noticed that, too, AssupLiar. Whenever you post on here, it does get more stupid.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You have to admit she has a pair in order to appear nude on TV.
An amazing post. Good to know you equate how someone looks with the quality of their ideas. So large minded of you. Originally Posted by Old-T
well she has taken her look about as far as it can go

but I am not one to base someone's worth on their outward appearance save in visual allurement

I think her worth however has been revealed in her writings and her statements and her shallowness of opinion, which she mistakenly thinks is necessary to share
rioseco's Avatar
well she has taken her look about as far as it can go

but I am not one to base someone's worth on their outward appearance save in visual allurement

I think her worth however has been revealed in her writings and her statements and her shallowness of opinion, which she mistakenly thinks is necessary to share Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Oh I agree.She should be judged on her merit. If she looked far worse in swimwear and was a beacon of intellect instead of icon of sociaslism I would be for her. However this picture just took it from leftist hero to zero for me.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No one here has equated her looks with her value (despite what some idiot said). Her value is based on her actions and words. Her looks....well you tell me what she could get as a provider.
lustylad's Avatar
For Gods Sake don't put up a pic of Candi Crowley in a string bikini! Pass the eye bleach PLEASE! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Maybe when she is done eating lunch she will pose in a bikini....

her actions . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I believe in her book she said she had molested her little sister
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-07-2015, 11:11 AM
No one here has equated her looks with her value (despite what some idiot said). Her value is based on her actions and words. Her looks....well you tell me what she could get as a provider. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
However in your OP you posted the photo (looks) and left it to the reader to supposedly know what some 5th tier Hollywood type babbled about. Clearly your OP thought her looks were more post-worthy than her opinions. Thus my previous comment. I'm sorry if my logical inference about your post caused you some embarrassment, and you seek to cover that embarasment by calling my post idiotic. If you think you DID actually emphasize her thoughts over her looks in your OP, please point it out.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
However in your OP you posted the photo (looks) and left it to the reader to supposedly know what some 5th tier Hollywood type babbled about. Clearly your OP thought her looks were more post-worthy than her opinions. Thus my previous comment. I'm sorry if my logical inference about your post caused you some embarrassment, and you seek to cover that embarasment by calling my post idiotic. If you think you DID actually emphasize her thoughts over her looks in your OP, please point it out. Originally Posted by Old-T
Your wild assumptions have embarassed you. You didn't touch a hair on my ass.

Maybe I should make some comment about putting lipstick on a pig.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No one here has equated her looks with her value (despite what some idiot said). Her value is based on her actions and words. Her looks....well you tell me what she could get as a provider. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You never mentioned her values. What are they? Who the fuck is she?

Why is this driving you crazy?
You never mentioned her values. What are they? Who the fuck is she?

Why is this driving you crazy? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hissy Fit's Babe... He knows "Who the fuck is she?"

You have to admit she has a pair in order to appear nude on TV. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

More like a PEAR!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
OK, I am bored today so I will ask: who is this person, and why in the world should I care about her at all? She doesn't look good enough that I would want to meet her, and having never heard of her I don't know why she is worth of the electrons we have collectively killed on this thread. Is she really a topic worth being here? Originally Posted by Old-T

Sorry OT but I have to cut off your balls. Notice above how OT doesn't even know who Dunham is....and then he goes off, jumping to wild conclusions, about why I posted what I did. So much for your credibility OT. A couple of others had the same comment and I figured out why. You watch MSNBC and mainstream media. They didn't cover the lies that Dunham told which almost ruined a man's life. You had to watch Fox News or various commentators on the Internet. You were just out of the loop.
You had to watch Fox News or various commentators on the Internet. You were just out of the loop. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Thanks for the clarification!

It was a FAUX News story.

FAUX had to "dumb it down" for their audience of Idiot's.