US Intelligence Sure Ukrainian Airline Shot Down By Iran.

HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous are so busy backtrackings and making excuses for Trump you lose sight of the story. Iran shot down that plane, presumably by accident, whilst on highest alerts amid a skirmish with the USeh. Someone fucked up big time and now 180 people are dead, including over 60 North Americans.

This was obvious to US intel when it happened.

Why the fucks are yous idiots playing stupid fucking games?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Trump is to blame. Ever heard of unintended consequences. Trump should be charged with either Manslaughter or Assesory to Murder
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump is to blame. Ever heard of unintended consequences. Trump should be charged with either Manslaughter or Assesory to Murder Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You will never get blamed for having an intelligent thought!
You cock sucking faggit!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm sure it was Iran, but what is their motive? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Repeat of KAL 007
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Lol. Ain't no one here beating my ass. So....
winn dixie's Avatar
Lol. Ain't no one here fucking my ass. So.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Thats cause were hetero you fucking homo!

There are guidelines against advertising now. Please follow the rules!
Chung Tran's Avatar
If you check your memory SAM stand for surface to air missile. Originally Posted by gnadfly
TryWeakly's Avatar
I'm sure it was Iran, but what is their motive? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

a) they buy shit Russian armanents
b) they let the kids man the controls
c) they let the idiots man the controls
d) they let SissyLips "man"handle the controls
e) they didnt read the manual
f) they "honestly" fucked up and thought B2's were around..(which they werent)
g) any or all of the above
TryWeakly's Avatar
Thats cause were hetero you fucking homo!

There are guidelines against advertising now. Please follow the rules! Originally Posted by winn dixie
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It was irresponsible for Iran to let anyone fly in their airspace during a missile attack. All commercial aircraft in Iraq were grounded before and after the attack. It was a totally preventable accident.
  • Tiny
  • 01-09-2020, 09:11 PM
Repeat of KAL 007 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That's definitely the most likely reason.

Regarding the Soviet take down of Korean flight 007 -- there was an American AWACS in the area, and the Soviets were tracking it. At some point, the Soviet trackers lost track of the American AWACS and picked-up the KAL 007. When KAL 007 meandered into restricted airspace, the Soviets thought they were responding to the American AWACS violating their airspace, and they responded with force.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
  • Tiny
  • 01-09-2020, 09:20 PM
Trump is to blame. Ever heard of unintended consequences. Trump should be charged with either Manslaughter or Assesory to Murder Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
That makes me cringe. It's Accessory to Murder.

Using the same reasoning shouldn't we charge every U.S. president in recent history with manslaughter? Obama killed a lot of innocent civilians with his drone attacks. Bush invaded Iraq. Clinton slaughtered people in the Balkans, and ignored the genocide in Rwanda. The list could go on and on.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

I guess when you are having a bad week, everything turns to shit.

First, your best General gets blown to shit, then you loose WW111. Originally Posted by Jackie S

In their attempts to not cause harm in their retaliatory strike, the Iranians did about one of the worst things possible.

Bad Karma.
yup bad karma! fucked in the worst possible way.

It was irresponsible for Iran to let anyone fly in their airspace during a missile attack. All commercial aircraft in Iraq were grounded before and after the attack. It was a totally preventable accident. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
this was obviously an effort by Iran to save face by attacking an empty building. It backfired in the most unexpected way. shooting an airliner in the process was unexpected.

I think Iran was using Iranian built missiles, not Russian missiles in that attack. these were surface to surface missiles, not SAMs.

whoever planned that attack was stupid enough to allow a commercial airline in a hostile airspace where missiles was going to be launched. one of those missiles they launched apparently got into the path of the Ukraine airliner and they both collided.

this was definitely preventable. Whoever did it, most likely will be demoted or discharged.

I actually don't know what they do to people who fail a job.

yup bad karma! fucked in the worst possible way.

this was obviously an effort by Iran to save face by attacking an empty building. It backfired in the most unexpected way. shooting an airliner in the process was unexpected.

I think Iran was using Iranian built missiles, not Russian missiles in that attack. these were surface to surface missiles, not SAMs.

whoever planned that attack was stupid enough to allow a commercial airline in a hostile airspace where missiles was going to be launched. one of those missiles they launched apparently got into the path of the Ukraine airliner and they both collided.

this was definitely preventable. Whoever did it, most likely will be demoted or discharged.

I actually don't know what they do to people who fail a job. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Planes don't collide with missiles because missiles travel at least mach 2.5 and the average commercial jets average 500 knots...the shoodownt was TOTALLY preventable and the left blaming Trump shows just how intellectually bankrupt their thought process is.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Planes don't collide with missiles because missiles travel at least mach 2.5 and the average commercial jets average 500 knots...the shoodownt was TOTALLY preventable and the left blaming Trump shows just how intellectually bankrupt their thought process is. Originally Posted by bb1961

normally, they don't. but Iran launched a bunch of missiles at stationary target.

well one of those missiles were in the path of the airplane, a collision is likely to happen. the speed differential doesn't matter too much. its all about being in the wrong place at the wrong.

what do you think is going to happens in a crowded air space with missiles flying all over the area?

it wasn't even a shootdown. the missile used was not a SAM. If the missile was a SAM, then it would be a shootdown.