When liberal policies collide.

lostincypress's Avatar
That's why we have the Iron Dome™ Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Make sure to send a "Thank You" card to the US Taxpayer.

According to sources cited by Defense News, “the amount that would be shielded from some 9 percent in automatic cuts triggered by sequestration is $607.3 million for Iron Dome over the 2013-2015 three-year budgetary period. That means Israel is voluntarily forgoing some $54.7 million given the 9 percent sequester.”

Israel is also slated to receive another $65.8 million in Arrow-2 Weapon System funds, $181.7 million for the Upper Tier Arrow-3, $213.9 million for David’s Sling.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-19-2013, 12:49 PM
Make sure to send a "Thank You" card to the US Taxpayer.

According to sources cited by Defense News, “the amount that would be shielded from some 9 percent in automatic cuts triggered by sequestration is $607.3 million for Iron Dome over the 2013-2015 three-year budgetary period. That means Israel is voluntarily forgoing some $54.7 million given the 9 percent sequester.”

Israel is also slated to receive another $65.8 million in Arrow-2 Weapon System funds, $181.7 million for the Upper Tier Arrow-3, $213.9 million for David’s Sling. Originally Posted by lostincypress

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
good for you !!! ... you'll need it

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2...el-s-Iron-Dome Originally Posted by CJ7
I appreciate your concern. Once we prove it really is 90%, we will sell you our systems, at a small markup, of course.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Make sure to send a "Thank You" card to the US Taxpayer.

According to sources cited by Defense News, “the amount that would be shielded from some 9 percent in automatic cuts triggered by sequestration is $607.3 million for Iron Dome over the 2013-2015 three-year budgetary period. That means Israel is voluntarily forgoing some $54.7 million given the 9 percent sequester.”

Israel is also slated to receive another $65.8 million in Arrow-2 Weapon System funds, $181.7 million for the Upper Tier Arrow-3, $213.9 million for David’s Sling. Originally Posted by lostincypress
Thank you, US taxpayers!
Why are you showing pictures of men with AKs. Israel uses the Galil. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
IDF uses Tavor now.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-19-2013, 01:33 PM
Why are you showing pictures of men with AKs. Israel uses the Galil. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

pic is in the article

This is a great scenario - liberals will have to twist themselves in knots to deal with with this foolishness. I bet they will do something like the "family" locker room at the health clubs, where a bunch of secure changing rooms are attached to a common area. Since women and men are equal and women are now fully operational combat marines, I'm sure sport teams will be equally represented between men and women. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The only idiots twisted up in knots are the usual idiots. Professor, do you lay awake at night dreaming this shit up.
thisguy23's Avatar
The girls will then be charged with assault on school grounds, and punished. Originally Posted by LexusLover

If this went to a jury that you were on would you vote guilty for a 10yr old girl.
chefnerd's Avatar
Not sure where the so-called collision is. The law governs grades K-12 and has nothing to do with Title IX which governs college athletics. By the way, you are aware that the LAUSD has had a policy in place since 2005 almost identical to the law passed, right? Also, numerous colleges have included gender identity as part of their non-discrmination and harassment policies, including Colorado and Montana. And how many incidents have we heard of?