Finding Adult Friends

Been there too; but it's sort of fucked up, right? I mean, what kind of relationship is it when, if you're honest about your feelings, it causes her to drop you like a butt. Makes you wonder what the hell she was doing hanging out with you in the first place - and what the hell did she expect? or, it did me. I was "friends" with the woman I'm referring to for three years; the last year, we became really close and did freakin everything together - like shopped for a Christmas tree together kind-of-together; she even told all of her girlfriends I was her best friend; hell, strangers thought we were married; but we never had sex. Then when I unloaded my feelings on her one day, she started drifting away and "poof" - she was gone. We don't even call or text anymore. Did I miss something, or is that just Fucked Up?! Originally Posted by Roguejet
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

Sounds like a smart woman to me. She did not want what you wanted and rather than continue with the stress of a very lop sided relastionship and her perception she might be hurting you, she edged out of the relationship. Maybe the stress of knowing what you really wanted from her was more than she wanted to deal with? In any case, she did what she thought was best for her, and most likly what she felt was best for you in the long run.

Age does bring some perspective on this kind of stuff. Have had this kind of thing happen to me several times. Still hurts each time but I also know the girl did the right thing for her. It was never going where I wanted so it was best.
wild28's Avatar
Hotel bars and Chili's for some fucking reason. Have really good luck there.
jbravo_123's Avatar
For most people, sex is a very intimate and personal act. I would say that very few people can actually have sex without any sort of feelings (you generally have to at least like the person you're having sex with) involved.

So, when you cross that line, it makes perfect sense to me that you're going to be changing the nature of your relationship to something that's much more personal.