What White America Doesn't Want to Know

I wonder how many black members on this forum read this thread, but can't post a comment because they are to busy laughing their asses off to type.

A Community Activist, a Race-Baiter and a Straw Man walk into a bar….

….and the bartender says “Hello, Mr. President”.

President Obama makes a straw man argument, rips Fox News and jokes about how cool he is in one breath:


I wonder how many black members on this forum read this thread, but can't post a comment because they are to busy laughing their asses off to type.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Too. And probably not many. Race isn't a laughing matter. You would understand that if you had any empathy or context within which to view the subject matter.
Too. And probably not many. Race isn't a laughing matter. You would understand that if you had any empathy or context within which to view the subject matter. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Oh, I understand blacks perfectly. There's one thing blacks hate more than anything and that is to be patronized by whites because of their race. Blacks see that a mile away.

Budman's Avatar
Your ignorance is hopeless. You just don't get it, because you're not really interested in getting it. You like thinking the way you do and see no reason to change. Look at how unsure you are off how to even talk about race when you apologize for mentioning someone is black. Just say he was black. Don't follow it up with some uncomfortable comment about it providing context. How can I expect you to get it? You don't even know how to talk about it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are such a hypocrite. Everything you say about those on the right can be said about you. You like to say how we just don't get it. Has it ever occurred to you that you just don't get it? Everyone is a racist if they fall into your definition of conservative. You tell me that all I had to do was say "one of my black friends..." and that would be proof of me being racist. However when one of your ilk make that statement you defend him because in your opinion he is not racist. Do you not see the hypocrisy in your stance? I don't hate anyone because of their race. There are people I hate because of their actions and attitude. Regardless of race.

Your last statement above pretty much sums you up. In your mind nobody from the right can speak about race because "we just don't get it". You are such a narrow minded hypocrite that having any kind of meaningful conversation with you is impossible. You just don't get it.
You are such a hypocrite. Everything you say about those on the right can be said about you. You like to say how we just don't get it. Has it ever occurred to you that you just don't get it? Everyone is a racist if they fall into your definition of conservative. You tell me that all I had to do was say "one of my black friends..." and that would be proof of me being racist. However when one of your ilk make that statement you defend him because in your opinion he is not racist. Do you not see the hypocrisy in your stance? I don't hate anyone because of their race. There are people I hate because of their actions and attitude. Regardless of race.

Your last statement above pretty much sums you up. In your mind nobody from the right can speak about race because "we just don't get it". You are such a narrow minded hypocrite that having any kind of meaningful conversation with you is impossible. You just don't get it. Originally Posted by Budman
Why do you waste time hating anyone? What you don't get is that your race has probably never had a negative effect on your life. When was the last time being white didn't work out for you? It's not just about overt racism. That's much more rare now. Inherent bias is built into the system. That's what you don't get. I'm not narrow-minded at all. I simply understand how the system works and you want to pretend everything is all good. Of course it's all good for you. Being white has always worked in your favor.

Let this white girl break it down for you.

Oh, I understand blacks perfectly. There's one thing blacks hate more than anything and that is to be patronized by whites because of their race. Blacks see that a mile away.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Patronization is all in how you approach something. You understand blacks perfectly? So you understand what it's like to have an inherent bias built into the fabric of the very social system that you're forced to live under?
Budman's Avatar
Why do you waste time hating anyone? What you don't get is that your race has probably never had a negative effect on your life. When was the last time being white didn't work out for you? It's not just about overt racism. That's much more rare now. Inherent bias is built into the system. That's what you don't get. I'm not narrow-minded at all. I simply understand how the system works and you want to pretend everything is all good. Of course it's all good for you. Being white has always worked in your favor.

Let this white girl break it down for you.

http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/video...Bd3kBlptIskRXM Originally Posted by WombRaider

You are narrow minded. You think you are the only one that gets it. You know how the system works but anyone that doesn't agree with you is racist, stupid or just doesn't get it.

Why is hating someone a waste of time? I don't have to expend any more effort hating than I do just not giving a shit. I hate Al Sharpton. I will celebrate with a beer the day he drops fucking dead. Hopefully it will be slow and painful.
You are narrow minded. You think you are the only one that gets it. You know how the system works but anyone that doesn't agree with you is racist, stupid or just doesn't get it.

Why is hating someone a waste of time? I don't have to expend any more effort hating than I do just not giving a shit. I hate Al Sharpton. I will celebrate with a beer the day he drops fucking dead. Hopefully it will be slow and painful. Originally Posted by Budman
I don't think I'm the only one that gets it. It's obvious, however, by how someone speaks, whether they get it or not.

“Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.”

Hate and apathy are very different animals.

“Hate is a useless emotion.”
RedLeg505's Avatar
You are such a hypocrite. Do you not see the hypocrisy in your stance?
Your last statement above pretty much sums you up. In your mind nobody from the right can speak about race because "we just don't get it". You are such a narrow minded hypocrite that having any kind of meaningful conversation with you is impossible. You just don't get it. Originally Posted by Budman
That's the whole thing that is so hilarious ... the liberals are all such RAGING hypocrites they don't even see when they do it.

But God.. they can spot a "racist" comment 100,000 miles away buried on the Moons of Jupiter.
Budman's Avatar
I don't think I'm the only one that gets it. It's obvious, however, by how someone speaks, whether they get it or not.

“Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.”

Hate and apathy are very different animals.

“Hate is a useless emotion.” Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are clueless when it comes to recognizing your hypocrisy. You can tell by how someone speaks if they get it or not. I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with their agreeing with you to determine if they get it or not.

Thanks for the psychobabble.
That's the whole thing that is so hilarious ... the liberals are all such RAGING hypocrites they don't even see when they do it.

But God.. they can spot a "racist" comment 100,000 miles away buried on the Moons of Jupiter. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Oh great. This motherfucker...

You and your generalizations, wonderful. All liberals are this, all these people are that. I don't know about all republicans, but YOU are a raging moron. What's considered racist, isn't up for debate by the race that is in the majority. The majority doesn't get to decide what is racist and what isn't. Or don't you get that? To hear you tell it, we don't have a problem at all. Which is complete bullshit.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Patronization is all in how you approach something. You understand blacks perfectly? So you understand what it's like to have an inherent bias built into the fabric of the very social system that you're forced to live under? Originally Posted by WombRaider
So.. since you apparently "understand blacks perfectly.. tell us how YOU lived as a black in America for the last 5 years? We'll all be fascinated to hear your tale of "living black"
So.. since you apparently "understand blacks perfectly.. tell us how YOU lived as a black in America for the last 5 years? We'll all be fascinated to hear your tale of "living black" Originally Posted by RedLeg505
If you were on here more, you'd know I'm Hispanic, not black. But here you go putting words in my mouth again, just like you always do. Please, tell me when was the last time that being white didn't work out in your favor? I'd love to hear it.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Oh great. This motherfucker...

You and your generalizations, wonderful. All liberals are this, all these people are that. I don't know about all republicans, but YOU are a raging moron. What's considered racist, isn't up for debate by the race that is in the majority. The majority doesn't get to decide what is racist and what isn't. Or don't you get that? To hear you tell it, we don't have a problem at all. Which is complete bullshit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Ohh.. you mean like YOUR "All Conservatives are this".. "All Republicans are that".. All Whites are this other?

To hear you tell it. OBAMA has FAILED MISERABLY at fixing our race problems in America... right?

The Democrats don't get to define what is Racist.. much as you want to.

Ohh.. and by the by Dickweed.. regarding your supposed "win" about the GDP...


First Quarter 2014.. down 2.9 First Quarter 2015.. a whopping 0.2%.. likely to be revised down to a NEGATIVE NUMBER in another month or so.
