Super Bowl 2017

08cris's Avatar
Nothing new here
TryWeakly's Avatar

........when LE has to justify grant money based on the number of "sex slave" cases they complete.


[clipped] . Originally Posted by LexusLover
Definitely NOT trying to instigate here on this one, but where are the facts supporting this statement? I am curious on this one.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Going to be another story on KPRC Channel 2 News tonight about the Super Bowl and the huge increase in demand for "adult entertainment," including all of the escorts and sex traffickers coming in from out of town.

There needs to be degrees of separation in regard to prostitution. Actual "traffickers" dealing with "slaves" and the underage absolutely need to be arrested, rescues made, and the practice squashed. Consent, age, and intention are the key factors, and everyone involved in the Hobby doesn't deserved to be dumped into the same pool. Those of us over 18 who want to be doing this and aren't trying to scam anyone, and our willing clientele, hardly warrant the same negative attention and punishment as those who are subjugated, scamming, pimping, or knowingly patronizing anyone who falls into those categories.
TryWeakly's Avatar
THAT is what I MEANT to say all along ! ! !!

Thanks Fancy, you rock lady !
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
What do you "see"?

All I suggested is all the hysterical people on here, which now includes you with your buddy, SissyLips, should not leap to "judgment" based on a news article based upon what a person related to the news media based on her desire to explain why she was getting paid for sex.....when LE has to justify grant money based on the number of "sex slave" cases they complete.

There is a lot of "judgmental" biases ongoing in the "situation"!

Now you can take that and attempt to twist it around into some distorted bullshit about how I am not opposed to rape and slavery, but that's your agenda and not mine! I am opposed to people "assuming" what they read or hear in the media is the COMPLETE FACTS of a given situation....I happen to know better! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Let's examine your statement again:

^^^^ I suppose one must have FACTS to confirm who is the "victim"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

So if you actually read the article then please share with us who else in this case could even remotely possibly be the victim? Especially since no one was arrested...and ohh so now you want to give a long winded explanation because you got called out by yours truly? Fine! but I'm not gonna let you spin your way out of it. Another thing let's not act like this doesn't really go on and that ALL of it is agenda driven by LE. Yall need to cut that shit out right now. Yes some are kidnapped and some are forced into the industry so to "round-aboutly" brand all cases as fictional affronts to grant securing is naivete at best.

ok Lexus guy.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar

There needs to be degrees of separation in regard to prostitution.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Yep! Thankfully it seems LE and activists are starting to see it this way as well.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Another thing let's not act like this doesn't really go on and that ALL of it is agenda driven by LE. Yall need to cut that shit out right now.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Very true. The reality is lots of men know this takes place yet for selfish reasons (wanting to fuck a young girl with a teen body) they pretend as if it is all hype made up by the media, LE & mayor.

It is ridiculous to think these "18" year old girls want to fuck you and guzzle your old man cum. Hell no, they are forced into it or their life situation is so bad that at the tender age of 18, they feel they have no choice. Either way it is equally heartbreaking.

There is a support group that meets weekly in Houston that is made up of former sex workers and I can tell you on any given week, out of 50 or so women, a third of them are under 18 or were under 18 when they got into sex work.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ that is very sad and unfortunate. I was doing so some motivational speaking type work at a battered women's shelter once and I met with the director of the facility before hand. She walked me through how to interact with these abused women and their kids and I was very uncomfortable around them to say the least. I was taking pictures (and there are protocols on how to take pictures so as not to expose anyone) and one woman was so afraid but I assured her I was not taking her face shot and showed her. But yeah I feel sorry for these women in any case of abuse. It is real and it does happen so there needs to be a balance. Like you said a lot of these guys because buying pussy is so ingrained in them actually think this stuff doesn't go on or that they're really wanted or even desired by the girls that may be forced into the lifestyle by scum predators.
LexusLover's Avatar
Definitely NOT trying to instigate here on this one, but where are the facts supporting this statement? I am curious on this one. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
You mean "facts" like the "facts" stated supporting the original story?

I hope you are not suggesting that local LE agencies receiving grant money for "special programs" aren't MOTIVATED to report favorable STATS to reflect how they are spending the taxpayers' bucks on a "successful" program so they can re-up next year for another grant ... you wouldn't be doing that now would you?

And you ARE "instigating"!
LexusLover's Avatar
Very true. The reality is lots of men know this takes place yet for selfish reasons (wanting to fuck a young girl with a teen body) they pretend as if it is all hype made up by the media, LE & mayor. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Really? Name one handle on here "of men" who "know this takes place yet for selfish reasons (want to fuck a young girl with a teen body) they pretend as if it is all hype made up by the media, LE 7 mayor"?

Why slur and trash people with innuendo? If you KNOW what these "men" are thinking ... then give them up!

BTW: Suggesting that folks hesitate to convict until FACTS are known and proven is an appropriate response .... and one you might want to consider in your posts!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Really? Name one handle on here "of men" who "know this takes place yet for selfish reasons (want to fuck a young girl with a teen body) they pretend as if it is all hype made up by the media, LE 7 mayor"?

Why slur and trash people with innuendo? If you KNOW what these "men" are thinking ... then give them up!

BTW: Suggesting that folks hesitate to convict until FACTS are known and proven is an appropriate response .... and one you might want to consider in your posts! Originally Posted by LexusLover

^ What an unintelligent and sad response. Why would she name one handle when she's speaking in generalities. With your constant babble you sound guilty as fuck to be honest. and she's not sluring or trashing anyone in particular. If the shoe fits then wear it. OK Lexus man. And furthermore none of this drivel you're posting jives with your original statement.

I think if anything this is one big self alert and indictment on your own character.

I told you before and I will say it again think before you post think before you start your rants and self imposed meltdowns. ;-)
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
^ What an unintelligent and sad response. Why would she name one handle when she's speaking in generalities. With your constant babble you sound guilty as fuck to be honest. and she's not sluring or trashing anyone in particular. If the shoe fits then wear it. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I know this is very unprofessional, but I love you
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

I know this is very unprofessional, but I love you Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde

Lol its all good I get it. Just calling him out on his BS.
LexusLover's Avatar

I know this is very unprofessional, but I love you Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Birds of a feather!

Where are the FACTS in the story that substantiate the claims?

Where are the FACTS in my posts upon which you conclude as YOUR LOVE does?

You two love birds just confirmed my point. Your respective agendas cloud your thought processes ... now you accuse me of "sex trafficking" ... or just "kidnapping and rape"?

You are a piece of work ... both of you actually!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Birds of a feather!

Where are the FACTS in the story that substantiate the claims?

Where are the FACTS in my posts upon which you conclude as YOUR LOVE does?

You two love birds just confirmed my point. Your respective agendas cloud your thought processes ... now you accuse me of "sex trafficking" ... or just "kidnapping and rape"?

You are a piece of work ... both of you actually! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Would you like some cheese with that whine?

Its clear you dont understand how silly you what constitutes facts to you. Is it listening to and believing the testimony of a sexual trafficker or predator. Is it the belieff that all stories of rescuing women in distess are not to be believed? Its clear that based on your unbalanced belief system that you think all traffickers should be given the benefit of the doubt while all women making claims are liars and should not be believed.

I don't know Brooke and I have never met her so your exercise of neck mill stone tying is one of futility.

Most decent people based on the story would sympathize with a woman having siezures who was found on the street. They wouldn't be so cold and callous as to imply she's not a victim and that the story is made up. I'm sure the person that found her on the streets and took her to the hospital would corroborate the story.

Again whether right or wrong the way you initially lean is a huge indictment on your character.

OK guy.