
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Try harder, sweetie! It's really not that hard to understand. Originally Posted by ali*cat
I'll spell it out

Got it? Thanks Originally Posted by ali*cat
How nice. Thanks for the translation.
that is sad on her part I have send info to my guys for other females to see when I am out of town and given references and suggestions if I am unavailable.or if someone i know is travelling and I have some contacts there I will send them an email if a another ask me too..we have to stick together..I am a firm believer in karma and she will get hers at some point....
I'll spell it out

a) Potential client asked for my contact info
b) Provider said she had the info, but she wasn't going
to give it to him because I was actually traveling with her (not true) and I was in the next hotel room, having my monthly (this is a period)
C) I stated I felt like she was desperate to keep him to herself, instead of just giving him my contact info.

Got it? Thanks Originally Posted by ali*cat
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I always screen and verify and I am tired of get the same reply "He is ok" I ran into this alot in NY..When I give a reference I share more about what the gentlemen likes especially when it is one of my regulars and I am out of town...what info do you give and men what info do you like to be given about you? Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
I honestly don't know how ladies remember all the guys they've seen. I hope my references will answer a lady's questions as best she can. Chemistry varies between two people, so the session dynamics may turn out different. But variety is good.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I honestly don't know how ladies remember all the guys they've seen. I hope my references will answer a lady's questions as best she can. Chemistry varies between two people, so the session dynamics may turn out different. But variety is good. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
I remember every. single. guy. Maybe it's because I'm not seeing 10 guys a day. Dunno but yeah.. it's possible.
Yes, Kharma isn't very pretty, I wasn't desperate for money or anything, but still I thought it was very tacky.
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't remember much lol. Seriously, I don't keep details stored in my PC or in my mind, since I am not falling in love. I treat every guy with the same respect and it's obvious I am not going to remember you if you're not an active member where I post, or someone I see often. I remember the bad ones more than the good, because that's something we have to share with other ladies alert wise.
See I dont like ref's. Im also not going to give explicit details to some lady Ive never met. He's ok, is all you need to know. For one, everyone is diff, the kinky strap-on things I do, Im not sharing. My guys appreciate that.

Second? I dont know what drama the girl Im giving the ref to is going through. Has she been popped? Does she clean out her inbox? Is she married/divorced? Her man may find my email? Is she caught up in something bigger? Drugs? Identity theft? We all remember Sophie Simone. Did any of you see that coming? Glad my email wasnt in her computrer. Descriptive refs are so foolish. I dont know but I AM NOT GIVING YOU EXPLICIT DETAILS IN A FUCKING EMAIL!

Ok is more than enough and if you needs it spelled out for you than you dont need to be in this business or you need to be managed by a 3rd party.
London Rayne's Avatar
No one is asking for a play by play, but "OK" does not mean a thing...noted. Like you said, the kinky strap on stuff you do is not what many girls will want to do. Knowing a guy is into that will prevent him going for a vanilla type after seeing a pse, and being disappointed. Regardless of what you say, your email was still sent so if the girl is busted, everything and everyone associated with her will be up for questioning.

I know many girls who don't give refs and that is their choice and should be respected, but it's nice to know who you can rely on for them. Last time I checked a guy's race or physical description was not explicit.
WOW!!!! What is with the language and attitude...If it is a provider i have never heard of contacts me I do research and if you are more comfortable talking on phone than do it that way...but just an he is OK and he shows up and is expecting the same kinky things you do that someone else may not than it saves alot of problems that could be avoided with a simple "He likes things on the wild side"..i ask the guys ask if there is any special request to get information ..i don't know who Sophie Simone is so I can't comment but there are ways to word things that provide information without placing yourself at risk...
See I don't like ref's. I'm also not going to give explicit details to some lady Ive never met. He's OK, is all you need to know. For one, everyone is diff, the kinky strap-on things I do, I'm not sharing. My guys appreciate that.

Second? I don't know what drama the girl I'm giving the ref to is going through. Has she been popped? Does she clean out her inbox? Is she married/divorced? Her man may find my email? Is she caught up in something bigger? Drugs? Identity theft? We all remember Sophie Simone. Did any of you see that coming? Glad my email wasnt in her computrer. Descriptive refs are so foolish. I dont know but I AM NOT GIVING YOU EXPLICIT DETAILS IN A FUCKING EMAIL!

Ok is more than enough and if you needs it spelled out for you than you dont need to be in this business or you need to be managed by a 3rd party. Originally Posted by TamsenCrown
I will always promptly provide a reference to another lady. I too give very little information. If a woman trusts me enough to contact me, then please accept a reply with only a couple of sentences.

Early on I was burned with a couple of references. Nothing major, but I figured out pretty quickly that I needed to be able to rely on myself. If I can't find out on my own the information that I need to feel comfortable, a third party won't help.

Another reason I don't always contact other women is I like my privacy. I really like to keep my business to myself. The men that I see appreciate the fact that I keep to myself and avoid drama.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
We all remember Sophie Simone. Did any of you see that coming? Glad my email wasnt in her computrer. Descriptive refs are so foolish. Originally Posted by TamsenCrown
Tamsen makes a good point right here. I certainly knew her and definitely did not see that that one coming. I have no idea how she handled her emails, but it is something to consider.

You could have done every bit of research on her and found out she was absolutely legit provider, verified on many sites. If you then replied to or sent her an email request and if she didn't handle her TCB correctly, it could still create problems for you.

I think that is an extreme example Tamsen, but it is a legitimate concern for everyone involved.
Naomi4u's Avatar
See I dont like ref's. Im also not going to give explicit details to some lady Ive never met. He's ok, is all you need to know. For one, everyone is diff, the kinky strap-on things I do, Im not sharing. My guys appreciate that.

Second? I dont know what drama the girl Im giving the ref to is going through. Has she been popped? Does she clean out her inbox? Is she married/divorced? Her man may find my email? Is she caught up in something bigger? Drugs? Identity theft? We all remember Sophie Simone. Did any of you see that coming? Glad my email wasnt in her computrer. Descriptive refs are so foolish. I dont know but I AM NOT GIVING YOU EXPLICIT DETAILS IN A FUCKING EMAIL!

Ok is more than enough and if you needs it spelled out for you than you dont need to be in this business or you need to be managed by a 3rd party. Originally Posted by TamsenCrown
My dear OK is NOT more than enough. There was a lady that gave a guy an OK because he gave her a puppy. The same guy went on to rape two very close friends of mine so NO Ok is not enough. If all you are going to say is OK then you're better off saying "I am sorry. I do not give references". Some providers are reference friendly and other are not. I know of a few providers that won't give references out of spite and jealousy. I personally screen the provider THEN respond to a reference. It is just common sense to do this. This way you know the lady is verified and all before answering.

I respond to all verifiable providers when it comes to references. There are some ladies I do NOT like/get along with and I will still respond to them for their own safety. It shows good character when you do this. If you were to contact me for a reference and the guy you were inquiring about raped 2 girls but didn't rape me should I then say he is Ok? Think about it.

No one is asking for a play by play, but "OK" does not mean a thing...noted. Like you said, the kinky strap on stuff you do is not what many girls will want to do. Knowing a guy is into that will prevent him going for a vanilla type after seeing a pse, and being disappointed. Regardless of what you say, your email was still sent so if the girl is busted, everything and everyone associated with her will be up for questioning.

I know many girls who don't give refs and that is their choice and should be respected, but it's nice to know who you can rely on for them. Last time I checked a guy's race or physical description was not explicit. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I agree wholeheartedly london!

Honestly, Some ladies are just spiteful biatches! I do not rely on references for this reason. If a guy has seen 16 girls on date-check I contact every single one of them and THEN do a thorough screening. You never know with some chicks!

WOW!!!! What is with the language and attitude...If it is a provider i have never heard of contacts me I do research and if you are more comfortable talking on phone than do it that way...but just an he is OK and he shows up and is expecting the same kinky things you do that someone else may not than it saves alot of problems that could be avoided with a simple "He likes things on the wild side"..i ask the guys ask if there is any special request to get information ..i don't know who Sophie Simone is so I can't comment but there are ways to word things that provide information without placing yourself at risk... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Sophie Simone was not too bright. I have read the story and heard different versions.

The end.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Edit: News flash ladies, These men DO NOT belong to you.
London Rayne's Avatar
I know Tamsen from TBD so I know she is not a biaatch....just opinionated as we all are. Sophie is no different than anyone else you give a reference to except for the fact that she was a felon lol. Bottom line is we are ALL breaking the law here, and if you say "OK" you are still admitting you have in fact seen a person. Saying he is 6' tall with blonde hair and blue eyes, clean, and on time, is not really getting you in any more trouble. Any one of us can be busted at any time so by that theory we should not give refs to anyone lol.

I take being cordial and reference friendly as a part of my job, and I am not saying anyone else has to agree or do the same thing. The ONE time I just said a guy was ok the dumb biaaatch went back and made it sound as if I did not think very highly of him. He literally contacted me and said, "London I thought we really hit it off but so and so said all you said was I was just ok."

I do agree that if a girl is a pain in the butt, I won't deal with her but that is a rare occasion. I had one the other day that had no site, no reviews, just a random BP ad, and expected me to reveal info. about a very good and professional client. Then she got pissy when I asked to verify her and said, "Well fine I will just tell him you would not give him a reference." Uh no idiot, I have given him SEVERAL refs to women who have a brain and know how to conduct their requests!

I emailed him and told him to stop giving his real name to these retards because of things like this. He has 6 solid refs so there is no reason to give his name to everyone....especially those who can't be verified and have nothing to lose. Guys appreciate it when you do what you say you will, and when I say you will get a good can bet I keep my word.

It's apparent that not all of us screen thoroughly because "OK" with me would never get a guy in the door. I don't get pissy about it, but note not to use her as a ref ever again and tell the guy I will need more info. Even the screening sites flat out tell you not to just go on okays extra research. If they are saying so, I would take that very seriously.