Why Do Hoogars Get Pregnant?

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
'Cuz they can.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I always assumed its from sex without using a condom. Either with a client, her pimp, or real world sex.

However, I wonder how prevalent other causes are? Leakage, broken condom, rape by a client, client slipping off the condom, condom sabotage, leaky condom, etc.

I've always assumed that "contamination" wasn't a significant pregnancy risk, but maybe not if you do it enough times. I.e. accidentally getting cum on hands, body parts, etc. and getting that rubbed on the vagina. Or getting a little cum or precum on the hands then on the condom, a toy, etc.

I've always avoided such things for the disease potential, if not for the daddy potential.

I've had a lady or two who was ready to do some meat rubbing, I always avoided that for the disease potential, but I suspect that's one of the bigger pregnancy risks other than BB.

I've also wondered what percent of the providers use birth control in addition to condoms. To me, it would be a no-brainer except for the possible side effects of the birth control drugs.
ck1942's Avatar
Why Do Hoogars Get Pregnant?

-- aside from the "obvious" seen by many viewing this thread title.

Why do only certain types of males (maybe females, too) seem to create threads with titles like this?

Don't want to be judgmental, so I'll keep my opinion to myself, but suffice to say, many gents may read way more into every OP's personality, character and intent when they see titles like

Why Do Hoogars Get Pregnant?

Pretty sure I am that more than a few ladies also read headlines like these the same way.
This question has too many variables tucked away. Do you mean only the women who get pregnant while they are providers? I know there are lot of moms in the hobby, but suspect most of them became moms before they were providers or had any real thoughts of becoming one.

Are you trying to understand the motivation of all providers or just one in particular? Since providers come from a wide range of backgrounds attributing their motivation for getting pregnant to one underlying cause seems like a bit of a stretch. Most of us can't even understand the reasoning of one woman much less a large diverse group of them.

See Chica Chaser's initial response for the obvious truth. Originally Posted by junkweed
I think I am looking more from the viewpoint of those supple young firm ones, not moms who start out already with youngins, who you see later on down the road a bit more birthing weathered.
Oh I'll bet you do.... Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Yes CC, you are...,
Why Do Hoogars Get Pregnant?

-- aside from the "obvious" seen by many viewing this thread title.

Why do only certain types of males (maybe females, too) seem to create threads with titles like this?

Don't want to be judgmental, so I'll keep my opinion to myself, but suffice to say, many gents may read way more into every OP's personality, character and intent when they see titles like

Why Do Hoogars Get Pregnant?

Pretty sure I am that more than a few ladies also read headlines like these the same way. Originally Posted by ck1942
Ok CK...let's stay on topic.

Or by all means, start a thread that goes maybe a little something like:

Why do only certain types of males/females create titles like "Why do Hoogars Get Pregnant"
Who did you knock up?
Who did you knock up? Originally Posted by hawkman
LMAO. Now that would truly suck. Wait for the "Will you please delete my account" request
ck1942's Avatar
Ok CK...let's stay on topic.

Or by all means, start a thread that goes maybe a little something like:

Why do only certain types of males/females create titles like "Why do Hoogars Get Pregnant" Originally Posted by ATF Hobby
I believe I am on topic -- your topic -- your intent -- your agenda.

You made yourself fair game by posting

Why Do Hoogars Get Pregnant?

No need to start a separate thread.

fyi, there are certain places out there on the 'net that would automatically "censor" certain terms, like the one you used.

In the past, I have voted for that type of prohibition. However, I now support "letting all the sh*t be out there" as the openness therewith is a shining light (not a beacon) about the character, intent, agenda, and etc. about those using such language.

"Back in the day" so to speak, used to be these forums were greatly populated by genuine "ladies" and "gentlemen."

Good thing, it may be now, that all posters may show their "true colors" so observers may make personal decisions with way more information than just a handle, etc.

Best of luck in your hobby adventures.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Hoogars Originally Posted by ATF Hobby
money maker Originally Posted by ATF Hobby
weight Originally Posted by ATF Hobby
let's stay on topic. Originally Posted by ATF Hobby
LMAO. Originally Posted by ATF Hobby
You're making this way too easy.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Some may be in a committed relationship outside of the hobby and want to start a family. Maybe they just want a baby.
This may just be temporary for them. It could just be a way for them to afford a better life by paying off some bills, saving for a down payment on a home, or whatever their reason.
It may be that they got pregnant by accident and don't believe in abortion.
Whatever the reason, it is ultimately their choice. As long as they aren't trying to trap a guy either into a relationship or into lifelong child support, does it matter why?
ck1942's Avatar
... not to inject any "gallows humor" here, but perhaps one reason any female gets pregnant is there is no other way to experience the ck1942 (almost patented, maybe could be trademarked or copyrighted)

fabled and often duplicated "reverse missionary sex at 9 months and counting" coitus position

in which the female is in control, engages in extended sex time, has multiple prolonged female orgasms and meanwhile makes the male partner do most if not all of the work and if the male doesn't have much penile length, both of the lady's G-Spots are well stimulated.

btw, the position may be engaged w/o the "baby bump" but there's way less sensation for the female.
Well, it looks like CK has just about fully answered that question for all of humanity.
karmapolice's Avatar
I was still trying to figure out what the HELL a "HOOGAR" was and why someone had never had the "birds and the bees" talk with the OP!
nuglet's Avatar
Sounds like someone lost a girlfriend...