Providers vs. Sugar Babies

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Having read some of the sugar Baby forum, I'd say that with a sugar Baby, there is often a lot more work. Emotional maintainance and drama seem to be a part of the experience. with a genuine provider, there should never be any complications.

Some3 Hobbyists like it some don't. The difference between the SB/SD arrangement Vs the regular Provider/Hob byist transaction is a little like the contrast between those who really like the dancer/stripper experience vs the Provider experience. In the end, its whatever floats your boat and works for you.

In my own case, my lifestyle and level of disposable income dictates that I seek the intimate companionship of a regular Provider only once in a while. I cannot support or conceal a regular mistress. The Dancer/Stripper experience is, for me, a waste of time and money (but if it is your favorite thing, then "Cheers" to you.)
What point? That we're extraverted and like to talk to people. Not necessarily a SB but a socialist. Originally Posted by Alyssa71
Can you be my suga babes on a layaway plan. I say we start with a fitty dollar down payment and figure it out az we go. Been reading them revos, reviews. Lil shine got a tad bid excited boo boo....
Can you be my suga babes on a layaway plan. I say we start with a fitty dollar down payment and figure it out az we go. Been reading them revos, reviews. Lil shine got a tad bid excited boo boo.... Originally Posted by shinepro
LOL. You must be sleep typing, cause that would only happen in your dreams. HAHHAHH
I don't mean for this to be derogatory but : A whore is a Whore. Just because the sugar daddy wants to pretend there is a relationship doesn't change the fact that there is a paid transaction going on. Its a short term versus long term lease.