favorite fast food restaurants

gman44's Avatar
Steak 'n Shake Originally Posted by mstrdragon
There's a steak'nshake near my work and I think the burgers aren't that good. My uncle told me that have one in north carolina that is excellent
Schmafty's Avatar
There's a steak'nshake near my work and I think the burgers aren't that good. My uncle told me that have one in north carolina that is excellent Originally Posted by geniusman
I tried a Steak-n-Shake for the first time just a couple of weeks ago. It reminded me a lot of a Freddy's. I thought that the burgers were pretty good, but they seemed a lot smaller to me than the pictures on the menu led me to believe.
Jack in the box has the best value menu. But it depends on which one you go to....
levibob56's Avatar
Is Short Stop anything like In-n-Out?
I like their Burgers.
missi hart's Avatar
i have to agree with the others who have said p. terry's
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Nothing like a Thundercloud Sub. Or Taco Shack. Or Chango's. Or right across the street there's BurgerTex, with their famous bulgoki burger. I like mine with grilled onions.

DallasRain's Avatar
whataburger.....MY FAVE!!!
{I miss Austin...they dont have Whataburger in New Orleans}
missi hart's Avatar
whataburger is good and it is texas based. i give the nod to p. terry's for fast food burgers as they are local, have tasty burgers and are very reasonably priced. my preference when i go out to eat for any type of meal is to give my money to local establishments over national chain restaurants
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
When I worked in DC, Five Guys was the place for burgers. Glad to know that there is one in Austin. Give a shot as it will rival any other burger joint, chain or local.
Is Short Stop anything like In-n-Out?
I like their Burgers. Originally Posted by levibob56
that would be a No,but Short Stop does have a good corn dog
, In and Out is great!! if I am in Vegas or the SF Bay Area I have to stop and get one
I will try 'Five Guys; since I live really close by
I also like

Freddies Steakburger
Jock in Z Box
Top Notch Burgers on Burnet
PT Terry's is good too
dookiexp's Avatar
Tacodelli!! The place is outstanding
well since REB outted me for not dieting right now, I may as well chime in with a few I haven't seen listed yet. Wally's burgers are quite possibly the best in Austin, and Hilberts is also good, and another place right behind Capital Plaza, can't remember the name, but good burgers with fresh lettuce and tomatoes.
FWR's Avatar
  • FWR
  • 01-14-2010, 02:50 PM
Does Texadelphia count as fast food? If so, that's my vote. Taco Shack for the breakfast taco run in the mornings.
Yeah im not much of a fast food eater but here's where i'll go depending on what i want

Fajitas- Taco Cabana
Nachos- Taco Bell
Burger- Burger Tex (not sure if thats considered fast food tho)
Breakfast- Jack in the box
Chicken- Chicken Express