British Intelligence says Snowden leaks did serious damage

The Brits intelligence is just as stupid as ours. Let them in, they kill you, and then whine and cry that they can't read their emails anymore. Still scratching their heads trying to figure it out
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-09-2013, 10:29 AM
Answer the question:

Why didn't Obama move swiftly to extradite Snowden?

Why did the DOJ/DOS wait 2 weeks to file the extradition paper work ?

Why did the DOJ wait 2 weeks to cancel his passport ?

Why did the DOS/DOJ misspell his name on the extradition paperwork ?


Obama doesn't want Snowden back in the US for trial in an open court room; represented by a team of aggressive lawyers who will ask too many questions about the NSA overreach and domestic spying on Americans. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

How do you know he didn't? a Chinese official said so ? Which one, who said so? any proof to validate that claim? just another he said bullshit post from you sport.

apparently you're more than willing to take the word of a Chink over the POTUS.

Traitor much?
How do you know he didn't? a Chinese official said so ? Which one, who said so? any proof to validate that claim? just another he said bullshit post from you sport.

apparently you're more than willing to take the word of a Chink over the POTUS.

Traitor much? Originally Posted by CJ7
And if you like your health insurance, you can keep it, period.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-09-2013, 10:52 AM
And if you like your health insurance, you can keep it, period. Originally Posted by nwarounder
what page are you on ?
I would have supported extraditing Snowden and charging him in an open court with a jury of his peers.....I suspect, like other important whistleblowers, he would have been exonerated and walked away a free man......

Question: Why didn't Obama extradite Snowden ?
For some strange reason, it took the Department of Justice almost two weeks to file its request for extradition. And, according to Hong Kong officials, when the DOJ finally did so, the papers were not properly filled out. Meanwhile, Snowden’s passport was not revoked until June 22, almost two weeks after he came forward as the source of the NSA story, giving him ample time to plot his escape. The DOJ, in other words, screwed up what should have been an easy catch, giving President Obama one more good reason to fire Attorney General Eric Holder. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Yeah, of course it's the government's fault Snowden is a fucking traitor who belongs in jail. And, if you seem to be a lot more confident about Snowden walking an espionage charge than he is.....
what page are you on ? Originally Posted by CJ7
The page that reads: CJ still believes the POTUS and what he says
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  • CJ7
  • 11-09-2013, 11:43 AM
The page that reads: CJ still believes the POTUS and what he says Originally Posted by nwarounder
in that case, please quote the POTUS about Snowden's extradition,using his exact words.

I'll wait.
in that case, please quote the POTUS about Snowden's extradition,using his exact words.

I'll wait. Originally Posted by CJ7
Obama: “There is no spying on Americans, we don’t have a domestic spying program,” on the Jay Leno show.

Snowden proved otherwise. Obama is a habitual liar, we know you love him and believe everything he says, and repeat everything he says, despite the facts. Nothing wrong in you wanting to believe him, it's just really funny how often he makes you out to look bad as well when you parrot and defend him.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-09-2013, 12:07 PM
Obama: “There is no spying on Americans, we don’t have a domestic spying program,” on the Jay Leno show.

Snowden proved otherwise. Obama is a habitual liar, we know you love him and believe everything he says, and repeat everything he says, despite the facts. Nothing wrong in you wanting to believe him, it's just really funny how often he makes you out to look bad as well when you parrot and defend him. Originally Posted by nwarounder

Jay Leno ... is that a quote from Obama or a comedy show?
These are the same Obamazombies who believed Obama when he blamed Benghazi on a You Tube video................

Obama: “There is no spying on Americans, we don’t have a domestic spying program,” on the Jay Leno show.

Snowden proved otherwise. Obama is a habitual liar, we know you love him and believe everything he says, and repeat everything he says, despite the facts. Nothing wrong in you wanting to believe him, it's just really funny how often he makes you out to look bad as well when you parrot and defend him. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Obama lying about domestic spying on the Tonight Show with Leno.....


Obama lying about Benghazi on the Letterman Show....

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-09-2013, 12:42 PM
again, how do you know the paper work wasn't filled out correctly... a Chink said so?

riiiiiight Comrade whiratraitor Originally Posted by CJ7
I find your language to be completely unacceptable and racist.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Snowden and Manning did irreparable damage? To what? What they exposed were lies and espionage by our government. They exposed lies about our engagement in the Iraq war. Lies about government surveillance against citizens without due process. We can only hope the damage is irreparable.

They merely exposed activities of government about which we had a right to know, but government wanted kept hidden. Their courage should be honored. God Bless them.
I don't see where anyone is really busting their ass to locate and bring Snowden to justice. All we ever really hear in the media is that he is such a traitor and has foiled the efforts to combat terrorism. If he's such a threat to the national security grid, what's the hold up. Either locate him or contract a foreign entity to brush the mother fucker. Iam sure the CIA can have that arranged.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-09-2013, 10:28 PM
I find your language to be completely unacceptable and racist. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
I find you can kiss my ass