How do i go back to having a normal sex life after hobbying

Just take sex off the table for a while. If you go out, remove all expectations for how the night should end. Enjoy the conversation, the companionship, the time together. It may also be best to go out with groups of friends, rather than one on one with a guy. You just need a little time to get comfortable in your own skin and acclimate to the new situation. If after a long period of trying this out you still have trouble moving on it might be good to talk to someone, but that likely won't be necessary. Just take some time and it will be all right.
Keep your chin up. I sincerely wish the best for you.
Take a 6 to 14 day rafting trip through the Grand will find yourself there and come out a new person. The hike up the Bright Angel Trail significantly helps one find who they are so the shorter upper canyon trip would be my recommendation. You will almost immediately connect with mother nature and cleans and free your mind in the awe of it all.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Buy a vibrator. I agree - forget about sex, you're having a meltdown with posting your name and not thinking clearly. The best thing for you to do is get your bearings about life straight and then care about sex.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
should i go into a help center? Originally Posted by !VI!

Definitely without a doubt.

Cooper Barrett's Avatar
You should leave here, call DR. Phil and pull your fucking boots on your feet yourself. Now go, walk out that door, as soon as you get the fuck away from the people that accused/ outted you the sooner you will feel better. A cute little house in a small town 45 minutes from anywhere and a Labrador will cure anything. except an STD.
I been trying to retire for a month now, it a hard habit to kick
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-29-2016, 03:59 PM
Speaking of Dr. Phil, when I was young there use to be a neighborhood sw a a few years older than me, I always wondered why she use to be out at night walking the main blv. I won't say why but she came out on a episode of Dr. Phil many years after, it had nothing with her past but I've heard she's still a hoe.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Sorry just curious

How do i go back to having a normal sex life?

i won't get as much, won't make nearly as much money?

how do i grow from where i am? should i go into a help center? Originally Posted by !VI!
You have received some sincerely helpful counsel in some of these threads.

Mine is this: addiction to anything beyond your acceptable norm but can be altered by your consciousness and discipline based on what works for you.

If you cannot control your addiction, then yes, help should be sought from those you trust. That takes experimentation, but search.

I have not met you. being an old fart I have my limitations on how young I visit. However, I have read your posts. I perceive you do know what you want in your universe; love, stability, security.

I perceive you know that is not sustainable in the hobby. That is the way I see it for myself. I may be off track.

I can't remember the song or artist that spinned: there's someone out there for everyone; you just gotta look.

I wish you lotta luck ; follow your heart.

Please don't call me Grandpa. I already know.
Or, you can quit posting threADs to get attention drama king
Counselling can help you understand yourself better and maybe to find what you really want and to discover who you really are. The hobby might provide an outlet for you, so you can relieve your sex drive without having to deal with guys emotional baggage. Please ignore the haters who posted in this thread. Some people get a thrill out of being mean. Makes them feel superior. Anyway, Counselling can really help you get your head on straight. You are very young and have so much ahead of you. I respect the fact that you are searching. I wish I could help more. Keep searching.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Or, you can quit posting threADs to get attention drama king Originally Posted by Tsmokies
The old skinny guy Tsmokies by his own admission has an opinion. Hope he supports Amendment#1 as do I.
Do some self thinking and figure out what your life goals/interests are, or what your normal life is lacking. Don't be afraid to seek professional consoling

Maybe go out and socialize with friends or make new friends, or try to limit your free time and keep yourself busy (another hobby, overtime at work, gym)
Wirklich was Sie brauchen, um uns Ihre Definition von normal. Ist es eine (1) passen nur? Ist es eine Orgie jeden Freitag Abend?

Eine schnelle Lösung kann Brüderlichkeit Parteien. Viele der Brüderlichkeit Parteien

[Really you need to tell us your definition of normal. Is it one (1) mate only? Is it having an orgy every Friday night?

A quick solution may be frat parties. Lots of frat parties]
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Ich errate, dass die Party zu Ende ist, Fraulein Kommandant....
Lol Doug. My grown kids got my skinny old ugly ass several thinks (safety related) when I explained to them why I wasn't "dating" anymore.

Butt dang they didn't get me a camera to take pics. Well I guess they did that too. Butt, I've never used it in a frkn parking lot
suiram77's Avatar
Sorry just curious

How do i go back to having a normal sex life?

i won't get as much, won't make nearly as much money?

how do i grow from where i am? should i go into a help center? Originally Posted by !VI!
VI! wish I can help with info on this but I don't know what normal sex life is
Never ever experience that but best wishes to you.