Who is the keeper of the clock? Hobbiest or Provider

Helicopter206's Avatar

I really don't like to hang around after the clean up. But some providers say you don't have to leave.. That's when I ask, do you want to go out and get something to eat.
5 or 10 minutes over I don't see a problem with, but when it's going 30 minutes always tip, be nice guys, she didn't have to see you in the first place.
If she go over she was wanting to make sure you are happy and want's to see you again.

The worst thing to happen is go over don't tip, then watch the drama on the board.
the girls call this
The Client Stole Money

The Client can also set his alarm on his phone, or watch...

Like most of us we could never get some hot little thing to even look at us more or less want to bed us down. they are doing you a favor so take care of them, you are always on their time...
your time is just a dream or a fantasy remember....
malwoody's Avatar

Let's see...first in another thread you share something I PMd to you and now after making a private comment, you decide to take my private response and drag it out in the open...

Let's face it man...NOBODY in this forum assumes more misinformation and posts about than you do....for someone who OBVIOUSLY IMO has spent little or no time on the street, you seem to know a lot about "management"...etc
Topgun007's Avatar
Okay I'll "way"..weigh in....

Originally Posted by malwoody
Thanks, I know who to to go to now for all my questions.
Guest012814's Avatar
Thanks, I know who to to go to now for all my questions. Originally Posted by Topgun007
If you can't take the feedback, don't ask for it.
Adeptus32's Avatar
Please keep on topic, and avoid speculation and personal attacks.

Topgun007's Avatar
Actually you totally misread my response, I was thanking you.
Actually you totally misread my response, I was thanking you. Originally Posted by Topgun007
Actually, I'm guessing we all "misread" your response, then...

I do agree with the others, though... classy response by Chloe.
The DarkSide's Avatar
I would love to spend a lifetime over with khloe, but its the responsibilty of the gentleman to say our time is up and thank her! Anything over the time agreed must be compensated accordingly! Chloe no need to worry, your rep is awesome and you have my respect and of course my money baby!
I always have extra $ for at least 30 minutes extra. I call it my having a whole lot of fun fund. The next time I see her I'd book longer but would still have my whole lot of fun fund.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I do agree with the others, though... classy response by Chloe. Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Quite excellent as well.
I always have to rely on her to indicate to me when the time is up, since I can't see the clock from my vantage point. And she has to slap my head, because I can't hear anything with her thighs around my ears...
Thequeen's Avatar
If a bartender pours me a drink without me asking for it, I assume she is buying. I will tip her, but she won't get the full bar price of the drink.

If I am on a paid date and we go over the hour because we are having a good time together, I will tip her but I won't expect to pay the hourly rate for the extra time.

That being said, I am very conscious of the time and always mention that the time is getting near. On more than one occasion I've had a lady say "I'm in no rush" or "Don't worry about it." Originally Posted by KCQuestor

Or if she says I have nothing going on and starts naming states and their capitals and It ends up being 2 hours later!!! lol
Or if she says I have nothing going on and starts naming states and their capitals and It ends up being 2 hours later!!! lol Originally Posted by Thequeen
New Hampshire?
KCQuestor's Avatar
Or if she says I have nothing going on and starts naming states and their capitals and It ends up being 2 hours later!!! lol Originally Posted by Thequeen
You got all 50!
  • SuzyQ
  • 11-19-2013, 07:57 PM
Both, definitely both. The donation chat for myself, personally is a turn off once the fun has began. When a client and I are still enjoying ourselves beyond the scheduled meeting time, we both have no place to be; I'm more than happy to continue on with our visit. That great, in fact.
However, I feel like the hobbyist should be aware that preferably full compensation should follow or at least a decent tip. I was quite unhappy with the "not a clock watcher" comment on one of my particular reviews, no tip or extra compensation noted (learning experience for sure.) Made me wonder what was listed in ROS, I wouldn't want to have men thinking they can just come hang out all evening for peanuts. It just gives the wrong impression.
I'm not "watching" a clock but I do have a system. I put on music. When most albums are over, I know that we are close to an hour and I better take care of anything unfinished. Once wrapped up, a hot towel is great reason to pop up for a quick rinse and time check. I love entertaining during business hours! My friends are usually feeling great and ready to shower and get back to work! It's much different than a late night, weekend meeting.
I love my midday visits and friends! They are the best! (IMO, of course!)