Why isn’t anybody talking about the fiasco in Vietnam?

Totally agree grean. NK has had the same stance with every president. Trump was counting his chickens before they hatched. The needle on NK hasn't moved Originally Posted by themystic
Ok, So if we came out exactly where we started, which I think some progress was made overall in Trump trying so far, then why are you calling it a fiasco.

Nothing certainly lost, and by some accounts gains made.

Please elaborate someone. Or is it just to gin up fake outrage against Trump.

Where is the overall downside in having tried?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I thought it was Nixon
Maybe wrong lifetime...?!!

Good Thread
Its nice to see you all debate with intelligence instead of mud slinging.. Originally Posted by Danielle Silver

Men are talking.
themystic's Avatar
Ok, So if we came out exactly where we started, which I think some progress was made overall in Trump trying so far, then why are you calling it a fiasco.

Nothing certainly lost, and by some accounts gains made.

Please elaborate someone. Or is it just to gin up fake outrage against Trump.

Where is the overall downside in having tried? Originally Posted by eccielover
Overall no harm no foul. But this is more about Trump than it is about anything. NK is not on the priority list. All this does is prop up Kim. A giant waste of time
Overall no harm no foul. Originally Posted by themystic
So no fiasco in Vietnam as the OP tried to fake outrage?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So no fiasco in Vietnam as the OP tried to fake outrage? Originally Posted by eccielover
Please indicate the "fake outrage," eccielover.

I was merely stating the radio silence by everyone about yet another Trump failure on the world stage, highlighting what might be his worst week as DOTUS.

NK has always been our enemy. Kim had his own brother killed.
Trump said he believed Kim didn't know about Otto Warmbier.

Both of them disputed the other's account of the meeting, corroborated by ... NOBODY.

It is a war of bullshit.

Not outrageous by Trump standards. PFC, in fact. A "summit" that was never going to produce any agreement. NK's demands weren't a surprise. They'd been making them for weeks prior to the meeting.

Trump just couldn't stay home, knowing what was happening here.

He shoulda made the deal with Solozzo.
  • grean
  • 03-01-2019, 10:40 AM
Walking away from or refusing negotiations has, is, and always will be part of negotiations. I just don't understand where the must happen this second or it's failed part of negotiations comes into play. But, oh yeah, it's only to gin up fake outrage when it's Trump. Deals are not negotiated and signed in the millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, days, weeks, and often months. Why is this being treated different? Oh yeah again, It's Trump Originally Posted by eccielover
I don't think it's Trump. I think it's becauseit's nk and that's what's happened every time. No one cares because it was expected. That's why its not being discussed.

HEADLINE NEWS..."NK negotiatons stalled again."

Nope just that's filling below the fold.

No president will ever get anywhere with NK.

I think it was a fool's errand on Trump's part to think he could be different than every president that tried before him.

I do applaud Trump's willingness to sit down though. It was a different approach. NK pissed all over that gesture though.

Now it's back to status quo. And that ain't worth talking about anymore.
rexdutchman's Avatar
He walked away from a bad deal and,,,, that's failure because ????? " I guess the liberal re-tards are use to odumboo giving in to Everything ??/

So good try again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,
  • Tiny
  • 03-01-2019, 12:26 PM
The President is trying a new approach. For years, low level diplomats tried to work out resolutions that would curtail North korea's nuclear ambitions. It failed. What we ended up with was a North Korea with not only the ability to produce a fission bomb, but the means to deliver it.

So President Trump is trying an approach of one on one with the very men that make the decisions, Iim and himself.

Kim tried his usual game this time as his Father did before, get the US to agree to a whole lot while they in affect gave up nothing..

The President saw through this, and walked away. Kim knows President Trump is playing hardball.

Since President Trump has tried this approach, North Korea has not test fired a missle. Tensions have definetally been taken down several notches.

The Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrats in our Country hate President Trump so much that they would rather see him fail doing the right thing. Nancy Peloci and Chuck Schumer both praised the President for walking away rather than signing a useless agreement just so he could say he got something done.

This was President Trump's Reykjavik moment. It could have been his Neville Chamberlain moment, waiving a worthless piece of paper and declaring, "we have peace in our time".

He did the right thing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Great post Jackie. I agree 100%. Yssup is mistaken on Vietnam.

It's what preceded Vietnam that's of concern, the bluster between Trump and Kim that sounded like it could lead to another Korean War. Trump has a history of acting like Icarus, the greek god who flew too close to the sun and then crashed and burned. Provocations with North Korea and Iran over nuclear weapons, with a Democratic Congress over The Wall, and with the whole world over trade could end with a war or a recession.

What's strange, he's set on undoing with Iran what he's accomplishing with North Korea. The world is a safer place now that Kim isn't testing nuclear bombs and launching missiles. Trump appears dead set on causing Iran to do something similar to what North Korea was doing in years past.

Trump's mindset probably comes from his experience in business. If you play hardball with your investor, customer or supplier, there's always another one to take his place. It doesn't necessarily work that way though when you're President of the United States.
themystic's Avatar
So no fiasco in Vietnam as the OP tried to fake outrage? Originally Posted by eccielover
I didn't see the OP as fake outrage. Trump always oversells and under delivers. Thats what all con men do. People just get sick of it. Hes been holding a big bag of nothing since the Democrats took over the House. The trip to NK was just more theatrics on his part. The Trump train is slowing way down
themystic's Avatar
Great post Jackie. I agree 100%. Yssup is mistaken on Vietnam.

It's what preceded Vietnam that's of concern, the bluster between Trump and Kim that sounded like it could lead to another Korean War. Trump has a history of acting like Icarus, the greek god who flew too close to the sun and then crashed and burned. Provocations with North Korea and Iran over nuclear weapons, with a Democratic Congress over The Wall, and with the whole world over trade could end with a war or a recession.

What's strange, he's set on undoing with Iran what he's accomplishing with North Korea. The world is a safer place now that Kim isn't testing nuclear bombs and launching missiles. Trump appears dead set on causing Iran to do something similar to what North Korea was doing in years past.

Trump's mindset probably comes from his experience in business. If you play hardball with your investor, customer or supplier, there's always another one to take his place. It doesn't necessarily work that way though when you're President of the United States. Originally Posted by Tiny
Tiny my brother. You are one of my favorite people on here. Please for simplicity sake, just what the fuck did Trump accomplish with NK?
  • Tiny
  • 03-01-2019, 01:29 PM
Tiny my brother. You are one of my favorite people on here. Please for simplicity sake, just what the fuck did Trump accomplish with NK? Originally Posted by themystic
Mystic, North Korea has ceased, at least temporarily, testing missiles and nuclear weapons. And the U.S. and North Korea are talking at a very high level. This is progress. If momentum continues, maybe we can negotiate something like what we did with Iran.
LexusLover's Avatar
But as to why it's not being talked about,.... Originally Posted by grean
By whom? The only ones (news hounds") "not talking about it" were busy talking about his convict lawyer who admitted there was not "collusion" with HIS CLIENT'S campaign organization and the Russians ala Putin. Wait until the LameStreamMedia starts calling him a liar ... AGAIN!!!!

Oh, and YR is "talking about" why it's not being talked about!!!!

Personally IMO the Convict Lawyer got too much air time!!!

Even Fox News gave him too much time.
Hotrod511's Avatar
I don't understand why everyone thinks America should suck another country's dick when they have been adamant about how they would destroy us.

Screw being a kiss ass.. Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
We already had 8 years of that kind of administration
Hotrod511's Avatar
Mystic, North Korea has ceased, at least temporarily, testing missiles and nuclear weapons. And the U.S. and North Korea are talking at a very high level. This is progress. If momentum continues, maybe we can negotiate something like what Obama did with Iran. Originally Posted by Tiny

and how did that work out
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't think it's Trump. I think it's becauseit's nk and that's what's happened every time. No one cares because it was expected. That's why its not being discussed.

I think it was a fool's errand on Trump's part to think he could be different than every president that tried before him.
Originally Posted by grean
As for not talking about it ... his haters aren't talking about it and that's because they were afraid he'd cut a deal ....

and still are afraid he will. And he may just do that.

Secondly on the other point ... the only "fool" is Rocket Boy!

He, like you, "assumed" Trump is like the others. It's a long train ride back to darkness empty handed.

I recall Madam AllWrong getting all giddy about getting some roses at her hotel room!

It wasn't Rocket Boy who gave them. He was busy having his mistress burned up with a flame thrower.