Wow..just wow!

Nope not here

Originally Posted by mojojo213
EA, you are my 'evil' twin. Thanks for your sobriety! I need you bro'. I'm like a wild child.
Wakeup's Avatar
Prebook threAD...
dearhunter's Avatar
The best laid plans.......
boardman's Avatar
This is the same woman who bashed the hell outa Texas, me and InTrouble in a thread on 8/10, called us all "cheap" and said:

<There is a reason I would never travel to TX lol. >

Truly Amazing.
Sarunga's Avatar
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere displeasure for closing mijo's "conspiracy" thread.

Come on guys....when did we lose our supposed sense of humor. It would have been quite interesting to see how the "conspiracy" unfolded....and how LR kept "fucking" with Texas.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Where was that thread?