Chrissy Teigen, I love you...

ExNYer, of all the fag, homo and poop epithets and comments on here, you get upset at Whirly's? Geez. I agree it is playground humor, which is why I rarely, if ever, use those types of insults, (However, I use plenty of other playground insults, which I think are quite humorous and clever, but I digress,) but come on. Grow up. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Are you two giving each other reach-arounds now?
ExNYer, of all the fag, homo and poop epithets and comments on here, you get upset at Whirly's? Geez. I agree it is playground humor, which is why I rarely, if ever, use those types of insults, (However, I use plenty of other playground insults, which I think are quite humorous and clever, but I digress,) but come on. Grow up. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

And this comes from the cartoon expert? LMAO
NewYawker chides the use of "6th grade" humor; and resorts to 3rd Grader replies..........

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  • Old-T
  • 05-16-2013, 07:15 AM
Oh, wow. Nice. Very, very nice!

(Apologies to Whirlaway if I bumped one of his obsessive-compulsive threads off the front page.) Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Don't worry, he'll start 50 new ones in an hour if he needs to. They will all be clones of each other, and it's very questionable whether any will be worth the time to read, but he has this very psycotic NEED to have at least half the threads on the first page. He's like a swarm of mosquitoes--no matter what you do the pest will be there.

But nonetheless, I think most folks would consider bumping THESE photos to the top is a good thing.
NewYawker chides the use of "6th grade" humor; and resorts to 3rd Grader replies.......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So, you don't deny that you and COG are giving mutual reach-arounds, eh, ellipsis abuser ?
She's fiesty too. I love the way she goes after the fem-nazies. She's absolutely correct in saying the fem-nazies don't have to support women just because they spread their legs. The teen mom is a slut and knows how to use it in her favor to get media attention.
Don't worry, he'll start 50 new ones in an hour if he needs to. They will all be clones of each other, and it's very questionable whether any will be worth the time to read, but he has this very psycotic NEED to have at least half the threads on the first page. He's like a swarm of mosquitoes--no matter what you do the pest will be there.

But nonetheless, I think most folks would consider bumping THESE photos to the top is a good thing. Originally Posted by Old-T
Yep! True to form, Whirlaway spammed the thread right off the first page.

But I'm with ya!

This thread is one that deserves to be bumped. Nice pics!
I'll admit that I couldn't place the name offhand. Rang a bell, but perhaps I don't stay "abreast" of things closely enough.

But those are some damned fine pics!