911 Where were you?

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  • 09-14-2018, 05:42 PM
Oh, I dare any of you to contact the company that handles the archives for WTAE, and see if you can get a copy of that days noon broadcast, I did, and, they don't have it available.

That's like not saving the papers that were printed the day after Pearl Harbor, and trying to deny the Japanese did it.
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  • Devo
  • 09-14-2018, 05:42 PM
Oh, I dare any of you to contact the company that handles the archives for WTAE, and see if you can get a copy of that days noon broadcast, I did, and, they don't have it available.

That's like not saving the papers that were printed the day after Pearl Harbor, and trying to deny the Japanese did it.
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  • 09-14-2018, 06:12 PM
I watched the interview also. The woman was outside hanging clothes on the line when she saw a fireball in the sky. Originally Posted by swigs
Yep you did see it, because I did not mention what she was doing when she saw the jet.

You are exactly right, I can't remember if she said laundry, or warsh.
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  • 09-14-2018, 06:13 PM
Further, Westmoreland County took the Todd Beemer call.

Think you'll ever hear it played? Its buried deeper than the CIA's complicity in the Kennedy assassination.
  • swigs
  • 09-14-2018, 06:23 PM
Frickin gov.
Part of the reason for my "anger" on the anniversary.
Huge cover-up
I also knew a reservist who was on cleanup duty, he claimed there was no debris bigger than your hand, now bear in mind, this was days after the crash.

Now, I watched footage of a jet that smacked the side of a mountain in Europe, and the engines were basically intact, now, many people saw this jet, and it was flying low, likely trying to avoid radar, and, the woman in Shanksville said exactly what you would expect if it was hit with a missle. Originally Posted by Devo
I'm curious as to exactly how may times you've seen an aircraft hit by a missile?

The worst remnant of 9/11, after the memories of the tragedy, are truthers. Seriously.
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  • 09-15-2018, 01:09 PM
I'm curious as to exactly how may times you've seen an aircraft hit by a missile?

The worst remnant of 9/11, after the memories of the tragedy, are truthers. Seriously. Originally Posted by tannana
There are many hours of military film from WW2 on, of aircraft being downed in air combat, its not that hard to find if you want to see plenty of it.

And, I feel the worst remnant of any government cover up, are the people who eat the propaganda the government puts out to cover their own asses, or, their fuck ups.

From Ruby Ridge, to Waco, to 9/11, there is clear evidence right in front of our faces, but, most won't take the time to think beyond what the government wants us to believe.

And, perhaps under the propaganda, laying low, is the evidence, no one wants you to hear, did you notice I said that Westmoreland county took the "Lets roll" call, it was a local operator on the 911 line, and there were other officials at the 911 center when the FBI came in and seized all the tapes, and redundant back ups of the commo that came in.

Think beyond what you are told, and listen to people talk, from people who were on the ground, ex Air Force people who have now retired, etc.

The evidence is out there.

They shot flight 93 down, and its not just about protecting the white house, its about protecting the ability to drop civilian aircraft, if needed, and, no one finding out how good our defenses are to do so.

I don't care they dropped the jet, I mean, I do, because its an unasked sacrifice, and fighting back, even though for decades, passengers were told not to, makes the tale sound alot better, but, we still watched Americans die, to protect a president, and property.

Have you ever been to the memorial? Whats amazing, is the nothingness that surrounds it, IF, you wanted to drop a plane, between Pittsburgh, and DC, thats a perfect, PERFECT area to do it, further, there were no roads there, so, it also kept prying eyes out.

Fucks sake, a jet comes down a mile from me, I'm quadding my ass up there to see what the hell is going on.

That wasn't an option here.

Coincidence? Sure.
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Just Incase you missed it the first time:


BTW, has anybody found that Bomber that crashed into the Mon River with nukes aboard after WW2?
They found a seat cushion Bam. That was all they admitted to.

The gubernment once dropped one in the Appalachian mountains long ago with a couple huge bombs on it.
The local hillbillies took turns guarding it until the authorities got to the remote location.
Lots of old folks with pictures of cuzin Zeke or Jeff with the plane
The evidence is out there.
Originally Posted by Devo
No, it isn't. But keep thinking it is. Someone will make money peddling that crap to someone--you might as well help the economy is some way. As an aside: there are things that the government has covered up. Flight 93 (or, for that matter, what happened on 9/11, as opposed to the Bushies having specific warning it was going to happen) aren't on the list.
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  • Devo
  • 09-16-2018, 04:27 PM
No, it isn't. But keep thinking it is. Someone will make money peddling that crap to someone--you might as well help the economy is some way. As an aside: there are things that the government has covered up. Flight 93 (or, for that matter, what happened on 9/11, as opposed to the Bushies having specific warning it was going to happen) aren't on the list. Originally Posted by tannana
And I assure you, its out there, at least in this case. I have had at least a half dozen first hand accounts of it, and, as long as people fear coming forward, its never going to come out.

You did notice Trump gave in, and only allowed some of the Kennedy documents to be released, not all of them.

Same thing with that, there are too many locals, who were mob members, or associates from the New Ken area, who spoke about their interaction in the bay of pigs, the actual assault on Cuba, the thefts of military weapons, hauling them to Miami to the docks, both before and after Castro came to power, that clearly, there were mob ties to Kennedy, and the invasion.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but because of personal interaction with people, I have very firm doubts that what we have been told in both these events is the truth.
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  • 09-16-2018, 04:28 PM
Or, I could just be busting your balls.