I’m sure this will piss off someone but I must say…

This can be fixed easily, don't overpay hookers more then their worth. Try this for 2 months and most will wake up, most will break the first week! Just like corporations took advantage, they also did it..... Originally Posted by BLM69
Ah but value is in the eye of the buyer. Who decides what a hooker is worth? They charge the rates they do because they can. If I am happy paying "x" for a product or service and feel happy with the value received, I have not overpaid. The few times I feel i overpaid was with the "bargain" ladies.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-14-2022, 02:43 PM
Ah but value is in the eye of the buyer. Who decides what a hooker is worth? They charge the rates they do because they can. If I am happy paying "x" for a product or service and feel happy with the value received, I have not overpaid. The few times I feel i overpaid was with the "bargain" ladies. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
I decide what she's worth since I'm the consumer, I understand your points, you're a smart guy and know a Toyota budget car isn't worth 500k, it's just not worth it! Why try to justify that it may be worth that to someone else.

Things are what they are, but you have the right to your beliefs, this is why things are what they are today
I decide what she's worth since I'm the consumer, I understand your points, you're a smart guy and know a Toyota budget car isn't worth 500k, it's just not worth it! Why try to justify that it may be worth that to someone else.

Things are what they are, but you have the right to your beliefs, this is why things are what they are today Originally Posted by BLM69
You sir are correct. You decide cost/value for you. You are never wrong paying what you feel the value is. I, for one, never have felt the need to justify what I spend to anyone but myself.
TexTushHog's Avatar
At the not insubstantial risk of bringing left wing Democratic sensibilities to this thread, aren’t corporations supposed to maximize profits? They have a fiduciary legal obligation to their shareholders to do exactly that. What is wrong with that? Absent some well documented market failure in the relevant market, they’re doing so benefits us all.
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 12-14-2022, 03:17 PM
To me…emphasis on me…I feel in regards to the whole value thing as so….It would be different if they didn’t give it up for free at some point in their life, some more than others. If they always charged every single time they engaged in any type of play since the opportunity presented itself, then it would be easier for me to jump on board with the her value argument. But it kinda loses its validity when at some point she offers the same product for free. Maybe I’m just an ass but I feel the only pussy with value is the virgin marys.
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 12-14-2022, 03:21 PM
At the not insubstantial risk of bringing left wing Democratic sensibilities to this thread, aren’t corporations supposed to maximize profits? They have a fiduciary legal obligation to their shareholders to do exactly that. What is wrong with that? Absent some well documented market failure in the relevant market, they’re doing so benefits us all. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

If that was so then why are there ethics codes put in place? And why are monopoly’s illegal? What better way to maximize if you’re the only product offered.
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 12-14-2022, 05:12 PM
I mean..er…of course the pussy isn’t the item of value. Time. It’s my time that is what’s valued…there is zero vag being sold here, there, and anywhere…>tugs at collar<
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-14-2022, 11:22 PM
Some give it for free, some give it for cheap, some are delusional on what their "Time" is worth. Men value purity, hookers value desperate simps
ahab11's Avatar
Maybe I’m just an ass but I feel the only pussy with value is the virgin marys. Originally Posted by CD3
For someone living in a Van Down by the River the woman can be quite philosophical. Mad Props to you babe!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Other than the OP, I doubt any other providers post in this thread due to the fact that they are going to get lit up more than they would normally do whenever they post. Reason being, they have no good reason as to why they have doubled or more their donation rates over the last two years or so.

The ladies have made plenty of money over the years prior and the 10 or 15% by the day increase in hotel rooms along with any other cost increase should really not affect them much. But, whenever they say cost of living increase has made them raise their rates, what they are talking about is usually boob jobs, Gucci purses, unmentionables, ect. which has absolutely nothing to do with the cost of living.

The ladies who I see on a regular basis for P4P, have me grandfathered in where I pre covid rates. I am also sure that they have many other clients that they have done the same thing with. Does that mean that the ladies cannot afford to eat, buy necessities or pay for their hotel room? The ladies I'm talking about have there in calls at four and five star hotels, not roach-infested cheap motels.
TAZ's Avatar
  • TAZ
  • 12-15-2022, 07:23 AM
BLM & WC Spot on.
All this has certainly changed my behavior.
-I have sworn off studios (that environment is simply not worth what they are charging)
-I now have several grandfathered at a decent rate.
-I work this board harder than I ever did to find the diamond in the rough....and it works.

So many ladies out there charging way over what they are worth. I am just not gonna do it.
The key is like the way to behave in a Casino. Have a loss limit and get the hell out if you hit it. Same with the ladies. set a limit and stick to it, shar it with the ones you are interested in, then see what happens. If enough of us would do this, things would change. But, too many are thinking with the little head and have more money than brains. Do so math, if you are going to engage with a girl for $500, compound that payment at just 5% until you are 65 (you will probably live to about 80). That is what it really cost you to be with her.
You all are too funny ROFLMAO

As a buyer, I want to pay as little as possable for goods or services. If I dont want to pay market prices, than I have no grounds to complain when I cannot get the quality I want or I have to work harder to find bargans.

As a seller, I want to get as much as I can for my goods and services.

As a seller, if I charge too much, I don't sell enough to meet my goals and either lower my prices, add more value to them, or change my field. But if I can raise my rates with no negative affect on my bottom line, I would be crazy to not do so. In fact, I work less now and make more because I have raised my rates. I attract a much better clientale and avoid the cheap customers that are far more likly to cause problems for me. Most of my customers now are used to paying for and getting better service. And they get it from me.

There are plenty of people providing the services I offer at cheaper rates. Good for them. I know there are some who refuse to pay what I charge because, for them, its not worth it. Good for them. I am sure some of the cheaper service providers can do the same I can for a lot of things. Good for them.

I still provide the same quality service I did years ago, when I charged 1/2 of what I do now. And I work 1/2 as hard now. And you better believe I have found ways to cover my increased costs due to inflation, etc. As long as market will accept my increases, I will continue to pass them on.

I know personaly several compainions in the $1000 range. If I had the money, I would drop it on them in a heartbeat. Still might save up for one of them :-) When I did hobby, I stayed in the average range for cost for a lot of reasons. Plenty of escorts I would have loved to have seen that were out of my budget. Ah well, such is life. If a gal raised her rates out of my range, ah well, plenty more out there. And good for her.

I have been here a long time. The complaints about cost never end. And I would be shocked if they did.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
There is a misconception that higher donation prices automatically mean better looks and service ( only a fool would believe that logic), but that has been proven many and multiple times to not be true. In fact, if the service level has done anything, it has decreased.

As I said many times, most of the providers of today believe that they are doing you a favor by taking your money.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
If this was OH2 where the majority of the ladies rule the roost, the OP would have already been run out of town on a rail and banned for life for such blasphemy.

Higher prices don't mean better service. Usually, more grief.

CD, just do what you do. You have your loyal following and are a rock star on all boards.