
+1 GingerKatt
Rinkle's Avatar
First of all, Happy Monday! Its a beautiful day!

I will always hold the door for females. Sometimes to my detriment. Like when going into someplace where there is a line, like Starbucks, they are happy to go through the held door and get in line. And yeah, I get it. But just ONCE, I would like to see someone return the courtesy and let me have the place in line I would have had if I hadn't held the door.

Bitchin done.
Stevensegal's Avatar
Certainly don't think its dead, but some ladies couldn't care less if I held the door. A simple nod or thank you would be nice.

I saw a young lady in her 20s having issues with her car. I get out if car wearing slacks and a dress shirt, and inquire if she needed help. She stayed on her phone and didn't acknowledge my question or paid no mind. Drove off and said F*ck that B*tch.
milfy2002's Avatar

Gingerkatt nailed it.

I'm also a firm believer in traditional gender roles. The further we stray from them the less civilized we become.

If I have to pick between two guys I'll always pick the one that opens my car door for me and refuses to let me carry anything heavy. It's not that I can't do it myself, it's that in his presence I shouldn't have to!

micktoz's Avatar
To abuse an old Frank Zappa saying, "Chivalry is not dead. It just smells funny!"
Holding the door, carrying a parcel, paying for dinner, giving up my seat, etc. Just seems like the right thing to do.
As does treating a hooker like a respected professional.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I have a son and I will just about smack him in the head when I see him not open a door for a lady. He's a very unaware young man. I think too many people are oblivous to what's going on around them, especially if it doesn't light up and make noise like a video game. It seems common courtesy, just isn't very common.

I've always appreciated a gent willing to hold a door for me. I don't expect a car door to be opened, but if we're going on a date and he doesn't hold the door open for me, there won't be a second date lol
Some of ladies appreciate Chivalry

Let's me know I have a gentleman around me.
I have a son and I will just about smack him in the head when I see him not open a door for a lady. He's a very unaware young man. I think too many people are oblivous to what's going on around them, especially if it doesn't light up and make noise like a video game. It seems common courtesy, just isn't very common.

I've always appreciated a gent willing to hold a door for me. I don't expect a car door to be opened, but if we're going on a date and he doesn't hold the door open for me, there won't be a second date lol Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
My son still does to this day. My daughter was raised to allow them to and to say thank you. It definitely works both ways.
If a woman pauses to give the man an opportunity to be a gentleman, she will soon learn if he is concerned about her or himself.
I always hold the door for women, especially older, mature women. The younger women haven't earned it yet, don't know how TO ALLOW a man to be a gentleman ( like waiting until you hold the door for her ).

I am pleased to do so for almost every woman. And when they don't say ' thank you ', I always say " you're welcome " simply to twist their noses in it. It is the misogynist in me.

I give my seat up to women, I hold their arms and lead them across the street, upstairs, or into a room. They dig that.

Unfortunately, all of the social distortions which have led us into a PC world has also diluted traditional roles and expectations. Women want to go into combat. Fuck that. I prefer women who are ladies in public and sluts in the bedroom. Her orgasm(S) first, then mine ! I will always hold their doors !
  • anita
  • 04-12-2016, 11:58 AM
Chilvary is only rare when men in their 20's are involved. I haven't met one man over 30 recently who wasn't a gentleman. Having a man walking up to me with flowers, pushing my chair at the restaurant, opening doors, carrying heavy bags for me makes me feel feminine and beautiful. One night it was raining heavily, I was on a date and as soon as the rain stopped we walked outside. The water on the ground was almost up to our knees. He carried me all the way to his car. That was the sweetest thing ever.

I like the fact that nice guys finish last, that's why I'm looking for them *slowly winks*
johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Chivalry isn't dead. Just takes time for younger men to use it because their parents didn't teach chivalry to them, as they should have done.

It always pays to be a Gentleman.
plove35's Avatar
It is not dead. I hold doors, let ladies walk out of the elevator before me, etc... just how I was raised, and I am from the north.
Stealthguy's Avatar
I like the fact that nice guys finish last, that's why I'm looking for them *slowly winks*

Nice one, Anita. My nomination for quote of the year!
  • anita
  • 04-12-2016, 09:50 PM
I like the fact that nice guys finish last, that's why I'm looking for them *slowly winks*

Nice one, Anita. My nomination for quote of the year! Originally Posted by Stealthguy
Thank you love