The more Biden speaks ,, the dumber the morons that cast a vote

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

On the other hand, what major accomplishments did Trump have in 4 years in office?

Meanwhile . . .

Poll: Biden's standing improves, while Trump slumps with Republican voters Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

leftist nonsense, speedy. The Atlantic? these are all far left opinion sites. let's look at upworthy (where did you run across this rag?)

Upworthy is a website dedicated to positive storytelling. It was started in March 2012 by Eli Pariser, the former executive director of MoveOn, and Peter Koechley, the former managing editor of The Onion. One of Facebook's co-founders, Chris Hughes, was an early investor. In 2017, the company was acquired by Good Worldwide. Between the two platforms, they reached 100MM people a month.[2][3][4][5][6][7]

Upworthy's stated mission is "to change what the world pays attention to."[8]

far left progressive sources/opinion articles mean nothing.

even the Chicago Sun-Times, the least biased of your sources is rated "leans Left"

Holy smokes you people like to talk amongst yourselves. Post all you want it still doesn't make it true.

How many people that worked for him called Biden a fucking moron?

Tick tok tick tok
Name 5 Biden policies that have actually worked or improved the country or economy.

I can't name a single one. Originally Posted by farmstud60

That's cause you have your head up Trumps ass.

Protected marriage equality
In December of 2022, President Biden signed landmark legislation that enshrined marriage equality protections into federal law. The bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act provides security to millions of LGBTQ+ and interracial couples by guaranteeing that the federal government will recognize and protect their marriages.

In signing this historic legislation, President Biden built on his work to advance full equality for LGBTQ+ Americans. In his first two years, President Biden signed executive orders to reverse the discriminatory ban on transgender service members and strengthen LGBTQ+ non-discrimination protections.

Changing our failed approach to marijuana
President Biden took action to end our failed approach to marijuana by pardoning all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession.

In doing so, President Biden removed a burden to employment, housing, and educational opportunities for thousands of Americans.

The President also initiated a review process into how marijuana is scheduled under federal law and urged governors across the country to follow his lead by pardoning state level convictions of simple marijuana possession.

Student loan debt relief for working and middle class Americans
President Biden announced a plan to forgive up to $10,000 of debt for individuals making less than $125,000 a year. For Americans in that group who received Pell Grants during college, President Biden’s plan would forgive up to $20,000 in student loan debt – providing relief to those who need it most.

As a result of President Biden’s bold action, up to 43 million Americans would benefit from targeted relief. Up to 20 million Americans would have their loans fully canceled.

Under the President’s student loan debt plan, nearly 90% of relief dollars will go to borrowers earning less than $75,000 a year. Through targeted action, President Biden is building on his promise to grow the economy from the bottom up and middle out.

The President is also taking action to make the student loan system more manageable for current and future borrowers by cutting monthly payment rates in half for undergraduate loans. Critically, the Biden-Harris administration’s plan will cover unpaid monthly interest, so a borrower’s balance will never grow as long as they make their monthly payments.

President Biden’s actions on student debt will save the average borrower more than $1,000 a year and make sure that working people have a shot at a college degree without the fear of being saddled with insurmountable debt.

Revitalizing American manufacturing
President Biden is leading America through a manufacturing boom. Since the President took office, the United States has created hundreds of thousands of new manufacturing jobs and companies have announced more than $300 billion in manufacturing investments across the United States.

President Biden signed the landmark CHIPS and Science Act into law to help lower the cost of everyday goods, strengthen American manufacturing and innovation, create good-paying jobs, and bolster our national security.

The CHIPS and Science Act will help us compete with China by bringing manufacturing jobs back to America. The law makes historic investments in manufacturing and research to accelerate the industries of the future and set America up to win the economic competition for the 21st century.

Signed the Inflation Reduction Act
President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act to bring down costs, reduce the deficit, and take aggressive action on climate – all paid for by making sure the largest corporations and billionaire tax cheats finally pay their fair share in taxes.

This historic legislation lowers health care costs for millions of families and allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices for the first time. The Inflation Reduction Act caps seniors’ out-of-pocket spending for prescription drugs at $2,000 per year and ensures no senior on Medicare will pay over $35 per month for insulin. Under the law, 13 million Americans, covered under the Affordable Care Act, will see their health insurance premiums reduced by $800.

The Inflation Reduction Act also takes aggressive action to combat the existential crisis of climate change. These historic clean energy investments will help families save hundreds of dollars every year on their energy bills while strengthening our energy security, creating jobs, and getting us closer to meeting our climate goals.

All of this is paid for by establishing a minimum corporate tax to ensure that the wealthiest corporations finally start to pay their fair share, and cracking down on billionaire tax cheats – without increasing audit rates or raising taxes on those making under $400,000 a year by one cent. President Biden promised to make the government work for working families again and that’s exactly what this law does.

Improved health care for veterans
President Biden has long said that it is our sacred obligation to prepare and equip those we send to war and to take care of them and their families when they come home.

As president, he has worked to ensure we make good on this sacred obligation and has signed multiple bipartisan bills to honor and improve care for veterans.

In his first State of the Union address, President Biden called on Congress to pass legislation to make sure veterans impacted by toxic exposures and their families get the comprehensive care and benefits they earned and deserve. In August of 2022, President Biden signed the PACT Act – the largest single bill to address our service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins in American history.

Took historic action to address the gun violence epidemic
President Biden brought together Democrats and Republicans to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, breaking a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation. The legislation took important steps, including requiring people under 21 to undergo enhanced background checks, closing the “boyfriend loophole,” and providing funding to address youth mental health.

President Biden has moved decisively to combat gun violence – issuing dozens of executive orders and signing the most significant gun violence reduction legislation to pass Congress in 30 years.

President Biden has launched a whole-of-government approach to make our communities safer and issued more executive orders to reduce gun violence in his first year than any other President at the same point in their administration. In July of 2022, Steve Dettelbach, President Biden’s nominee for director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, became the first Senate-confirmed director of the agency in more than 7 years.

Early on in his administration, President Biden took on the gun lobby to rein in the proliferation of ghost guns. The Biden administration acted to ban the manufacture of ghost gun kits and make it illegal to sell ghost guns without a background check.

Restored American leadership on the world stage
Under the previous administration, confidence in U.S. leadership around the world plummeted to historic lows. Since taking office, President Biden has worked to revitalize our alliances and restore America’s position of leadership on the global stage.

When Russia launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, President Biden rallied our allies across the globe to ensure Vladimir Putin pays a steep economic price for his unjustified war of aggression.

Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, international confidence in the United States has sharply increased. America is back, and our alliances are stronger than ever.

Ended America’s longest war
After more than 20 years of conflict spanning three previous administrations, President Biden acted decisively to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. Resolute in his commitment not to send another generation of America’s daughters and sons to fight in Afghanistan, President Biden ended our nation’s longest war.

President Biden promised that we’d continue to conduct effective counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan without American troops on the ground. In August of 2022, the United States successfully carried out an airstrike in Kabul, Afghanistan, that killed Ayman al-Zawahiri, who was a key architect behind the 9/11 attacks and Osama bin Laden’s successor as head of Al Qaeda.

In acting to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, President Biden ended an era of major military operations to remake other countries and refocused our national security efforts on the threats of today – not the threats of 2001.

Took action to address gender-based violence
In 1994, then-Senator Biden authored the Violence Against Women Act which provided legal protection against domestic violence and sexual assault for 28 years until it was allowed to expire under the Trump administration.

As President, Joe Biden broke through two years of Republican obstruction and signed legislation in March 2022 to reauthorize and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act.

Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, the Violence Against Women Act is now reauthorized through 2027 and includes new provisions to expand legal services for survivors and support underserved communities.

President Biden also signed historic legislation ending forced arbitration of sexual assault and sexual harassment, protecting survivors and making it safer to report harassment in the workplace.

Passed the American Rescue Plan
President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act into law, an unprecedented $1.9 trillion package that helped combat COVID-19 and supercharge a historic economic recovery.

The American Rescue Plan:

Helped get over 500 million shots in arms, distribute millions of therapeutics, and dramatically expand testing capabilities. Over two-thirds of Americans are vaccinated against COVID-19 thanks to the American Rescue Plan.

Delivered needed relief to families by sending over 160 million checks to Americans, expanding food and rental assistance, and providing aid to thousands of small businesses. The expanded Child Tax Credit led to the largest-ever one-year decrease in childhood poverty in American history.

Safely reopened America’s schools and made a historic investment to tackle learning loss and address mental health. Today, over 99% of schools are open for in-person learning. Before the ARP, only 46% of schools were open in-person.

Historic job growth
Under President Biden, more Americans are working than at any point in history. Twelve million jobs have been created since President Biden took office, making his first two years the two strongest years for job growth on record. At the same time, Americans have applied to start a record breaking 10.5 million small businesses since President Biden took office.

With the help of the American Rescue Plan, America has recovered all of the jobs lost during the pandemic – and added jobs on top of that. President Biden is leading our country’s historic recovery by investing to rebuild the economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down.

Took action to combat COVID-19
The Biden-Harris administration successfully mobilized the largest free vaccination program in the history of the United States, dramatically increased the national supply of tests, and expedited the development of life-saving COVID-19 treatments.

Before President Biden took office, there was no comprehensive plan to get Americans vaccinated. President Biden got to work immediately on a national effort to get shots in arms. Funding from the American Rescue Plan helped vaccinate over 200 million Americans.

President Biden took action to drastically increase the number of free testing sites around the country and secure millions of rapid, at-home tests. The administration launched so Americans could order tests to be shipped directly to their homes for free.

At the same time, the President expedited the development, manufacturing, and procurement of numerous COVID-19 treatments, including life-saving antiviral pills.

Rebuilding America’s infrastructure
Thanks to President Biden, we’re done talking about infrastructure week. Now, we’re entering an infrastructure decade.

President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is a once-in-a-generation, transformational investment that will help create thousands of jobs and set America up to win the 21st century.

The law provides billions in funding to repair bridges and roads, begin replacing every lead pipe in America, upgrade our ports and airports, and expand broadband access to all. It also includes the largest federal investment in public transit ever, the biggest investment in Amtrak since its creation, and funding to create a national network of EV charging stations.

President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will rebuild America’s critical infrastructure and increase our competitiveness for years to come.

Combating the climate crisis
The Biden-Harris administration is delivering the most aggressive climate and environmental justice agenda in American history. In his first days in office, President Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Accords and committed to cutting U.S. emissions to half of 2005 levels by 2030.

In 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, putting us on track to meet our emissions goals. The historic legislation makes significant investments in clean energy that will create good-paying jobs, lower energy costs for Americans, and advance environmental justice.

Additionally, as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Biden-Harris administration is taking action to clean up abandoned oil and gas wells and making the largest investment in clean energy transmission ever.

The President has also signed executive orders to develop American clean energy, accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, and reduce pollution.

Expanded health care to millions of Americans
After four years of endless attempts to strip health care from millions of Americans under the previous administration, President Biden took action to lower health care costs and expand access to millions of Americans.

Under President Biden, the uninsured rate has reached a record low and more Americans have health insurance than ever before.

Tax credits in the American Rescue Plan that were extended by the Inflation Reduction Act have made quality coverage more affordable. Americans who receive coverage through the Affordable Care Act are saving an average of $800 a year.

In addition, President Biden took action to end the practice of surprise medical billing. By strengthening consumer protection rules and expanding price transparency, the Biden-Harris administration protected millions of Americans from unexpected health care costs.

Nominated and confirmed historic judicial nominees
The President delivered on his promise to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court when he nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. In July of 2022, Justice Jackson became the first Black woman and public defender to serve on the United States Supreme Court.

President Biden is working to shape a federal judicial system that fully represents America’s diversity. Of the President’s judicial appointments, a record percentage have been women and people of color, as well as civil rights lawyers and public defenders.
And the effects of Trump's failed presidency keep mounting. Latest is relaxing banking regulations and deregulating train safety that most likely could have prevented the disaster in Ohio. What's next? I am sure there is more coming..
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
There used to be a saying back in the 60s and 70s during the Jesus Revolution...the bible says it, I believe it, and that is all that matters.

Today it is slightly different...Biden said it, I believe it, and that is all that matters to my tribe.

So, there you go. The democrats are either a tribe or a cult. There's not much middle ground left to stand on.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There is not an accurate number in their. Just because you have a link doesn't make it true.

People that read the details of the " Inflation Reduction Act " knew it would do just the opposite, and the facts since prove it increased inflation. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Then why is inflation decreasing? I don't think the Inflation Reduction Act had any impact on inflation but the FACT is inflation is decreasing over the past several months.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
leftist nonsense, speedy. The Atlantic? these are all far left opinion sites. let's look at upworthy (where did you run across this rag?)

Upworthy is a website dedicated to positive storytelling. It was started in March 2012 by Eli Pariser, the former executive director of MoveOn, and Peter Koechley, the former managing editor of The Onion. One of Facebook's co-founders, Chris Hughes, was an early investor. In 2017, the company was acquired by Good Worldwide. Between the two platforms, they reached 100MM people a month.[2][3][4][5][6][7]

Upworthy's stated mission is "to change what the world pays attention to."[8]

far left progressive sources/opinion articles mean nothing.

even the Chicago Sun-Times, the least biased of your sources is rated "leans Left"

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Rather than complain about the source, tell us what you believe to be incorrect. How about Newsweek, which is considered center?
That's cause you have your head up Trumps ass.

Protected marriage equality
In December of 2022, President Biden signed landmark legislation that enshrined marriage equality protections into federal law. The bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act provides security to millions of LGBTQ+ and interracial couples by guaranteeing that the federal government will recognize and protect their marriages.

In signing this historic legislation, President Biden built on his work to advance full equality for LGBTQ+ Americans. In his first two years, President Biden signed executive orders to reverse the discriminatory ban on transgender service members and strengthen LGBTQ+ non-discrimination protections.

Changing our failed approach to marijuana
President Biden took action to end our failed approach to marijuana by pardoning all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession.

In doing so, President Biden removed a burden to employment, housing, and educational opportunities for thousands of Americans.

The President also initiated a review process into how marijuana is scheduled under federal law and urged governors across the country to follow his lead by pardoning state level convictions of simple marijuana possession.

Student loan debt relief for working and middle class Americans
President Biden announced a plan to forgive up to $10,000 of debt for individuals making less than $125,000 a year. For Americans in that group who received Pell Grants during college, President Biden’s plan would forgive up to $20,000 in student loan debt – providing relief to those who need it most.

As a result of President Biden’s bold action, up to 43 million Americans would benefit from targeted relief. Up to 20 million Americans would have their loans fully canceled.

Under the President’s student loan debt plan, nearly 90% of relief dollars will go to borrowers earning less than $75,000 a year. Through targeted action, President Biden is building on his promise to grow the economy from the bottom up and middle out.

The President is also taking action to make the student loan system more manageable for current and future borrowers by cutting monthly payment rates in half for undergraduate loans. Critically, the Biden-Harris administration’s plan will cover unpaid monthly interest, so a borrower’s balance will never grow as long as they make their monthly payments.

President Biden’s actions on student debt will save the average borrower more than $1,000 a year and make sure that working people have a shot at a college degree without the fear of being saddled with insurmountable debt.

Revitalizing American manufacturing
President Biden is leading America through a manufacturing boom. Since the President took office, the United States has created hundreds of thousands of new manufacturing jobs and companies have announced more than $300 billion in manufacturing investments across the United States.

President Biden signed the landmark CHIPS and Science Act into law to help lower the cost of everyday goods, strengthen American manufacturing and innovation, create good-paying jobs, and bolster our national security.

The CHIPS and Science Act will help us compete with China by bringing manufacturing jobs back to America. The law makes historic investments in manufacturing and research to accelerate the industries of the future and set America up to win the economic competition for the 21st century.

Signed the Inflation Reduction Act
President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act to bring down costs, reduce the deficit, and take aggressive action on climate – all paid for by making sure the largest corporations and billionaire tax cheats finally pay their fair share in taxes.

This historic legislation lowers health care costs for millions of families and allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices for the first time. The Inflation Reduction Act caps seniors’ out-of-pocket spending for prescription drugs at $2,000 per year and ensures no senior on Medicare will pay over $35 per month for insulin. Under the law, 13 million Americans, covered under the Affordable Care Act, will see their health insurance premiums reduced by $800.

The Inflation Reduction Act also takes aggressive action to combat the existential crisis of climate change. These historic clean energy investments will help families save hundreds of dollars every year on their energy bills while strengthening our energy security, creating jobs, and getting us closer to meeting our climate goals.

All of this is paid for by establishing a minimum corporate tax to ensure that the wealthiest corporations finally start to pay their fair share, and cracking down on billionaire tax cheats – without increasing audit rates or raising taxes on those making under $400,000 a year by one cent. President Biden promised to make the government work for working families again and that’s exactly what this law does.

Improved health care for veterans
President Biden has long said that it is our sacred obligation to prepare and equip those we send to war and to take care of them and their families when they come home.

As president, he has worked to ensure we make good on this sacred obligation and has signed multiple bipartisan bills to honor and improve care for veterans.

In his first State of the Union address, President Biden called on Congress to pass legislation to make sure veterans impacted by toxic exposures and their families get the comprehensive care and benefits they earned and deserve. In August of 2022, President Biden signed the PACT Act – the largest single bill to address our service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins in American history.

Took historic action to address the gun violence epidemic
President Biden brought together Democrats and Republicans to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, breaking a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation. The legislation took important steps, including requiring people under 21 to undergo enhanced background checks, closing the “boyfriend loophole,” and providing funding to address youth mental health.

President Biden has moved decisively to combat gun violence – issuing dozens of executive orders and signing the most significant gun violence reduction legislation to pass Congress in 30 years.

President Biden has launched a whole-of-government approach to make our communities safer and issued more executive orders to reduce gun violence in his first year than any other President at the same point in their administration. In July of 2022, Steve Dettelbach, President Biden’s nominee for director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, became the first Senate-confirmed director of the agency in more than 7 years.

Early on in his administration, President Biden took on the gun lobby to rein in the proliferation of ghost guns. The Biden administration acted to ban the manufacture of ghost gun kits and make it illegal to sell ghost guns without a background check.

Restored American leadership on the world stage
Under the previous administration, confidence in U.S. leadership around the world plummeted to historic lows. Since taking office, President Biden has worked to revitalize our alliances and restore America’s position of leadership on the global stage.

When Russia launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, President Biden rallied our allies across the globe to ensure Vladimir Putin pays a steep economic price for his unjustified war of aggression.

Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, international confidence in the United States has sharply increased. America is back, and our alliances are stronger than ever.

Ended America’s longest war
After more than 20 years of conflict spanning three previous administrations, President Biden acted decisively to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. Resolute in his commitment not to send another generation of America’s daughters and sons to fight in Afghanistan, President Biden ended our nation’s longest war.

President Biden promised that we’d continue to conduct effective counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan without American troops on the ground. In August of 2022, the United States successfully carried out an airstrike in Kabul, Afghanistan, that killed Ayman al-Zawahiri, who was a key architect behind the 9/11 attacks and Osama bin Laden’s successor as head of Al Qaeda.

In acting to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, President Biden ended an era of major military operations to remake other countries and refocused our national security efforts on the threats of today – not the threats of 2001.

Took action to address gender-based violence
In 1994, then-Senator Biden authored the Violence Against Women Act which provided legal protection against domestic violence and sexual assault for 28 years until it was allowed to expire under the Trump administration.

As President, Joe Biden broke through two years of Republican obstruction and signed legislation in March 2022 to reauthorize and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act.

Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, the Violence Against Women Act is now reauthorized through 2027 and includes new provisions to expand legal services for survivors and support underserved communities.

President Biden also signed historic legislation ending forced arbitration of sexual assault and sexual harassment, protecting survivors and making it safer to report harassment in the workplace.

Passed the American Rescue Plan
President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act into law, an unprecedented $1.9 trillion package that helped combat COVID-19 and supercharge a historic economic recovery.

The American Rescue Plan:

Helped get over 500 million shots in arms, distribute millions of therapeutics, and dramatically expand testing capabilities. Over two-thirds of Americans are vaccinated against COVID-19 thanks to the American Rescue Plan.

Delivered needed relief to families by sending over 160 million checks to Americans, expanding food and rental assistance, and providing aid to thousands of small businesses. The expanded Child Tax Credit led to the largest-ever one-year decrease in childhood poverty in American history.

Safely reopened America’s schools and made a historic investment to tackle learning loss and address mental health. Today, over 99% of schools are open for in-person learning. Before the ARP, only 46% of schools were open in-person.

Historic job growth
Under President Biden, more Americans are working than at any point in history. Twelve million jobs have been created since President Biden took office, making his first two years the two strongest years for job growth on record. At the same time, Americans have applied to start a record breaking 10.5 million small businesses since President Biden took office.

With the help of the American Rescue Plan, America has recovered all of the jobs lost during the pandemic – and added jobs on top of that. President Biden is leading our country’s historic recovery by investing to rebuild the economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down.

Took action to combat COVID-19
The Biden-Harris administration successfully mobilized the largest free vaccination program in the history of the United States, dramatically increased the national supply of tests, and expedited the development of life-saving COVID-19 treatments.

Before President Biden took office, there was no comprehensive plan to get Americans vaccinated. President Biden got to work immediately on a national effort to get shots in arms. Funding from the American Rescue Plan helped vaccinate over 200 million Americans.

President Biden took action to drastically increase the number of free testing sites around the country and secure millions of rapid, at-home tests. The administration launched so Americans could order tests to be shipped directly to their homes for free.

At the same time, the President expedited the development, manufacturing, and procurement of numerous COVID-19 treatments, including life-saving antiviral pills.

Rebuilding America’s infrastructure
Thanks to President Biden, we’re done talking about infrastructure week. Now, we’re entering an infrastructure decade.

President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is a once-in-a-generation, transformational investment that will help create thousands of jobs and set America up to win the 21st century.

The law provides billions in funding to repair bridges and roads, begin replacing every lead pipe in America, upgrade our ports and airports, and expand broadband access to all. It also includes the largest federal investment in public transit ever, the biggest investment in Amtrak since its creation, and funding to create a national network of EV charging stations.

President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will rebuild America’s critical infrastructure and increase our competitiveness for years to come.

Combating the climate crisis
The Biden-Harris administration is delivering the most aggressive climate and environmental justice agenda in American history. In his first days in office, President Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Accords and committed to cutting U.S. emissions to half of 2005 levels by 2030.

In 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, putting us on track to meet our emissions goals. The historic legislation makes significant investments in clean energy that will create good-paying jobs, lower energy costs for Americans, and advance environmental justice.

Additionally, as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Biden-Harris administration is taking action to clean up abandoned oil and gas wells and making the largest investment in clean energy transmission ever.

The President has also signed executive orders to develop American clean energy, accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, and reduce pollution.

Expanded health care to millions of Americans
After four years of endless attempts to strip health care from millions of Americans under the previous administration, President Biden took action to lower health care costs and expand access to millions of Americans.

Under President Biden, the uninsured rate has reached a record low and more Americans have health insurance than ever before.

Tax credits in the American Rescue Plan that were extended by the Inflation Reduction Act have made quality coverage more affordable. Americans who receive coverage through the Affordable Care Act are saving an average of $800 a year.

In addition, President Biden took action to end the practice of surprise medical billing. By strengthening consumer protection rules and expanding price transparency, the Biden-Harris administration protected millions of Americans from unexpected health care costs.

Nominated and confirmed historic judicial nominees
The President delivered on his promise to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court when he nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. In July of 2022, Justice Jackson became the first Black woman and public defender to serve on the United States Supreme Court.

President Biden is working to shape a federal judicial system that fully represents America’s diversity. Of the President’s judicial appointments, a record percentage have been women and people of color, as well as civil rights lawyers and public defenders. Originally Posted by royamcr
you forgot the big withdrawal
Biden always lies about personal stories. Nothing new there l Originally Posted by farmstud60
Biden has lived the most uninteresting pathetic life that's why he does that. He's simply being carried by the DNC. Liberal voters are too stupid to realize that.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar