In the Dark Recesses of the Human Mind

These are not children. They are adults, certainly legally in the majority and responsible for their actions. This country gave them everything. The wounds they caused will last a lifetime.

If is my opinion, admittedly no more, but I strongly believe each of those brothers would laugh at you and spit in your face, telling you that you are nothing more than an infidel whore (general context) of the US and that they would gladly kill you for allah if they could.

Jihad means war. I did not start it, I did not sk for it or help it continue.

It is good that you believe Christian values. If you believe the second coming will occur, then you should consider what Christ will do to the people who advocate jihad against western nations and Christian citizens.

Old Dingus
I think if you change the word from "accident" to "incident" or more likely, "unfortunate incident", her translation makes more sense. Really, do we want to get revenge against these misguided, propagandized youth, or do we want to know the root cause of why so much of the world hates us and wants to bomb and maim us. They hate us enough to give up their own lives to kill us. They have Imans who talk about how evil we are. They curse us and wish us ill will.
Miss Sarafina is perhaps pointing out the we can try different things to try to reach out to the world with a smile and love, and quit scorning our enemies as subhumans. She is pointing out valuable perspectives we could try.
We have 300 million people here in the US, in a world of 6 billion. Can't we all just get along? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Before they bombed us, they bombed Israel. That is where suicide bombers first appeared.

So, what did Israelis do wrong? And what do they need to do to reach out to the world?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In light of the accident in boston

Once again we see (saw) people crowding the streets celebrating the capture/death of the Evil outsiders (insert your favorite ethnic racial klu klux klan stereotype here) some cheering for the death of a human being (fondly bringing back memories of the worldwide fanfare of end of osama)

Once again the perfect scapegoat. Now as we will continue to watch on the someone else mentioned on here the "dissection" will begin. Experts from all over will chime in same ol same ol like they do with all these accidents on the history & background of those young kids. Whaaaat went wrong? using all logical/rational superficial fancy academic speech. Certainly the common popular most favorite theme scapegoat - were they religious zealots, who do/did they belong to...them vs the rest of us

Notice how instantly we separate ourselves from 'them'. Like there is was never any connection. When these accidents happen it is never ever Our responsibility and we certainly won't open our mind to the possibility that there a pattern a culture of disconnection in our society. It's other groups/parts of the world vs us. Because they hurt one of us something is wrong with 'them'. Absolutely has nothing to do with rest of us.

But we all are responsible for setting up the bedrock for these accidents to happen.
Now I don't know who those kids were and it doesn't really matter. It could have been me. It could have been you. Somewhere along the line they were ...influenced; to see that they are separate from the rest That the most powerful way to make others understand feel what they feel is to show them. Hurt them. Then they will all see. Then they will be understood. And if it means losing their life then so be it. Because they have so little self-worth

What happened has happened and will continue to happen (unless we promote a new worldwide culture) is a cry for help. It's a message a self-reflection of us...What we are All About who have we become who are we becoming where are we going

I have nothing but deep compassion and Love for all these misguided misunderstood Souls ...these are the most in need of our love. And I pray that as we go about in our ordinary lives that we keep our eyes and hearts open to be able to see who is in need, who needs help, look inside of people ...before wounds can manifest and fester into more accidents.

It's never too late to save someone or be saved Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
While I do not want to offend SOTF, and others on here, if you read this post thoughtfully and slowly, it is quite possibly the most intelligent and courageous statement I've seen posted. When we focus on how we are different from each other, instead of how we are similar to each other, violence is result. Subtle violence, like anger, jealousy and hatred, or more overt violence, like what we see in Boston.

Excellent and thought provoking post, Zabrina!
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  • 04-21-2013, 01:06 AM
While I do not want to offend SOTF, and others on here, if you read this post thoughtfully and slowly, it is quite possibly the most intelligent and courageous statement I've seen posted. When we focus on how we are different from each other, instead of how we are similar to each other, violence is result. Subtle violence, like anger, jealousy and hatred, or more overt violence, like what we see in Boston.

Excellent and thought provoking post, Zabrina! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Anyone who purposely kills non combatant women and children is a murderer and should be punished to the maximum extent of the law. If does not matter if they are muslim/Islam, Christian, american soldiers in a Vietnam, Iraq or one those Stan countries. We have tried and convicted many of our own soldiers for war crimes. We don't celebrate the death of women and children murdered by bombs but we will celebrate the killing or capture of those who did those deeds. war there are colateral casualties, but that is not the same as purposely targeting a crowd of women and children in Boston or for that matter in a Mosque in Iran (usually by other Muslims). We all worship the same God. We may have different names for our God, but it is amazing how simular most of the beliefs are among a variety of religions or human philosophies. But, unfortunately we will never focus on the simularties but on the differences. If we were all the same excpet for brown or blue eyes, there would be wars over eye color. Maybe in 10,000 years if we have not destroyed ourselves we will have learned to co-exist without war. But what those two did was not an act of was murder plain and simple. Killing Americans, in America by at least one American Citizan and his older brother. They should be processed via the normal justice system, under LAWS of this country (well so far just he since he killed his own brother when he backed the car over his detained, handcuffed brother as he made is get a way.) But, I will bet if the whole story is ever known, there were others who aided and help plan this act of terrorism
LexusLover's Avatar
It is sad to me that a thread blaming the people of the United States for the killings in Boston would last 20 posts, and that some posters would actually start buying the bullshit.

Are you hoping for a discount on a piece of ass from the OP?
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  • 04-21-2013, 10:50 AM
It is sad to me that a thread blaming the people of the United States for the killings in Boston would last 20 posts, and that some posters would actually start buying the bullshit.

Are you hoping for a discount on a piece of ass from the OP? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The original post and subsequent others have went over your head. Nothing wrong with that LL, we all can't be versed in all things human.
LexusLover's Avatar
The original post and subsequent others have went over your head. Nothing wrong with that LL, we all can't be versed in all things human. Originally Posted by WTF
Nothing in this thread has GONE or "went" over my head ....

... being trained and given an excuse for intentionally killing innocent people ....

... is not "human"!

So, if it hasn't reached your head yet, those persons were,

......... and are, vicious animals.

I am saddened that you would defend such a notion, ...

...but when I think about it ...

.. it actually doesn't surprise me.

Haven't you advocated "thinning" the population?
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  • WTF
  • 04-21-2013, 12:19 PM
I am saddened that you would defend such a notion, ...

...but when I think about it ...

.. it actually doesn't surprise me.

Haven't you advocated "thinning" the population? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm not defending such a notion. That is what is over your head and that you do not get. Probing as to 'why' is not defending anybody. It is actually science. Intelligent folks try and probe the human mind to try and figure out how it works...but most go with the knee jerk simpleton approach. I get that you don't get it, no big deal. That is how you are hardwired.

And I haven't advocated thinning the herd. I have advocated for you old folks to pay for your own end of life care and quit trying to push that off on the younger generation. You are for big government in this regard.

Nothing in this thread has GONE or "went" over my head ....

... being trained and given an excuse for intentionally killing innocent people ....

... is not "human"!

So, if it hasn't reached your head yet, those persons were,

......... and are, vicious animals.

? Originally Posted by LexusLover
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

You seem not to have been able to come to terms with that simple fact in the last ten years. Without doing so you will stay on a lower spiritual plane and be unable to have a robust debate on the matter. Exactly as Zabrina Sarafina stated.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm not defending such a notion.

Probing as to 'why' is not defending anybody. It is actually science.

And I haven't advocated thinning the herd. I have advocated for you old folks to pay for your own end of life care and quit trying to push that off on the younger generation.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Exactly as Zabrina Sarafina stated. Originally Posted by WTF
Of course you are defending the notion. In fact you a facilitating the activity "Exactly as the MiddleEasternWidowSpider is doing ... by fabricating an "excuse" for the vicious animalistic behavior .. and now you actually glorify those ass-holes as .....

"freedom fighters"?

News flash: Psychology is NOT SCIENCE!!!!

And posting bullshit on a hooker board (even in the litter box) is NOT SCIENCE.

I thought you and the bombers make a nice fit: All 3 of you are for "thinning the herd"!

You turn on people just like a spoiled child who didn't get his candy bar when people take issue with your lame-ass logic ... and try to cast poor and well off people by demonizing those who are well off ....

now you attack "old people" .... give your parents a dose of your bullshit ...

chastizing them about how they are bleeding the country dry with .. benefits?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-21-2013, 05:23 PM

News flash: Psychology is NOT SCIENCE!!!!

? Originally Posted by LexusLover
It will be soon enough. Just as medicine was not a science a 100 years ago. That is my point LL, advances are making it possible to but beliefs now under the scope of science. You are just behind the times.

Some of the research areas that may benefit from the BRAIN Initiative include Alzheimer's, memory, seizures, anxiety disorders, thinking, language, epilepsy, brain injury and concussions.
"By mapping out the connections of the brain areas, we'll have a better backing to understand how the brain works," said Sehgal.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are just behind the times. Originally Posted by WTF
Ha, ha! When do you graduate from elementary school?
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  • 04-21-2013, 08:01 PM
Ha, ha! When do you graduate from elementary school? Originally Posted by LexusLover
In the future science will be able to find why your mind thinks such silly thoughts.

You're like an old bloodletting doctor that thinks washing your hands between surgey is a waste of time.

The popularity of bloodletting in the classical Mediterranean world was reinforced by the ideas of Galen, after he discovered that not only veins but also arteries were filled with blood, not air as was commonly believed at the time. There were two key concepts in his system of bloodletting. The first was that blood was created and then used up; it did not circulate, and so it could "stagnate" in the extremities. The second was that humoral balance was the basis of illness or health, the four humours being blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile, relating to the four Greek classical elements of air, water, earth and fire respectively. Galen believed that blood was the dominant humour and the one in most need of control. In order to balance the humours, a physician would either remove "excess" blood (plethora) from the patient or give them an emetic to induce vomiting, or a diuretic to induce urination.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-21-2013, 08:07 PM
... and try to cast poor and well off people by demonizing those who are well off ....

now you attack "old people" .... give your parents a dose of your bullshit ...

chastizing them about how they are bleeding the country dry with .. benefits? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I do not demonize the wealthy, I demonize folks who think the wealthy should not pay an estate tax.

I factually state that the older generation has set up a Medicare system in which they have not paid enough into for wtf they want out of it. I point out the math does not work. I also have pointed out that spending a pile of money on a person in the last weeks of their life is not an option this country has for much longer unless we raise say the estate tax and hundreds of others. The medical profession loves your idea of the nation paying for extra end of life care when the person is clearly going to die soon. You have stock in those companies?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Before they bombed us, they bombed Israel. That is where suicide bombers first appeared.

So, what did Israelis do wrong? And what do they need to do to reach out to the world? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I would apply the same reasoning to Israel. We need to find a way to not be hated by the Muslims, if that is possible. It is very poor logistics, when there are only 15 million of us, to take on 1.2 billion people. We need to make friends with everyone. Perhaps if the US would pay the Palestinians 100 billion to all move to Egypt, we could get peace.