Marcus Bullshitious

There you go MA . . . bumping your own review.

Curious how much for a duo with Lucius (Commodus) Verus Augustus?

John Bull's Avatar
Hell CJ, he's broke and trying to get a little new biz. hehehee
universalenergy's Avatar
The problem is all these "rules" are open to interpretation by the mods. One Mod may think interpret one way and another will do it another way. I once tried to get an appeal on one of there little slaps and never even got a response back from where I was told by mod to email. Yea real fair system here. Originally Posted by 12blue4u

Guidelines only , no rules.
lakecat's Avatar
TDOT, why don't you volunteer to be a mod? I imagine MA could use the help (especially if his business picks up after this review). I understand it's a well paid position and a great way to make new friends. I'm actually being serious, if you think you can do better, go for it.

BTW, is MA now a verified mod now that he's been vouched for?
CryptKicker's Avatar
If you are going to bump this out of the ashes we might as well let everyone chime in. Should have been in COED a long time ago.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Ooh that means I can now post in this threAD without getting points.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You may not get eccie points, but I'm sure others will think of something.
As for my thoughts, there's a new whisky bar in Kansas City: "Barrel 31".
Do you think you can handle any of their open bottle collection?
Being a mod is never a popularity contest. I have done it in other sorts of forums. I must admit that at times I felt a bit of an ass enforcing the guidelines. But, if it is not done the forum dissolves into something worthless. Keep the faith MA!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
You may not get eccie points, but I'm sure others will think of something.
As for my thoughts, there's a new whisky bar in Kansas City: "Barrel 31".
Do you think you can handle any of their open bottle collection? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Second review I found says they have a rep to pour heavy and charge $9 a drink but they thought they were weak. Sounds like a nice place o me.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Being a mod is never a popularity contest. I have done it in other sorts of forums. I must admit that at times I felt a bit of an ass enforcing the guidelines. But, if it is not done the forum dissolves into something worthless. Keep the faith MA! Originally Posted by oldguy57
I try to be less of an enforcer and more of a guide with a stick. :blush:
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Second review I found says they have a rep to pour heavy and charge $9 a drink but they thought they were weak. Sounds like a nice place o me. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Brand new, trying to establish themselves. But a premium pour is the same price elsewhere. Whisky based mixed drinks need a well trained bartender and they're getting there, as they know that's what the ladies want. The Union Hill crowd seems to be going for it. I've tossed a couple Jack and a couple Jameson requests at them and they handled those. The $9 was for who knows, the 1792 Ridgemont is 7.5 if you know what that is.

Amusing to be having a whisky discussion here. My version of points is: Who picks up the tab.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
1792 Ridgemont is 7.5 if you know what that is. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I truly feel insulted. I absolutely love that whisky. But It gives me a headache before I even hit the sheets. So I keep some on stock for poker friends and with them I'll have a couple shots for the taste but that's all I have of her.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I truly feel insulted. I absolutely love that whisky. But It gives me a headache before I even hit the sheets. So I keep some on stock for poker friends and with them I'll have a couple shots for the taste but that's all I have of her. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Don't feel insulted. Be insulted, humorously. Never, ever, admit what you just admitted. That qualifies to be stuck with the tab (points award).

Lexington, KY, 2nd weekend in Sept & Louisville/Frankfort on the Thurs before. Sat. always has a pack or two of Bicycle open between events.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Life is too short sir.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Life is short, the art long. Hippocrates