What the what?!?

Buxom Blonde's Avatar
Haha.. great comments guys.. (positive and negative)
I've never had any problems w crickets.. haha.. it just seemed to be that weekend..

Btw.. Sorry to get everyone's panties rattled over visiting providers. Haha.. hell, we're here now and the phone is chiming baaaby!!!

Play safe!!
I love you magichands!! Some of these other providers need to take a few lessons from you on how not to be so tacky with comments towards other providers. We all provide levels of different services which of corse brings different clientele. As for those of you who know me, especially for the traveling ladies, I have offered my studio location to several girls when needed.
Shreveport has been soooooooooo good to me.. I don't travel often, so it was like a mini vaca, and plus, all my Shreveport boys get to change to save a car ride to Longview.
For the most part, as a provider we watch out for each other. I know my boys keep me posted as well. So while some other providers want to be mean and rude....... just remember... you don't own these guys, they see who they want when they want traveling ladies or not!!
Until next time~ be good or be good at it!!