
Had several regulars in the Wichita and KC area for many years. All were wonderful. Three retired from the hobby and one deceased, may she RIP. All great ladies and fun.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-21-2023, 11:19 AM
I'm always looking for something newer, younger and better Originally Posted by grayturner
Most guys think this way, others settle for way less
If you find the right lady it can be wonderful ... nearly 20 years with my lovely ... Originally Posted by Zhivago52
I agree. Almost 16 years with mine. Different strokes for everyone! Go with what you want, and you won’t go wrong.
I used to have 4 ladies that I would consistently go to. They used visit Kansas City fairly regular. I nicknamed them the "GOD Blessed Texas Girls."
but during inflation as the rates went up and up I had to make some tough decisions. Comes down to a need and wants situation. I want to see all of them but I can only afford to play a handful of times a year. I picked my favorite of the favorites.
Seen the same lady for the past 7 years. No need to look elsewhere. Happy camper here!
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
I love my regulars. It gets best each time we see each other.
Cendell M's Avatar
I love my regulars as well, it’s important to take care of those return visitors for sure!
ben dover's Avatar
Lately the last couple girls I would like to see more have raised their rates and wont grandfather to old rates. I don't mind a few extra dollars but one went up 100 on her half hour and hour rate. So
Cendell M's Avatar
Yes I’d a friend see me at least once a month I’d definitely grandfather them in
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 05-20-2023, 09:57 AM
Yes I’d a friend see me at least once a month I’d definitely grandfather them in Originally Posted by Cendell M

I'm curious about the whole "grandfathering" thing. If I'm a regular and a gal raises her rates substantially, should I, as the customer, ask to be grandfathered? Or should I wait for her to raise the issue? Personally, I would feel awkward bringing it up first but if she raised her rates quite a bit, I wouldn't likely see her again, or at least not as often.
I'm curious about the whole "grandfathering" thing. If I'm a regular and a gal raises her rates substantially, should I, as the customer, ask to be grandfathered? Or should I wait for her to raise the issue? Personally, I would feel awkward bringing it up first but if she raised her rates quite a bit, I wouldn't likely see her again, or at least not as often. Originally Posted by jan-w
Totally depends on your relationship with the lady. I have several regular ladies who do grandfather. Never had to ask any of them, they brought it up in conversation when rates went up. But yes, I would ask if it's someone you've seen for awhile. She'll either say yes or no and then you make the decision that works for you.
Cendell M's Avatar
I'm curious about the whole "grandfathering" thing. If I'm a regular and a gal raises her rates substantially, should I, as the customer, ask to be grandfathered? Or should I wait for her to raise the issue? Personally, I would feel awkward bringing it up first but if she raised her rates quite a bit, I wouldn't likely see her again, or at least not as often. Originally Posted by jan-w
I wouldn’t get offended if a client asks, but I’d most likely let them know I’m raising my rates and the ones who see me often enough I would tell them they’re are grandfathered in

But I’m also the type of girl if they pay an hour and are here 20 30 min I give money back, not a lot of women do that. They say if you ask for an hour and don’t stay the whole hour it’s not their problem ( not all ladies but most I suspect)
ben dover's Avatar
In my case I tipped both girls every time I saw them and brought small gifts. I know that was my choice but am I wrong thinking maybe that should be considered?