You have got to be kidding me!

oilfieldscum's Avatar
Useless thread unless you name her.

That font is freakin hard to read Spunky.
I agree with the OP.. its one thing for a lady charging 150 an hour to look like she has been lounging around.. but when you go over a certain dollar amount you expect a higher class.

Think of it like a restaurant that serves steak and baked potato. Texas Cattlemen's is going to be higher than Golden Corral. Ruth Chris's steakhouse costs more than Kettle.

Yet all these places you can get a decent meal.
I love getting dolled up I will never wear sweats and a t shirt to see you. I'm giving you a fantasy and I try my best to get every detail right. Sorry this happened to you let's hope the next one is better.
Wow that's like a Beamer with cloth seats.
ilsjs's Avatar
  • ilsjs
  • 05-09-2011, 11:36 AM
Agree with OP, no need to tell her name.
Give her a warning is enough, don't need to destroy her reputation.

Just saying!!!!!!
allofamber's Avatar
The truth is this thread is worthless unless you're just venting...

The question everyone should be asking is "Why didn't you TELL her why you were leaving?"....If you dont "TELL" them what the problem is then how are they going to correct it?

I would have gotten to the door and said...

..."Seriously for $300 an hour you could have at least got dolled up for jeans...tight top...seeing that you have no interest in making me happy I'll go spend my money on someone that will"....

Not putting her in her place is not helping anyone.
notanewbie's Avatar
the man hater speaks the truth....well put. er.. uh.. I meant boy beater.
Wakeup's Avatar
the man hater speaks the truth....well put. er.. uh.. I meant boy beater. Originally Posted by notanewbie
Heh heh heh...
I am guilty of the wet hair from time to time. I always have my make up on though. I also always have something sexy on except if I am visiting a friend at his place or hotel. In that case I cover up a little more.
allofamber's Avatar
the man hater speaks the truth....well put. er.. uh.. I meant boy beater. Originally Posted by notanewbie

Correction..I don't hate MEN..I hate little boys like you that have to make immature comments like that.

Grow up.
notanewbie's Avatar
Thanks for clarifying. Although I was a bit disappointed in the predictability of the comment.
allofamber's Avatar
No problem "J"....glad I got to clarify that for ya.....have a great day.
Mojojo's Avatar
I will admit that she was still stunning even though she had no makeup Originally Posted by spunky
I would've negotiated.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I have a feeling I know who the OP is talking about but not positive.....
proper's Avatar
i was getting worried that EA has not figured this out yet. How do you do it man?