Obamanomics lesson

Houston65, just keep on proving that Paultards is an accurate label.
Hitler was elected to power by popular vote, in a democratic election. Took more than a few years for that country to get over that mistake. Originally Posted by O'Mike
Well said. +1
Thanking Arizona for what? John McCain?
And you know why non supporters of Ron Paul are called Freedom haters. Why is it that most Americans love Tyranny and hate Liberty? Originally Posted by Houston65

>> what that saying... looking for the freedom of their chains...
guest042912's Avatar
Well said. +1 Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
So democratic elections are a bad thing?

I work for the insurance industry and boy are they fucking you, me and everyone else. I don't know how many claims I have to deny because of little things. Everything is correct on the claims an I still have to deny it. And we get the claim back with the info it needed and we deny it again for another reason. Oh man it's a racket. Boy was I glad the tea party was on our side. Thanks tea-baggers. We couldn't keep fucking America up the ass without you.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I work for the insurance industry and boy are they fucking you, me and everyone else. I don't know how many claims I have to deny because of little things. Everything is correct on the claims an I still have to deny it. And we get the claim back with the info it needed and we deny it again for another reason. Originally Posted by xxr76xx
If you truly believe you work for thieves, what does that make you? If your conscience is as stricken as you suggest, why don't you step up and do the honorable thing: resign? And can we presume from your commentary that you have complete confidence government bureaucrats will approve all your claims? Let's hope you're right, because if the government denies a righteous claim you will have no recourse. No appeal, no judicial oversight, no hope of any corrective whatsoever. After your heirs pat you on the face with a shovel that'll be the end of it. At least if the rotten thieving private insurers deny your clean claim your heirs can sue .... and win the fuckin' private healthcare lotto. There's the stick missing to whomp the government grandees upside their anointed noggins with, keep 'em almost honest. When the government runs your medical care, it owns you. No problem, if you don't object to serfdom. Some people may actually enjoy being subservient chattels but not me buddy.
guest042912's Avatar
If you truly believe you work for thieves, what does that make you? If your conscience is as stricken as you suggest, why don't you step up and do the honorable thing: resign? And can we presume from your commentary that you have complete confidence government bureaucrats will approve all your claims? Let's hope you're right, because if the government denies a righteous claim you will have no recourse. No appeal, no judicial oversight, no hope of any corrective whatsoever. After your heirs pat you on the face with a shovel that'll be the end of it. At least if the rotten thieving private insurers deny your clean claim your heirs can sue .... and win the fuckin' private healthcare lotto. There's the stick missing to whomp the government grandees upside their anointed noggins with, keep 'em almost honest. When the government runs your medical care, it owns you. No problem, if you don't object to serfdom. Some people may actually enjoy being subservient chattels but not me buddy. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak

I was only thanking you teabaggers. My stock went up everytime these stupid asses stalled the the vote. My stock was $25 when the debate started and now Its in the 40's. I'm so glad they took out the public option. Oh my gawd I get hard evertime these numbnuts riot against the government. My and my very liberal bosses was laughing at these retards for rioting. Thanks for distrusting the government so much. Thanks for putting more money in my pockets.
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 05-15-2010, 06:17 PM
Hitler was elected to power by popular vote, in a democratic election. Took more than a few years for that country to get over that mistake. Originally Posted by O'Mike
Actually he as appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg on Jan 30 1933. When Hitler ran for President in 32 he lost to Hindenburg in both rounds of voting. After the Reichstag Fire Decree and the Enabeling Act you would be hard pressed to use the word democracy. The coup continued with political assassinations known as the Night of Long Knives which gave Hitler control of the SA and the coup was a done deal. When Hindenburg died in 34 the position of President was abolished.
Ah Republicans. They love democracy until they lose. Then its all "Hitler! Hitler!"

You lost, you fucked up the country and the adults are trying to fix it. Please go read a book about history before repeating your Palin/Beck quotes.
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 05-15-2010, 08:40 PM
Ah Republicans. They love democracy until they lose. Then its all "Hitler! Hitler!"

You lost, you fucked up the country and the adults are trying to fix it. Please go read a book about history before repeating your Palin/Beck quotes. Originally Posted by Robbie77007
Ok so back to national fiscal responsibility.

It's funny that any US citizen would listen to a President and believe that he could effect the budget, clearly if you read the Constitution the purse strings belong to the lower house. So when was the last time the Dems controlled the house and passed a balanced budget? How about the Republicans?
Ah Republicans. They love democracy until they lose. Then its all "Hitler! Hitler!"

You lost, you fucked up the country and the adults are trying to fix it. Please go read a book about history before repeating your Palin/Beck quotes. Originally Posted by Robbie77007
I am not sure what you are talking about. When Bush was in power and Congress was passing the Patriot ACT...it was "Hitler, Hitler" then. Hmmm. The common theme is when you have democracy, instead of a Republic that whoever is elected is a "Hitler". In the case of the Kenyan born Obama, he mostly resembles Mao or Stalin.
guest042912's Avatar
I am not sure what you are talking about. When Bush was in power and Congress was passing the Patriot ACT...it was "Hitler, Hitler" then. Hmmm. The common theme is when you have democracy, instead of a Republic that whoever is elected is a "Hitler". In the case of the Kenyan born Obama, he mostly resembles Mao or Stalin. Originally Posted by Houston65
So because stupid liberals called bush hitler, you have to be a stupid conservative by calling Obama Stalin? Well, I think, calling your president hitler or Stalin is about the most un American thing ever. And your just as stupid as any liberal that does the same thing. Call me naive, but I never called bush evil and I'll never call Obama that either.

I used to think conservatives were proud to be Americans. But now they sound just as stupid as the liberals who said they would move to Canada if bush was elected.
LittleSpike's Avatar
Wake the f*ck up ! While you're arguing over who's at fault, Democrats or Republicans, the globalist bankers are bankrupting the country and preparing FEMA camps for those who would dare oppose them. Don't support the party over the welfare of the people, and I mean all of the people. Learn about the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderburg Group, the Club of Rome, etc. You can't win the war, if you don't know your enemy.

Sa_artman's Avatar
the globalist bankers are bankrupting the country and preparing FEMA camps for those who would dare oppose them Originally Posted by LittleSpike
Looks like someone spiked that chewing gum of yours. And whose manning these camps, the Illuminati?
LittleSpike's Avatar
Looks like someone spiked that chewing gum of yours. And whose manning these camps, the Illuminati?
Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Ignorance is its own reward !