Pussies do wear out.

Dicks wear out more than pussies do.
Bettlejuice's Avatar
Good Year just announced the New All weather tires will be lifetime tires and made from Lab generated pussies from Gene Therapy for the complete inability to wear out .
KittyLamour's Avatar
I had a client tell me one time that he went to see a young provider I think like 19 or 20 and that when he was in her it was so loose he couldn't get any feeling and as a result was unable to finish. His actual comparison was "her pussy was so loose you could have parked a Buick in it sideways." She had never even had a kid.

So loose, worn-out feeling pussy must be due to hereditary conditions and not actual usage since I am twice as old as the provider in question and I am told quite regularly how tight mine is.

I do Kegels to maintain muscle tone also though.
RufusXavier's Avatar
Two words: Kegel exercises.

I know just enough from experience and study--you know, facts and shit--to say that women and men can overcome "wear and tear" in the genitalia with practice.

For women, it's Kegel exercises, thank ye, Jesus.

For men, it means getting rid of the Vulcan Death Grip by not jerking off so much.

Practice makes perfect, or at least better.
Don't let these ladies lie to you...Of Course pussies wear out!
You can't continually use anything without causing wear and tear!

I was poking a gal once that had 5 kids and no telling how many lovers in her 40 some-odd years...
We were doing it in missionary position and I pushed her knees up around her ears to try and get some feeling going down there, damned if she didn't turn completely inside-out.
Talk about a wore out pussy...true story.

Originally Posted by Tetas
Yea...don't listen to those who actually have a vagina.

We'll listen to your one-woman experience.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Yea...don't listen to those who actually have a vagina.

We'll listen to your one-woman experience. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
OK, that was funny. A little mean, but funny.

Don't ya'll know that a vagina is a muscle? The more you use it ...

And like was mentioned above, it's true. Some ladies are just tighter than others.

It's my hope that some folks reading this topic will find some illumination about the subject matter.
CG2014's Avatar
I've seen movies where the girl took 3 penises and pretty large sizes ones at that into her vagina at the same time.

If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't had believed it.
pyramider's Avatar
Computer graphics ...
Brandofan's Avatar
Hello... hello? Why is there an echo?
I actually think it's the other way around. I've been trying to wear that pussy out for years and just can't seem to make any progress. On the other hand I notice my dick is slowly shrinking. I suspect each stroke must wear off about 1-2 microns of penis epidermis. Over the years this adds up, hence the "worn out" shrinking penis.

"Doctor" slow
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 08-26-2017, 09:28 PM
if pussies "snap back" as some say, why then arent all woman still virgins? or as tight as when they were virgins? i fully am aware that cocks, even toys, can cause the pussy to not snap back.
Virgin status has absolutely nothing to do with how tight she is. Really ?
pyramider's Avatar
Not all vagina vendors know their product.

I fucked a wife a while back. She had five kids push thru and she worked my 1.3" of dangling death. I need to see her, again.
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 08-27-2017, 07:23 AM
Am total idiot. But I think I can be firm in knowing you've never fucked a virgin before. Perhaps? Because i know, from having my own of course, that the pussy does expand and doesn't retract as when I was a virgin. As with all woman. And if you have done a virgin, tell me, was she loose? Has anyone fucked a loose virgin? I'm actually curious. Perhaps if she was then she wasn't a virgin. But I just don't believe that a pussy cant be molded by a cock, to make it fit better. Again, I'm only speaking from experience, which, we all know doesn't mean Shit on the web.

Also...im not saying a pussy can't be tight if not a virgin. I'm saying that if it can become more loose once penetrated at anytime, can't it continue to do so, or you think it just stops expanding?
I prefer them loose and juicy. More bigger more better