Which side presents the biggest threat of violence in America

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
On the right, there is a simmering but silent pool of folks who are in many ways a-political. They just want to go to work every day and raise their kids. The details and substiles of politics are not things they want to worry about. But when they do her about LGBTQ issues (school bathrooms and locker rooms) and see Antifa/BLM inspired riots they know in their hearts. " . . that just ain't right".

Now we have inflation and it doesn't matter that Amazon has raised their minimum wage to $15/hr, it costs $70 bucks for a half tank of gas in their F-350 work truck.

These people didn't face off with BLM last year and they are not protesting in front of any court house today . . .they are too busy trying to keep it all together as the Holidays approach.

Yet these are the folks who do in fact have the skill sets and the tools to that should really scare the left. Now Rittenhouse was/is a young fool. But he has seen to it that he has some level of training as a medic I read. He is also said to have weapons' training. The prosecutor said he had come to a fist fight with a rifle. And that is my point. He not only brought an effective firearm, but had the training to use it effectively under stress. And with enough restraint (remember he was just17 at the time) to only use it to save his own life.

Rittenhouse is a young fool, but many out there asre not, and for the time being they are staying at home . . . .But just knowing they are there should scare the bejesus out of Antifa and BLM . . .and the rest of the left. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I wouldn't call Rittenhouse a fool. That implies some sort of mental incapacity. No, he was naïve and a bit reckless. He was 17 so that is understandable.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It was an Antifa guy who killed a man in Oregon for wearing a hat. Two Antifa women attacked a young boy for wearing a red ball cap. An Antifa type killed David Dorn in St. Louis. It was an Antifa who shot a reporter in Portland. It was an Antifa type who almost killed reporter Andy Ngo.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Let’s see.

Attack on Capital - the right

Attacks on federal and state law enforcement officers - Left

Threats against elected officials - the right and the left

Men arrested with armories or weapons and bomb making wanting to kill politicians - the right

There were no weapons or bombs brought "into" the Capital and the left wanted to kill a Republican at a baseball game

I think we see the pattern forming.

Yeah and the people in Virginia, Portland and Seattle saw it and voted against it.

Right wing nuts (generally white folks) are threatening to harm everyone if they don’t get their way. Originally Posted by NoirMan

Left wing nuts ( generally Black people ) who do the burning and looting and threaten to do the same thing in Kenosha and New York if they don't get their way.

There definitely is a pattern forming, it's called "a red tsunami" and it is coming to a city and state near you.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I wouldn't call Rittenhouse a fool. That implies some sort of mental incapacity. No, he was naïve and a bit reckless. He was 17 so that is understandable. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
young hero
Left wing nuts ( generally Black people ) who do the burning and looting and threaten to do the same thing in Kenosha and New York if they don't get their way.

There definitely is a pattern forming, it's called "a red tsunami" and it is coming to a city and state near you. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I live in one of the reddest of states. I’m used to it.
ICU 812's Avatar
Even the few Jan 6th protesters, out of the thousands there, who actually entered the Capitol building were not armed.

It is plane that the liberal-left is the ideology of violence in America today.
HedonistForever's Avatar
]I live in one of the reddest[/SIZE] most violent of states a majority Black city runs by Democrats. I’m used to it. Originally Posted by NoirMan;1062654439[SIZE=3

I lived in Metairie for 20 years
HedonistForever's Avatar
Even the few Jan 6th protesters, out of the thousands there, who actually entered the Capitol building were not armed.

It is plane that the liberal-left is the ideology of violence in America today. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Just one of the many lies told
No one cares about Rosenbaum and Huber because they're white. I don't care about them because they were violent animals that needed to be out down
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2021, 03:13 PM
I wouldn't call Rittenhouse a fool. That implies some sort of mental incapacity. No, he was naïve and a bit reckless. He was 17 so that is understandable. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Damn....I agree with cornhole
ICU 812's Avatar
The only shooting in the Capital on Jan 6th was a black cop shooting a white girl.

I am not aware of any AR-style rifles in the occupied cspital building . . . amybe some of the cops , but none of the protesters.
ICU 812's Avatar
In any case, across America in 2020, all the looting, burning and wanton violence was conducted by the liberal-left through BLM and Antifa rioters. "Middle America": the working middle class, the folks who are said to own a hundred million guns, stayed at home that summer.

They want to stay home and live out "normal" lives taking care of work, their kids and their families. Believe me; You want them to stay at home too.

Meanwhile, the folks standing on their front porch with guns confronting a hostile crowd in Missouri were (at that time) self-identified liberal Democrats.
ICU 812's Avatar
Delete plesse
ICU 812's Avatar
I wouldn't call Rittenhouse a fool. That implies some sort of mental incapacity. No, he was naïve and a bit reckless. He was 17 so that is understandable. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Ok: I will go along with that characterization of Rittenhouse. We raised a son who did turn out alright, but at that age it was touch and go at times.
  • oeb11
  • 11-20-2021, 06:25 AM
It's all relative to what your definition of "violence" is... if you get so worked up over one lying jackass like Trump that you are willing to storm the capitol and threaten violence and commit violence with deadly weapons to overturn democracy, that's one thing to me... if you want to march and loot and steal TVs, that's another thing to me.

I define "violence" as harming (or threatening to harm) another human being. The Trump goofballs have proven they are fine with that as long as their master can ignore the democratic results of an election because their master told him it was all fraud.

I seriously doubt anybody on the left will be threatening lives and storming the Capitol if Biden loses in 2024 (assuming he is still even alive then). In all seriousness though, Biden would not act like a petulant child and lie about a stolen election because his supporters are not mostly full of a bunch of gullible uneducated hick clowns who will believe everything he says no matter how outlandish and nonsensical the claims are like Trump's cult followers do with him. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

LM - you are still fixated with Hatred for former President Donald Trump
and in Denial ( along with your communist Ivy League) of the Violence in Seattle, Portland Minneapolis, Minnesota, and many other US cities caused by DPST Terrrorists Antifa and O)BLM

Nadler denies they exist - evidently You agree.

You take teh DPST definition of Violence - If it is Just 'property" - it is 'Not Violence"
Unless - LM - it is your own homes/property - bought adn paid for with your 'Superior business acumen from 3 Ivy League degrees, and being such a superior , elitist, entitled, and arrogant member of teh racist, marxist DPST party - You just know( as do all DPST party memvbers) You are always "

Typical DPST party foolishness.

NYT Magazine reporter suggests destroying property 'is not ...

https://www.foxnews.com › media › nyt-magazine-nikole...

NYT Magazine reporter sparks conservative backlash for ...

https://thehill.com › homenews › media › 500900-nyt-...

Jun 3, 2020 — Yes, it is disturbing to see property being destroyed. ... Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.

One Author's Controversial View: 'In Defense Of Looting' - NPR

https://www.npr.org › sections › codeswitch › 2020/08/27

Aug 27, 2020 — In her provocative book, writer Vicky Osterweil argues that looting is a tool to bring about change in society.

Aug 27, 2020 — In her provocative book, writer Vicky Osterweil argues that looting is a tool to bring about change in society.