Should Us Progressive Liberals Feel Sorrow For Trump Psychopaths

it is not good for Democracy if one party allows the other to run over them. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You must be watching the impeachment circus when you mention this...
I sure that is perfectly ok with you CHANGSTER you two faced disingenuous troll.
Redhot1960's Avatar
I know he was falsely accused. partly justified, yes, not all. the Republicans set this up when they bottled up Gorsuch. it is not good for Democracy if one party allows the other to run over them. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I agree - until Trump, the liberal Democrats ran over the Republicans for 60 years.

Now that we are debating whether transsexual convicted felons deserve free sex change operations and should be voting from jail, it has gone too far and we conservatives are willing to support a flawed General who fights hard for some semblance of sanity.

Democrats overlooked Clinton's schemes and flaws for the same fundamental reason - he effectively advanced their agenda.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I agree - until Trump, the liberal Democrats ran over the Republicans for 60 years.

"ran over" is a harsh over-statement, you know it. I could spin it another way. Democrats in Congress, allowed Reagan, Bush, and to an extent Trump (even while pushing back) to seize powers that rightfully belong to Congress.. too lazy to assert themselves

Now that we are debating whether transsexual convicted felons deserve free sex change operations and should be voting from jail, it has gone too far and we conservatives are willing to support a flawed General who fights hard for some semblance of sanity.

I might buy that, except the rabid Trump cult was rolling down the Church aisles from the day he was elected, before most of these far leftist ideas were promulgated

Democrats overlooked Clinton's schemes and flaws for the same fundamental reason - he effectively advanced their agenda. Originally Posted by friendly fred
no doubt about it. at least Bill was nice, though, Trump baits you to hate him.
  • oeb11
  • 11-17-2019, 10:09 AM
Trump's persona nd shoot from the hip are hardly that of a "Politician" - which is somewhat of a blessing.

As has been written by better than I - Trumps persona is not likeable to me, however, what he stands for against the Socialist "red" tide I agree with. Nothing on the DPST side is anything other than destructive of our Constitution, IMHO.

Lesser evil of two choices in Nov 2016.

I would vote for Pence over Trump for POTUS any day, from what I have seen so far.
no doubt about it. at least Bill was nice, though, Trump baits you to hate him. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think Trump baits the hatred to make the left commit to bad policies and severe left wing positions that hurt their reelection chances.
  • oeb11
  • 11-17-2019, 02:59 PM
If so- He is doing a bang-up job of that.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think Trump baits the hatred to make the left commit to bad policies and severe left wing positions that hurt their reelection chances. Originally Posted by friendly fred
If so- He is doing a bang-up job of that. Originally Posted by oeb11

master of rope-a-dope?

dunno.. I think Obama did that too.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
no doubt about it. at least Bill was nice, though, Trump baits you to hate him. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Trump baited you to vote for him.
  • oeb11
  • 11-18-2019, 06:27 AM
Bait - Trump needs no bait.

I disagree with his manner - but agree with much of what he proposes or does.
DPST's all stink to high heaven wit their Socialism - worse than catfish bait.
That is the election bait they offer.

as far as the Axis of socialism defining psychopath - their aberrant behavior over the last year clearly defines them as such
Axis of Socialism loves to spout about that of which they are ignorant.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Bait - Trump needs no bait.

I disagree with his manner - but agree with much of what he proposes or does.
DPST's all stink to high heaven wit their Socialism - worse than catfish bait.
That is the election bait they offer.

as far as the Axis of socialism defining psychopath - their aberrant behavior over the last year clearly defines them as such
Axis of Socialism loves to spout about that of which they are ignorant. Originally Posted by oeb11
Reading your posts is a chore, Captain America! Who the fuck are yous anyways, fucking Yoda?

A degen you are. LOLLING!

Clean it up, chooch!
  • oeb11
  • 11-18-2019, 09:11 AM
hh-Reading your posts is a chore, Captain America! Who the fuck are yous anyways, fucking Yoda?
A degen you are. LOLLING!
Clean it up, chooch!

Thank you, poster.

please look in a mirror.