1 PM EST: Obama warns Putin, 2 PM EST: Putin invades Crimea

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Please provide the link to "..... and Obama goes out for a beer with the boys."

In his rush to negative judgement, JD Idiot doesn't allow time for the facts to develop prior to casting dispersions.

I suspect it is probably better to give this a few days and/or weeks to see how the situation develops prior to JD putting on the Monday Morning Quarterback hat that never seems to fit properly.

I can't help but wonder if JD Idiot was as frustrated when GW spent the 5 1/2 years following 9/11 twiddling his thumbs while "Wanted, Dead or Alive" OBL, continued to run free.

Fortunately for us all, OBL now sleeps with the fishes! 'Nuff said! Originally Posted by bigtex
Sorry, but the world moves faster than you or Obama want it to. Events should have demonstrated that to you.

Obama wants to cut the military and it can be rebuilt if need be but by the time it is rebuilt, the war is already over.

Obama wants to blow billions of dollars on "shovel ready jobs" (which means pay of his union buddies) and then he will have time to find money on the cheap to really help create jobs but his time is up and he blew it.

Obama waited to the last possible second to fly to Europe to beg for the Olympics in Chicago but they had pretty much made their decision before he got on the plane.

The people in Benghazi needed help NOW but Obama had to get some sleep and go to Vegas.

This guy is always a day late and a dollar short. Putin read him like a book but you still haven't figured him out yet. The next 1,000 days are going to be long, nail biters.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
A little help for faggot Eva aka I'vaBigMouth

the action or process of distributing things or people over a wide area.
"some seeds rely on birds for dispersion"

plural noun: aspersions
  1. 1.
    an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something.
    "I don't think anyone is casting aspersions on you"
    synonyms:vilify, disparage, denigrate, defame, run down, impugn, belittle, criticize, condemn, decry, denounce, pillory; Moremalign, slander, libel, discredit;
    informalpull apart, throw mud at, knock, badmouth, dis
    "in saying this, I do not mean to cast aspersions on the Senator"

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The problem in the Ukraine is that just as many people want a strong tie with Russia as want ties with Western Europe.

This is a tough nut to crack. President Obama should just say as little as possible, because his words have consequences, especially when there is very little you can do. Putin, who is always the 800 pound gorilla in that room, knows this, and sees the US as a big paper tiger who is war weary from too many battles over the past 20 years fighting other people's battles.

This is exactly the same types of territorial disputes that have made that region of the World a powder keg for hundreds of years. Life can get pretty cheap. For all of you Utopians out there, who think that things can't escalate and get out of hand quickly, remember, WW-1, the "war to end all wars", was started over a dispute not unlike what is happening over there right now.

We should sit back, keep our powder dry, and worry about Americans. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You are right - Putin has found the crack in the armor and he is pushing a tank through it. Actually I'm glad Obama is a pussy who is afraid to fight the Russians, since it isn't our problem over there, and our gay marines might find themselves in trouble against a real military.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Russia without the Ukraine is just a country, Russia with the Ukraine is an empire.

This is another East-West conflict. Ukraine has come so close to a true democratic/republican government and the people have gotten good at throwing out pretenders. When someone with guns comes in from the outside and has not hestitation with using deadly force, you think our best policy is to just stand there and look foolish? Some of you are correct, this is not our fight. Others think that Obama should say nothing but we know that he will have to posture. Everytime he does that and backs down (or goes out for a beer or to Vegas) then he and by extension we look weak. Our friends and enemies have to know that our words really mean something. Someone here came up with the obvious solution; divide the Ukraine. Putin doesn't want that but Obama could do something smart (yeah, look who we're talking about) and start the conversation bringing Europe in on it. Think of Iraq in 1990, if the US backed up by England, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, and a few other countries told Putin that this is how it's going to be. Either hands off or allow the separation. If that is hard for you democrats to accept, then think Yugoslavia in the 90s with Bill Clinton committing US troops to allow peaceful (?) separation.
lustylad's Avatar
President Obama should just say as little as possible, because his words have consequences, especially when there is very little you can do. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Please, please, please tell this to Odumbo. He constantly lets his compulsive need to appear relevant outweigh everything else. He can't even negotiate with Congress, so why would anyone think he can negotiate with Putin? Putin plays chess, Odumbo can't even play checkers. Why make statements like "there will be costs" when you know the person to whom you are addressing the statements will thumb his nose at you? Putin has already factored Western economic sanctions into his calculations. Does Odumbo want to look feckless and impotent? Or is he too stupid to think more than two moves ahead as Putin does?

Speaking of costs, there are 7 gas pipelines running through Ukraine supplying Russian natural gas to Europe. If Putin wants to play hardball, he can make it a very cold winter in Europe. He could also stop selling fuel to US forces in Afghanistan and withdraw permission for us to trans-ship supplies across Russian territory.

At this point the only question is whether Russia will limit its military intervention to Crimea or extend it to the rest of the Ukraine. The main deterrent is whether Putin is willing to provoke a full-fledged civil war.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
If you like your Crimea...you can keep your Crimea..
A little help for faggot Eva aka I'vaBigMouth

the action or process of distributing things or people over a wide area.
"some seeds rely on birds for dispersion"

plural noun: aspersions
  1. 1.
    an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something.
    "I don't think anyone is casting aspersions on you"
    synonyms:vilify, disparage, denigrate, defame, run down, impugn, belittle, criticize, condemn, decry, denounce, pillory; Moremalign, slander, libel, discredit;
    informalpull apart, throw mud at, knock, badmouth, dis
    "in saying this, I do not mean to cast aspersions on the Senator"

Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

ATTN : Jewish dick sucker if you are trying to help lustylad out better reread his post idiot.
lustylad's Avatar
ATTN : Jewish dick sucker if you are trying to help lustylad out better reread his post idiot. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Hey Evalittleone, he's not helping me out; he's trying to help out people who can't speak comprehensible English such as you and littledix... be careful with your grammar and word selection, or you'll be next...
lustylad's Avatar
Russia without the Ukraine is just a country, Russia with the Ukraine is an empire.

This is another East-West conflict. Ukraine has come so close to a true democratic/republican government and the people have gotten good at throwing out pretenders. When someone with guns comes in from the outside and has not hestitation with using deadly force, you think our best policy is to just stand there and look foolish? Some of you are correct, this is not our fight. Others think that Obama should say nothing but we know that he will have to posture. Everytime he does that and backs down (or goes out for a beer or to Vegas) then he and by extension we look weak. Our friends and enemies have to know that our words really mean something. Someone here came up with the obvious solution; divide the Ukraine. Putin doesn't want that but Obama could do something smart (yeah, look who we're talking about) and start the conversation bringing Europe in on it. Think of Iraq in 1990, if the US backed up by England, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, and a few other countries told Putin that this is how it's going to be. Either hands off or allow the separation. If that is hard for you democrats to accept, then think Yugoslavia in the 90s with Bill Clinton committing US troops to allow peaceful (?) separation. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
For a lot of reasons I don't think it's a good idea to split up Ukraine. How do you know Putin doesn't want that? Right now he has to negotiate with a sovereign nation for rights to the Russian naval bases at Sevastopol on the Black Sea. If he annexed Crimea, then he wouldn't have to deal with Kiev anymore...

Also, the Ukraine is an economic basket case right now. While we support its Western-looking aspirations in our diplomacy, neither Europe nor the US is prepared to bail out the Ukrainian economy. The new government in Kiev says they need $35 billion over the next 2 years to avoid defaulting on their debt. They won't get it from us. The Russians were offering the old regime $15 billion, which is now frozen. That's a big burden for Russia. If the Russians are calibrating the scale of their intervention, it's because they don't want to overreach and have this crisis turn into a military AND an economic albatross for them.
Hey Evalittleone, he's not helping me out; he's trying to help out people who can't speak comprehensible English such as you and littledix... be careful with your grammar and word selection, or you'll be next... Originally Posted by lustylad
I refer you to post #15 you are as fucking dumb as he is ... Here is your ass.
LexusLover's Avatar
I suspect it is probably better to give this a few days and/or weeks to see how the situation develops ...

Fortunately for us all, OBL now sleeps with the fishes! 'Nuff said! Originally Posted by bigtex
What? No inspectors requested? How about a UN resolution or four?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm sure that Obama has a lot more information about who can or can't do what but I doubt his ability to use it correctly.

  1. make decision: to come to a firm decision about something, or cause somebody to do this
  2. solve difficulty: to find a solution to a problem
  3. settle argument: to bring a disagreement to an end
lustylad's Avatar
I refer you to post #15 you are as fucking dumb as he is ... Here is your ass. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You're referring me to my own post? You are one fucked up moron. What I originally posted in reply to littledix is apropos for other idiots like you. The reason people get you two mixed up is because you both flunked basic English and it shows!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
By the way, Obama went to a scheduled meeting with other democrats. He may have had a scotch.
