Serious funny guys... just dont read this

Then back channel that info to the other providers so a clear cut rate can be established. Originally Posted by JS42

Mandingo. This is all I am going to say.
Thequeen's Avatar
I have been told by a client to dress him take some money and put him in his car or throw him out the window...

I would freak out but I would call 911 because in the end if there is a chance to save him, his life is more important than anything... I don't think I would go as far to tell the cops the whole money in envelope but just he was a secret lover.... Im sure if he was 20+ years older they would know what was really going on..
Angel the numbers lower than you think only 1 in 100 actually. 3 or more orgasms per/week can lower the death rate. as for heart rate I have tested my own ( weird i know ) peaked 137 only lasted couple of minutes the mental and physical excitement comes from adrenaline releases coupled with extramarital sexual activity, in most cases with a younger partner in an unfamiliar setting and/or after excessive food and alcohol consumption. can absolutely be a risk of sudden death.

MsElena I see is very prepared impressed (we need to talk) call for help first before anything else
open the air way I like a towel roll under the neck help maintain the airway and just do compressions until cavalry arrives. easy angel you got this. Originally Posted by bandman
I'm like the boy scouts, always come prepared.

Then back channel that info to the other providers so a clear cut rate can be established. Originally Posted by JS42
You're bad. You need a spanking.
AllThisMeat's Avatar
If a provider died while I was visiting her? assess the situation, begin cpr while calling an ambulance.

One time a provider friend of mine died... The hotel called me up to meet up with her family and clear out her room. I got there first and removed some items which screamed "I'm an escort" and bagged up the rest of her things to give to the family. The hotel staff was pretty cool.
MsElena just wondering what other electrostimulation devices do you have you seam eager
to deliver the shock (AED) must be from lots practice ....humm I was boyscout once
Helicopter206's Avatar
I just hope the provider I'm with kisses. If not CPR might be a second thought.
I see a bunch of guys playing dead with some providers to get them to kiss.

To the provider pack up all your stuff get a different room, clean everything really nice, call 9-1-1, and the front desk. When the police arrive tell them as you were walking by his room you heard what sounded like someone falling, you went into the room and found him just like this, started CPR.
Make sure you have his information out easy to find. But not to easy, pants folded on the table next to his shirt.
I hope this never happens to anyone.
Providers will start requiring next of kin information, sounds like there is a provider ahead of the game.
dirty dog's Avatar
Well I think the correct answer would be for Baily to bounce up and down on my face until I began breathing again.
angel I have to admit I have thought about this on a few occasions. I want to say that most provider have probably thought about this. I hope I don't have to experience this, but if it does I will make sure that I do everything humanly possible for you to see another day. I know that my conscious would never let me leave someone laying there helpless. And I would hope if I needed a gents help he would fly into action like I would. angel I'm just glad I'm not the only one that has thought of this.
Well I think the correct answer would be for Baily to bounce up and down on my face until I began breathing again. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Lmao ill jot that down in my memory bank dd
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-24-2013, 08:07 AM
I came close to a near death experience the last time Grace got ahold of me, if that counts.
BottomFeederKC's Avatar
You cant fix dead with CPR.

What do you mean "what would I do?" You would do the right thing, I would hope. Being an Internet Hooker is the least of your worries compared to the other crimes involved at that point if you should decide to opt-out on doing the right thing.

Besides, there's nothing illegal about dying during sex. Not your fault he was married, a father, a politician, a preacher, etc.

Or just put his corpse into a tarp, and then into an old, used roll of carpet, and then place him into your trunk and take him down to the river at night. Yeah, that's what I would do.

Dont forget to remove the strap-on from his ass.

Better yet - leave it in. Trust me on this.
ok funny guys.....some of that was pretty funny. Of course I would do CPR and call 911. what I meant was how would I explain it to the cops?
say we are lovers? make sure to know their real full name? but many wont give that so grab the drivers license before they arrive. I think we all need to make up a common story in case it happens to guy or girl. that way we would all be on the same page!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This happened to an escort in Dallas about three years ago. She's still around and I've always admired the way that she handled the situation.

He died. She called the police. She stayed with the body until the coroner arrived, which was over three hours or so. And she did what she had to do.

She wrote about it and said that the police were very understanding. I don't think a police officer is going to really mind that he was seeing an escort. She certainly didn't get into any trouble.

I don't remember if she said that she was a working girl. But there was an implication that he was with someone that he probably shouldn't have been with.

Could it have happened? Well, sure. But I believe the body was taken away and that was the end of it. Except for the complete emotional fallout that would cause for the woman who experienced it.

When I'm with someone and they're breathing heavy, I will take their pulse with my fingers close to the pulse behind their ear. It's a good move because it will seem as if you're being affectionate and not checking to see if they're about to faint.

I had a friend tell me about that and I've done it on occasion. If the pulse rate is just speeding along (which Viagra will cause racing pulses, too) then I might slow down, especially when dealing with heavy BDSM stuff.

Men die from heart attacks with their mistresses frequently. And lovers.

I've heard a few ladies say that they would leave the body. I wouldn't. I would do what was right, which sounds like what most of the people here would do.
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
Yes, you would have to know his real name. After he has gone on to a better life, you could look at his driver's license, but what if he didn't carry his wallet in. Many/most times, I leave my wallet in the car during a session. Hopefully, he would have his car keys so you could go out in the parking lot, push the unlock button, and hope you could find his car...then search the car for his wallet!...unless he used a key code to open the car.

But yes, when the police/ambulance arrive, you could just say that you were lovers....but you would definitely have to know his name and maybe a little information about him.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-24-2013, 11:23 AM
I'm coming at this from someone who is a law abiding citizen (other than the hobby) so I don't have alot of experience dealing with LE. So take it for what it's worth. I just don't see LE busting a woman for being an escort, considering the fact she called 911, stuck around until they showed etc... I think they would be more appreciative of the fact the woman did the right thing and concentrate on the dead body and what needs to be done. I see the story Elisabeth just told very plausible and more likely reality.

I find it certainly better than leaving the body, taking money, or covering up shit. Just my humble opinion, and yeah, I realize I could be totally wrong in this line of thinking.

Side Note: What I just said was a scenario played out in a motel or his home. If this was to happen at the providers incall, like an apt or such, man, that would be a hairy ass ordeal. Just hope it never happens.