Where is the outrage and fear.

Randall Creed's Avatar
While we're on this subject (sorta), anyone care to explain why justice is slow or nonexistent when it comes to cops (particularly white-ish) shooting unarmed black men?

When you accept the job of a cop, you inherit the risks and dangers that come with it. It's not a license to be a cowboy. This shoot first, answer questions later has become a trend. Also a trend is that it's white cops. Isn't there supposed to be some kind of rules of engagement? What happened to, 'keep your hands where I can see them'? These cowboy cops go about this way IN PART because they know they can meander around the law (I'm a white cop with friends in high places). I haven't seen in any instances of black cops doing it. Feel free to present proof if you have any.

Just saying.
Randall Creed's Avatar
WTF, over!

Say something, Tim. What, you lose internet access or something? Don't throw in a lil cowardly comment and then run.
It was a hispanic vs. a black guy. Why are you trying to drag the whities into this, unless you are just being a racist?
Randall Creed's Avatar
He was a white Hispanic, and he shot an unarmed kid. A KID. A minor.

Regardless of race, the fact that he did this to a kid should land him in jail ANYWAY. If eventual evidence shows he's innocent, then let him go.
Sure, if there is evidence and he is guilty put him in the gas chamber for all I care. Never an issue with me. I just thank god it wasn't a white hispanic vs. a white black guy, the fucking world would come to an end.
pyramider's Avatar
Cops did not shoot anyone.
Sure, if there is evidence and he is guilty put him in the gas chamber for all I care. Never an issue with me. I just thank god it wasn't a white hispanic vs. a white black guy, the fucking world would come to an end. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Hey, leave Tiger Woods out of this...his scandal is passed and he's entering Arnies' Tournament's final round with a 1 shot 54-hole lead! Let him have his day! Over/Under anyone??? My bet is ALWAYS on Tiger!
Hey, leave Tiger Woods out of this...his scandal is passed and he's entering Arnies' Tournament's final round with a 1 shot 54-hole lead! Let him have his day! Over/Under anyone??? My bet is ALWAYS on Tiger! Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
I was a couch potato yesterday and will be watching again today. He's the worlds most famous sex-addict and we need him winning to better support our cause, lol! Tiger RAWKS!
I was a couch potato yesterday and will be watching again today. He's the worlds most famous sex-addict and we need him winning to better support our cause, lol! Tiger RAWKS! Originally Posted by nwarounder
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Rambocreed I don't know where you came from but you can go back anytime now. You own posts demonstrate the problem. When crimes are committed we are in shock, then we get angry and we want someone to pay. Laws are created in times of calm so that the suspects, no matter how heinous, can get a fair, impartial jury to weigh the facts and get an objective verdict. The Black Panthers, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, many MSNBC anchors, and others on this site have an interest in keeping things disagreeable and the facts be damned. I have a lot of questions; how many shots were fired, where was Treyvon hit, who were the witnesses, what is the history of George Zimmerman, what is the history of Treyvon, etc. So many questions that we don't have answers to. The above mentioned people are not acting out of a sense of justice but to advance their agenda. The people on this site with the most outrageous positions seem to represent the left leaning thinkers here. Is that a coincidence? I have seen some from the right express the thought that the justice system must rule on this instead of the mob. If this was a hundred years ago I would expect our radical leftists to be part of the lynch mob. At least that is indicated from their words.
Rambocreed I don't know where you came from but you can go back anytime now. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Rambo Creed---Don't pay any attention to JD. He hasn't learned how to play well with others yet!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Dude, he shot a fucking kid, and they're letting him walk around.

That should have you fucking pissed.

They're (NBPP, Al, etc) only acting that way because the motherfuckers are either slow to do something or appear to be trying to cover something up.

What's 'disagreeable' about shooting an unarmed kid? What part of this do you DISAGREE with?
Dude, he shot a fucking kid, and they're letting him walk around.

That should have you fucking pissed.

They're (NBPP, Al, etc) only acting that way because the motherfuckers are either slow to do something or appear to be trying to cover something up.

What's 'disagreeable' about shooting an unarmed kid? What part of this do you DISAGREE with? Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Let's see? Hmmmm...
ZimmerFuck (FREE) with:
Stalking/Bullying a female resident...reported to the authorities
Constant and consistent complaints from residents...reported to officials
Arrested (sealed) for assault on police officers...on file (albeit sealed)
(just to name a few)


17yo kid (NO record) (DEAD)

, ijs
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-25-2012, 03:21 PM
The people on this site with the most outrageous positions seem to represent the left leaning thinkers here. Is that a coincidence? I have seen some from the right express the thought that the justice system must rule on this instead of the mob.. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It seems to me to be quite the opposite.

What there is no dispute over is that you will never understand that both sides think they are right....and they are according to their on beliefs. The right and the left just have different beliefs. Seems you are having trouble with that simple fact. You seem to want to think your position better when in fact it is not. It is just better for you.

You are just as guilty as the people you accuse.
The truth is slowly coming out now. This is going to turn out to be another sagging pants wearing gangsta that sends Sharpton and the media running for the hills, or so it appears. It's getting interesting for sure.