She fell asleep!

friendlyguy77's Avatar
Because that's a "drama queen" thing to do. LOL Providers aren't perfect, at least I know I'm not, and neither are hobbyists (except those I've seen....'-) ). Should we name every hobbyist who has been late or canceled at the last minute after we went to all the trouble to bathe for him, put on make-up and mess with our hair (all of which is very time consuming) drive over to our apt and get it ready for him, and then have done everything needed there in anticipation of his arrival? I have a feeling that would go over like a lead balloon....LOL Originally Posted by M A X
Seems like the drama queen thing is to start a thread in the first place. If you're gonna start the thread name names. If you're gonna give the girl a pass then let it go. No need for a thread. Personally I don't care, but it seems like there's a lot of threads started by providers and hobbiests about somebody done something to someone yet they never name names. What's the point then? It doesn't help anyone else if they don't know who the guilty party was, and if it wasn't that big a deal in the first place then why start the thread?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Seems like the drama queen thing is to start a thread in the first place. If you're gonna start the thread name names. If you're gonna give the girl a pass then let it go. No need for a thread. Personally I don't care, but it seems like there's a lot of threads started by providers and hobbiests about somebody done something to someone yet they never name names. What's the point then? It doesn't help anyone else if they don't know who the guilty party was, and if it wasn't that big a deal in the first place then why start the thread? Originally Posted by friendlyguy77
Seems like he was asking for advice on how to handle the situation and since he posted in CO-ED forum, that pretty much meant he wanted input from both males and females. ya think?

EDIT: Since you also posed a question in CO-ED....I answered with my legitimate opinion. Not everyone will like what everyone has to is what it is....a discussion forum.
friendlyguy77's Avatar
EDIT: Since you also posed a question in CO-ED....I answered with my legitimate opinion. Not everyone will like what everyone has to is what it is....a discussion forum. Originally Posted by M A X
I get that. Here's my $ .02 if this happened to me. If it were a well reviewed lady from this board then I would likely give the girl a pass and try to reschedule. Stuff happens, and if she's apologized then move on. However if it were some Backpage girl with no history then I would name her so as to warn other hobbiests that this one is a flake and not to waste their time. As it is we have no way of knowing who the OP was dealing with.

Same goes for all the threads providers start about some guy being rude or threatening them, yet they don't say who it was. Great. Just let some other ladies walk into that same bear trap. IMHO, these type of John Doe/Jane Doe threads don't seem to be very helpful.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
OK haven't been a member of this board very long and not sure if you have more than a few weeks experience with the boards at all. Usually, the rule is, not to name names in order to protect the innocent and avoid he said/she said drama by being a little more discreet. This way, some disgruntled gent or lady is less likely to tarnish another's reputation in a fit of vengeance. Most of us like this policy even if it's inconvenient and down right hard to deal with at times. The more experience you get with forums of this nature, the more sense it will make to you.
If I was plan A you would never have this problem again.
pmdelites's Avatar
I booked an appointment the other night with a provider that whom shall remain nameless. When I arrived at the location at the scheduled time, no one answered the phone. After about 30 mins I gave up and went home. After I got home the provider texted me stating she had fallen alseep. Now, I know I was feeling frisky kind of late at night and a provider needs her sleep, but come on! Am I wrong for asking for a make up rate if I want to book this provider again? Or is it even worth my effort?

PS - my plan B could not book an appointment so it was a lonely night Originally Posted by Singleguy8467
1. she texted you about her falling asleep. + points to her for doing so, at least in my book.

2. if you asked her for a make-up rate, then some might consider you wrong. but you do what you think is best.
if she offered something [discount, addtl time, oatmeal chocolate chip cookes :^}, then great. if not, great. you decide whether or not you want to see her.

recently, i attempted to make an appt w/ a woman fairly new to this sub-culture.
first attempt - she couldnt cos her kid got sick. she emailed me the day before, so + points.
second attempt - she was so tired from watching kid the night before she couldnt make the date. she emailed me that morning prior to the afternoon appt. so + points. but 0 or 2 is not looking good.
third attempt - everything lined up and i met her at her nice incall. after all that, it was average, not special. not sure if i will visit her again.

she made attempts to meet, kept me aware of changes, and finally came thru.

like MAX said, roll w/ it, cos things are not always what they seem in this sub-culture. we all have different likes, dislikes, tolerances, limits, kinks [yeah, that means you PPE], and depths of our pocketbooks. so, learn that upfront, then go enjoy yourself, remembering to not get bent out of shape when something doesnt go the way you WANTED it to.
Pistolero's Avatar
Nah, he got a good night's sleep. Originally Posted by pyramider
Now pyramider, that got me to laughing !!
no your not wrong if she wasnt gonna be up she shouldnt have booked the appt
Thanks again for all of the advice. Max is right. I was just seeking advice as this had never happened before. I was not sure of proper ettiqutte. I'll review once I get the opportunity to see her again (with this incident discussed). But for now she is towards the bottom of my list.